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궂인일 untoward event
- Translation: untoward event
- Variant(s): 궂인일, 구진일
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 13310 (destiny, fate, doom)
Associated word(s)
- have a lot of trouble: 애먹다
- beyond one's capability, cannot bring under control: 아늠차다, 아름차다
- filth, grime, dirt: 테, 떼
- accident: ᄉᆞ고
- fortunate: 행복ᄒᆞ다
- calamity, misfortune: 엑
- acrobatics, handspring, somersault, somerset, tumbling: 권작
- easy, light: 거뜬ᄒᆞ다
- helter-skelter, hurriedly, hurry-scurry: 허둥지둥
- repose, take rest: 쉬다