Table of Contents


Vessel, lighter, raft

< fire, machine, aeroplane < object (products and tools)

베, 배boat, lighter, ship, vessel
매상이small boat
구시베, 구시배small boat, dugout
종선, 걸리, 거루, 걸귀barge, lighter
터베, 터배, 터위, 테베, 테배, 테우, 태우, 테위, 터우, 테웃배, 테, 테윗낭, 터윗낭, 텟낭raft
돗ᄃᆞᆫ배sailboat, sailing ship
독닥선motorboat, launch
겍선passenger ship
주낫배longliner, longline fishing boat
상고선a merchant ship
벳바위the side of a ship
고물, 고불stern, buttock, poop
이물, 니물bow, prow, stem