Table of Contents



< time < relation (abstract relation)

직시, 즉시immediately
당일the same day, the very day


Soon, immediately, quickly

< always, old, soon < relation (abstract relation)

거쓴, 거씬, 커쓴, 커씬, 어ᄀᆞ라, 어가라, 어그라, 워ᄀᆞ라, 어거라, 어그레, 얼풋, 걸른, 얼른, 착ᄒᆞ게, 곧soon
이땅, 이따가, 이따그네, 시따그네, 시땅a short time later, after a while, sometimes
단작에, 대박에, 데빡에at a breath, at a stretch, at a stroke, at once, by one effort, immediately, on the spot, right away
담박에at once, immediately
버루기〜버룩이, 버륵이, 직시, 즉시immediately
불각대각, 줌짝, 줌착, 줌칫, 줌막, 춤막, 와작착UNDEFINED
담박, 당장, 당장에at once, right away, on the spot
단작, 대박, 데빡at once, on the spot, right away
갑자기, 갑제기, 갑재기, 급자기, 깝자기, 깝재기, 감째기, 깜째기, ᄁᆞᆷ재기, 벨안간suddenly, promptly, quickly
급ᄒᆞ다sudden, urgent
ᄒᆞᆫ꺼번에at once
ᄒᆞᆷ치, ᄒᆞᆷ끼〜ᄒᆞᆷ끠all together, along with, at once, together, with
단번에at a stroke, by one effort
데번, 대번, 댓번, 데번에, 대번에, 댓번에at a breath, at a stretch
단칼에with a single stroke