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구체 disgrace
- Translation: disgrace, shame
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 13041 (disgrace, shame, reproach)
Associated word(s)
- disgrace oneself, suffer troubles, take pains: 욕보다
- shame, reproach: 수치
- appearance, face, features, honour: 멘목
- self-praise: 공초새, 공추새, 공추세, 공치새, 공출삭
- gain honour, reflect credit: ᄂᆞᆺ나다
- disgraceful, shameful: 구체스럽다
- put on airs: 자작거리다, 잘난체ᄒᆞ다
- act frivolous, be arrogant, be haughty: 출삭거리다, 출싹거리다
- act frivolous: 걸충거리다
- rude and arrogant: 가드락ᄒᆞ다, 가지락ᄒᆞ다
- with a dignified air: 거드럭거드럭, 거들거들, 거들락거들락
- act big, put on airs: 거들락거들락ᄒᆞ다
- act big, put on airs, show off, swagger: 거들거리다
- take care, spare: 아끼다, 애끼다
- (unsightly) appearance: 몰골
- bow: 절