Table of Contents
Fund, property, cash
< theft, cost, mendicancy < activity (mind and activity)
Jeju | English |
ᄌᆞ본 | capital |
ᄌᆞ금 | fund |
본전 | capital, principal |
제산 | property, wealth |
돈 | money |
목돈 | a good round sum |
쒜푼 | a petty sum of money |
푼돈 | a small sum of money |
맞돈, 선금, 현금, 맞전 | cash |
거스림돈, 거시림돈, 주리, 우수리, 우스리 | change (N) |
ᄌᆞᆫ돈 | change (N), coin |
공돈 | an unearned income |
추렴 | joint contribution, sharing the expenses |
접, 계, 제 | fraternity, mutual financing association, savings club |