< culture, bathing, bow < activity (mind and activity)
Jeju | English |
천멩, 천명, 친멩 | fate |
제수, 제쉬 | luck, fortune |
운수 | fortune |
운멩, ᄑᆞᆯᄌᆞ, ᄑᆞᆯ제 | destiny, fate, doom |
ᄉᆞ망, 수치레, 쉬치레, 반태작 | UNDEFINED |
궂인일, 구진일 | untoward event |
행복 | happiness |
엑 | calamity, misfortune |
ᄉᆞ고 | accident |
반작 | tenant farming |
< busy < activity (spirit and act)
Jeju | English |
다행, ᄉᆞ쥐쎄다, ᄉᆞ주쎄다 | UNDEFINED |
행복ᄒᆞ다 | fortunate |
고맙다 | grateful, thankful |
신비ᄒᆞ다 | mysterious |
< Congraturations! < activity (others)
Jeju | English |
축하헴수다 | Congraturations! |
고맙수다 | thank you |
덕분, 덕분에 | thanks to |
잘콴다리, 잘콴이 | It serves you right! |
거봐라 | there!, I dold you so! |