Table of Contents
들르다 clear up
- Translation: clear up, become clear
- Variant(s): 들르다, 드르다
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 25154 (fold, fold up, shine)
Associated word(s)
- clear away, remove, tuck: 걷다
- clear (weather), fold, fold up: 개다
- clear (weather): 날들르다, 날드르다
- clear (weather): 날ᄇᆞᆯ다
- morning glow: 해돋이붉음, 헤돋이붉음, 붉은헤돋이
- evening glow: 해지기붉음, 헤지기붉음, 붉은해지기
- nasty (weather): 날궂다
- be in drought: ᄀᆞ물다, ᄀᆞ믈다, 가물다
- cloudy, overcast: 흐리다
- at ease, refreshed, cool, fresh, refreshing: 시원ᄒᆞ다, 시원허다, 시언허다, 씨원ᄒᆞ다, 씨원하다
- shine: 초다, 추다, 쪼다
- serene: ᄇᆞᆯ다
- blazingly: 과랑과랑
- mild day: ᄇᆞᆫ날
들르다 hold up
- Translation: hold up, lift, lift
- Variant(s): 들르다, 드르다
- Jeju basic words: 0433
Associated word(s)
- ascend, rise: 올르다, 오르다
- clench, grasp, grip, hold: 줴다, 쥐다
- massage: 주물르다
- titillate: ᄌᆞ골우다, ᄌᆞ골이다
- clench, squeeze: ᄇᆞᆯ끈줴다, 불끈줴다
- grasp, grip, squeeze: 무르줴다, 무르쥐다
- stroke, pat: 어르ᄆᆞᆫ지다, 어르ᄆᆞᆫ직다, 쓸다, 씰다
- caress: 어릅쓸다, 어름쓸다, 어름씰다
- rise: 뜨다, 트다
- erect, make stand, stop: 세우다, 세오다, 셉다
- receive, accept: 받다