Table of Contents
놀 twilight
- Translation: twilight
- Jeju basic words: 0298
Associated word(s)
- twilight: 황혼
- morning glow: 해돋이붉음, 헤돋이붉음, 붉은헤돋이
- evening glow: 해지기붉음, 헤지기붉음, 붉은해지기
- sunrise: 해돋이
- heat haze: 벳ᄀᆞ렝이, 벳ᄀᆞ멩이, 벳도체비, ᄀᆞ맹이
- clear (weather): 날들르다, 날드르다
- clear up, become clear: 들르다, 드르다
- nasty (weather): 날궂다
- the sun sets: 해지다
- blink, twinkle, wink: 끄막이다
놀 wave
- Translation: wave
- Variant(s): 놀, 노을
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 15155 (wave)
- Jeju basic words: 0297
Associated word(s)
- the flood tide, spring: 웨살, 와살, 웨사리, 와사리, 웨삿