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막다ᄃᆞᆯ다 dead-end
- Translation: dead-end
- Variant(s): 막다ᄃᆞᆯ다, 막다들다
Associated word(s)
- blind alley, cul-de-sac, dead end, impasse: 막은창
- be blocked, be stopped: 막히다, 멕히다
- short-breathed, gasping: 바쁘다, 가쁘다, ᄀᆞ쁘다
- abyss, pit: 구렁, 굴헝, 골홈, 구룽, 굴, 굴렁, 굴랑, 굴렁지, 굴헝지, 굴렝이, 굴헹이, 굴헝창
- out of joint: 어그러지다
- get out of joint, go against: 어그러지다
- erect, make stand, stop: 세우다, 세오다, 셉다
- boundary, border: 케
- screen, shield: ᄀᆞ리다
- halt, stand, stop: 사다, ᄉᆞ다
- shortcut: 지름질
- be over, elapse, exceed, go beyond, past over: 넘다