Table of Contents
가다오다 occasionally
- Translation: occasionally, sometimes
- Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 31612 (again, often)
Associated word(s)
- at long intervals, sparse: 끔끔ᄒᆞ다
- be apt, too often: ᄀᆞ딱ᄒᆞ민
- be apt, be liable: ᄀᆞ딱ᄒᆞ민
- day and night, night and day: 밤낫, 밤낮
- wherever one may go, constantly: 가나오나
- all the time, all through, continuation, continuously: 계속
- one after another, incessantly: 연헤연방, 연에연방
- all the time, all through, for a long time: 지리
- all the time, all through: 훌터, 훈터