Table of Contents
ᄀᆞ리키다 point out
- Translation: point out, indicate
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 23092 (show, point out, indicate)
- Jeju basic words: 0193
Associated word(s)
- point out, indicate: ᄀᆞ르치다, ᄀᆞ리치다
- point at, point to: 손ᄀᆞ르치다, 손ᄀᆞ리치다
- show: 베우다, 붸우다
- mark: 표시
- wink: 눈짓
- give a sign with the eyes: 눈짓ᄒᆞ다, 눈칫ᄒᆞ다
- count on one's fingers: 손꼬부리다, 손곱다, 손꼽다
- boast of, be proud of: 자랑ᄒᆞ다
- rude and arrogant: 가드락ᄒᆞ다, 가지락ᄒᆞ다
- with a dignified air: 거드럭거드럭, 거들거들, 거들락거들락
- charge with powder, load (a gun): 장역ᄒᆞ다, 쟁역ᄒᆞ다
- discount, overcharge: 에누리, 에노리
- expose, issue, submit, take out: 내다
- tell on, tell tales about: 소도리ᄒᆞ다
- mischief-making: 소도리, 소드리
ᄀᆞ리키다 instruct
- Translation: instruct, teach
- Variant(s): ᄀᆞ리키다, ᄀᆞ르키다
- Jeju basic words: 0191
Associated word(s)
- guide, lead: ᄃᆞᆼ기다
- attention: 주의
- announce, inform: 알리다, 알우다〜알루다
- scold: 야단치다
- tame: 질들이다, 길들이다
- discover, find out, grasp, understand: 알아내다
- grasp, know, know (by experience or study), recognise, understand: 알다
- understand, grasp: 알아먹다
- egg on, incite, set on: 추치다, 추끼다, 추기다, 치기다〜칙이다
- point at, point to: 손ᄀᆞ르치다, 손ᄀᆞ리치다
- convey: 전ᄒᆞ다
- steersman: 칫사공, 고물사공