Jeju | English |
나1 | I (1st per. sg) |
나2 | →나이 age |
나가다 | come out, depart, go out |
나경판 | compass |
나고 가다 | come out, depart, go out |
나그네1 | traveler |
나그네2 | shaman, exorcist, medium |
나기 | →내기 bet, gambling |
나기ᄒᆞ다 | →내기ᄒᆞ다 make a bet, bet |
나끄다 | fish |
나는물 | unboiled water |
나다1 | →낳다 bear (a child) |
나다2 | grow [grass] |
나다3 | excellent, superior, distinguished |
나라 | country, state, nation |
나력 | tuberculous lymphadenitis, scrofula, scrofulosis |
나록 | paddy plant |
나록고고리 | ear of rice |
나록ᄀᆞ스락 | awns on a rice plant |
나록ᄀᆞ시락 | →나록ᄀᆞ스락 awns on a rice plant |
나록눌 | stack of rice straw, rick |
나록단 | race-sheaf, sheaf of rice |
나록뭇 | race-sheaf, sheaf of rice |
나록방울 | unhulled rice, a grain of (unhusked) rice |
나록씨 | rice seed |
나록찍 | →나록찝 rice straw |
나록찝 | rice straw |
나록체 | chaff, rice husks |
나록코고리 | →나록고고리 ear of rice |
나룩 | →나록 paddy plant |
나룩씨 | →나록씨 rice seed |
나룩찝 | →나록찝 rice straw |
나르다 | →날르다 carry |
나ᄅᆞᆨ | →나록 paddy plant |
나ᄅᆞᆨ뭇 | →나록뭇 race-sheaf, sheaf of rice |
나막신 | clogs, wooden shoes |
나모 | →낭 tree |
나무 | →낭 tree |
나무라다 | blame, reproach |
나무레다 | →나무라다 blame, reproach |
나무리다 | →나무라다 blame, reproach |
나발 | funnel |
나부리 | big wave, rough wave |
나비1 | butterfly, moth |
나비2 | →납 monkey |
나비옷 | →누비옷 quilted clothes |
나비ᄌᆞᆷ | catnap, doze, feigned sleep, make-believe sleep, nap, sham sleep |
나비해치 | →납헤치 the year of the Monkey |
나쁘다1 | bad |
나쁘다2 | insubstantial |
나사다 | come forward, leave |
나사못 | →나세못 screw |
나새 | →나세못 screw |
나샛못 | →나세못 screw |
나세못 | screw |
나세송곳 | gimlet, screw auger |
나스승ᄒᆞ다 | very thin and weak, haggard |
나시1 | share |
나시2 | →난시 Shepherd's purse |
나시세 | tax |
나ᄉᆞ다 | →나사다 come forward, leave |
나오다 | come out, get out, appear |
나을 | →나흘 four days |
나을날 | the fourth day of a month |
나이 | age |
나종 | →내중 later, by and by |
나중 | →내중 later, by and by |
나직이 | →ᄂᆞ지겡이 rather low |
나침판 | →나경판 compass |
나팔고동 | conch, turban shell |
나흘 | four days |
나흘날 | →나을날 the fourth day of a month |
낙방 | failure in examination |
낙방ᄒᆞ다 | fail in examination |
낙시 | →낚시 fishhook, fishing |
낙싯대 | →낚싯대 fishing-rod |
낙싯줄 | →낚싯줄 fishing-line |
낙인 | brand |
낙인주다 | brand, put a brand |
낙인지르다 | brand, put a brand |
낙인질르다 | →낙인지르다 brand, put a brand |
낙인찍다 | brand, put a brand |
낙인ᄒᆞ다 | brand, put a brand |
낙지 | small octopus, long-legged octopus |
낙타 | →낙태 camel |
낙태 | camel |
낚수질 | →낚시질 fishing, angling |
낚시 | fishhook, fishing |
낚시질 | fishing, angling |
낚싯대 | fishing-rod |
낚싯줄 | fishing-line |
낚음질 | →낚시질 fishing, angling |
난간 | veranda |
난데없다 | accidental, sudden, unexpected |
난듸읏다 | →난데없다 accidental, sudden, unexpected |
난디엇이 | all of sudden, out of nowhere, to one's surprise, suddenly |
난미 | inedible sea cucumber |
난상이 | →난생이 Shepherd's purse |
난색 | disapproval, reluctance |
난생이 | Shepherd's purse |
난시 | Shepherd's purse |
난쟁이1 | →난생이 Shepherd's purse |
난쟁이2 | →난젱이 dwarf, midget |
난쟁이풀 | →난지풀 Shepherd's purse |
난젱이1 | →난생이 Shepherd's purse |
난젱이2 | dwarf, midget |
난지 | →난시 Shepherd's purse |
난지쿨 | →난지풀 Shepherd's purse |
난지풀 | Shepherd's purse |
날1 | day |
날2 | weather |
날3 | →ᄂᆞᆯ warp |
날거리 | malaria |
날걸리 | →날거리 malaria |
날궂다 | nasty (weather) |
날날이 | day by day, every day |
날드르다 | →날들르다 clear (weather) |
날들르다 | clear (weather) |
날레근데 | solid wooden rake |
날렛근데 | →날레근데 solid wooden rake |
날르다 | carry |
날물 | outflowing water, ebb, low tide |
날ᄇᆞᆯ다 | clear (weather) |
날씨 | weather |
날우치다 | (weather) be unsettled |
날ᄌᆞ | →날ᄍᆞ date, the number of days |
날ᄍᆞ | date, the number of days |
낡다 | old, worn-out |
남1 | →놈 stranger |
남2 | →낭 tree |
남구 | →낭 tree |
남기다1 | leave |
남기다2 | →냉기다 make a profit |
남녀 | →남녜 men and women |
남녜 | men and women |
남다 | be left over, remain |
남뎅이 | stalk, stem, trunk |
남뎅이보말 | Lunella coreensis |
남도래기 | →남도로기새 woodpecker |
남도로기새 | woodpecker |
남박 | wooden bowl |
남박세기 | wooden bowl |
남박신 | →나막신 clogs, wooden shoes |
남방에 | wood mortar |
남방의 | →남방에 wood mortar |
남방이 | →남방에 wood mortar |
남비 | pan, pot |
남소나 | →남소나이 male |
남소나이 | male |
남소웽이 | holly |
남송애기 | chisel |
남쉐 | rice weevil, weevil |
남쉬 | →남쉐 rice weevil, weevil |
남신 | clogs, wooden shoes |
남인가장 | patriarch |
남자 | dipper, ladle |
남자보말 | Lunella coreensis |
남저 | →남ᄌᆞ male |
남저기 | →남제기 remnant, rest, surplus |
남제 | →남ᄌᆞ male |
남제기 | remnant, rest, surplus |
남중보살 | male baby |
남지기 | →남제기 remnant, rest, surplus |
남ᄌᆞ | male |
남쪽 | south |
남체기 | →남제기 remnant, rest, surplus |
남초 | tobacco |
남통 | bowl (of a pipe), shank (of a pipe) |
남통머리 | bowl (of a pipe), shank (of a pipe) |
남펜 | husband |
남펜네 | husband |
남편 | →남펜 husband |
남편네 | →남펜네 husband |
납 | monkey |
납삭ᄒᆞ다 | →냅작ᄒᆞ다 flat |
납세미 | sole, flounder |
납작깩주리 | filefish, leatherfish |
납작ᄒᆞ다 | →냅작ᄒᆞ다 flat |
납해치 | →납헤치 the year of the Monkey |
납헤치 | the year of the Monkey |
낫1 | scythe |
낫2 | →낮 daytime, midday |
낫다 | recover, heal |
낫돈 | coin |
낭1 | tree |
낭2 | stalk, stem, trunk |
낭가레 | wooden spade |
낭가젱이 | →낭가지 branch |
낭가지 | branch |
낭간 | →난간 veranda |
낭갈레죽 | wooden spade |
낭거림 | fork of a tree, crotch of a tree |
낭거죽 | bark |
낭걱죽 | →낭거죽 bark |
낭겁죽 | →낭거죽 bark |
낭공젱이 | branched hanger |
낭구 | →낭 tree |
낭그레다 | →나무라다 blame, reproach |
낭그리다 | →나무라다 blame, reproach |
낭ᄀᆞᆯ개비 | tree frog |
낭꾼 | woodcutter |
낭덩체기 | base, bottom part |
낭덩치 | →낭둥치 base, bottom part |
낭뎅이 | →남뎅이 stalk, stem, trunk |
낭둥채기 | →낭덩체기 base, bottom part |
낭둥체기 | →낭덩체기 base, bottom part |
낭둥치 | base, bottom part |
낭둥케기 | →낭덩체기 base, bottom part |
낭마께 | mallet |
낭망치 | mallet |
낭박 | →남박 wooden bowl |
낭베설 | pith |
낭베ᄉᆞᆯ | →낭베설 pith |
낭삽 | wooden spade |
낭섭 | →낭썹 leaves of trees |
낭섭상기 | leaves of trees |
낭썹 | leaves of trees |
낭쎂 | →낭썹 leaves of trees |
낭잎 | →낭썹 leaves of trees |
낭자 | →남자 dipper, ladle |
낭종 | →내중 later, by and by |
낭주적 | splinter, chip (of wood) |
낭주죽 | →낭주적 splinter, chip (of wood) |
낭중 | →내중 later, by and by |
낭ᄌᆞ봄 | wooden chopsticks |
낭푼 | →낭푼이 large brass bowl |
낭푼이 | large brass bowl |
낭ᄒᆞ다 | gather firewood |
낮 | daytime, midday |
낮전 | a.m., morning |
낮후 | →낮후제 p.m., afternoon |
낮후제 | p.m., afternoon |
낳다 | bear (a child) |
내1 | my |
내2 | stream, brook |
내3 | smell, scent, odour |
내4 | →나 I (1st per. sg) |
내5 | →네 smoke |
내6 | →네 oar, scull |
내기1 | means, way |
내기2 | bet, gambling |
내기ᄒᆞ다 | make a bet, bet |
내ᄀᆞᆺ | riverbank, riverside |
내끼다 | →네끼다 throw, cast |
내낭 | always |
내년 | next year |
내놓다 | put out, take out |
내다 | expose, issue, submit, take out |
내무리다 | →나무라다 blame, reproach |
내물다 | →내밀다 push out, stick out |
내밀다 | push out, stick out |
내부더지다 | →부더지다 fall down, tumble |
내왇다 | hand over, pass over |
내우살 | smell, scent, odour |
내움살 | →내우살 smell, scent, odour |
내움새 | →냄새 smell, scent, odour |
내움세 | →냄새 smell, scent, odour |
내움이 | smell, scent, odour |
내음살 | →내우살 smell, scent, odour |
내음새 | →냄새 smell, scent, odour |
내종 | →내중 later, by and by |
내중 | later, by and by |
내착 | →네착 shaft of scull |
내창 | stream, brook |
내치다 | vomit |
낵인 | →낙인 brand |
낵인놓다 | brand, put a brand |
낵인주다 | →낙인주다 brand, put a brand |
낵인질르다 | →낙인지르다 brand, put a brand |
낵인짹다 | →낙인찍다 brand, put a brand |
낵인ᄒᆞ다 | →낵인놓다 brand, put a brand |
낼랑 | tomorrow |
냄비 | →남비 pan, pot |
냄살 | →내우살 smell, scent, odour |
냄새 | smell, scent, odour |
냄세 | →냄새 smell, scent, odour |
냄이 | →내움이 smell, scent, odour |
냄펜 | →남펜 husband |
냄펜네 | →남펜네 husband |
냄편 | →남펜 husband |
냅뜨다 | venture forth, intrude |
냅삭ᄒᆞ다 | →냅작ᄒᆞ다 flat |
냅작ᄒᆞ다 | flat |
냇ᄀᆞ | →내ᄀᆞᆺ riverbank, riverside |
냇ᄀᆞᆷ | →내ᄀᆞᆺ riverbank, riverside |
냇ᄀᆞᆺ | →내ᄀᆞᆺ riverbank, riverside |
냉국 | cold soup |
냉기다1 | make a profit |
냉기다2 | hold, observe |
냉기다3 | →남기다 leave |
냉기다4 | →넹기다 pass, pass over, tide over |
냉기리다 | →나무라다 blame, reproach |
냉바리 | →넹바리 half-burnt charcoal |
냉장고 | fridge, refrigerator |
냉중 | →내중 later, by and by |
너1 | →네 four |
너2 | →느 you (2nd per. sg) |
너내 | →느네 you (2nd per. pl.)#TS: へん |
너네 | →느네 you (2nd per. pl.)#TS: へん |
너네덜 | →느네덜 you (2nd per. pl.)#TS: へん |
너네들 | →느네덜 you (2nd per. pl.)#TS: へん |
너덩 | akebia |
너러기 | expanse, extent |
너레기 | →너러기 expanse, extent |
너르다 | →널르다 broad, large, wide |
너르ᄆᆞᆫ직다 | →어르ᄆᆞᆫ지다 touch |
너른샛ᄇᆞ름 | ESE wind |
너무 | fairly, pretty, too |
너믜 | →너무 fairly, pretty, too |
너미 | →너무 fairly, pretty, too |
너배기 | →너베기 expanse, extent |
너뱅이 | olive flounder, bastard halibut, Japanese halibut |
너버기 | →너베기 expanse, extent |
너벅지 | →너베기 expanse, extent |
너베기 | expanse, extent |
너봉옷 | →노봉옷 working clothes |
너부기 | →너베기 expanse, extent |
너브기 | →너베기 expanse, extent |
너삼 | shrubby sophora |
너ᄉᆞᆷ | →너삼 shrubby sophora |
너울 | →누 big wave, rough wave |
너의 | you (2nd per. pl.)#TS: へん |
너의덜 | →너의들 you (2nd per. pl.)#TS: へん |
너의들 | you (2nd per. pl.)#TS: へん |
너이 | →넷 four |
너출 | vine, bine |
너흐 | composure, heart to spare |
너희 | →넷 four |
넉1 | soul, spirit |
넉2 | four |
넉나다 | be very surprised |
넉더리 | grumble, complaint |
넉두리 | →넉더리 grumble, complaint |
넌더리나다 | feel disgusted, be depressed |
넌출 | →너출 vine, bine |
널 | board, plank |
널다 | hang out, spread out |
널러지다 | die |
널르다 | broad, large, wide |
널리 | widely |
널리다 | →ᄂᆞᆯ리다 throw, cast |
널빤지 | →널판지 board, plank |
널손지 | great-nephew, grand-nephew |
널짝 | →널착 board, plank |
널짝반 | board, plank |
널착 | board, plank |
널판 | →널판지 board, plank |
널판대기 | plank, thick board |
널판지 | board, plank |
널판짝 | board, plank |
넓다 | →넙다 broad, large, wide |
넓이 | →넙이 expanse, extent |
넓작ᄒᆞ다 | flat |
넘기다 | →넹기다 pass, pass over, tide over |
넘다1 | cross, ferry |
넘다2 | be over, elapse, exceed, go beyond, past over |
넘어가는비 | shower, passing rain |
넘어가다 | pass |
넘어지다 | fall down, tumble |
넘은겨을 | →넘은저슬 last winter |
넘은그르헤 | year before last |
넘은ᄃᆞᆯ | last month |
넘은밤 | last night |
넘은여름 | last summer |
넘은저슬 | last winter |
넘은저을 | →넘은저슬 last winter |
넘은헤 | last year |
넘친ᄇᆞ름 | typhoon |
넙다 | broad, large, wide |
넙이 | expanse, extent |
넙죽이 | Styrax obassia |
넙직ᄒᆞ다 | →냅작ᄒᆞ다 flat |
넙치 | olive flounder, bastard halibut, Japanese halibut |
넛손지 | →널손지 great-nephew, grand-nephew |
넝쿨 | vine, bine |
넣다 | let s.o. come in |
네1 | four |
네2 | smoke |
네3 | oar, scull |
네귀 | rectangle |
네끼다 | throw, cast |
네리다 | →ᄂᆞ리다 bring down, descend, go down, lower |
네모지다 | square |
네시 | →나시 share |
네위 | →네 oar, scull |
네일 | →늴 tomorrow |
네착 | shaft of scull |
네커리 | →늬커리 crossroads |
넬 | →늴 tomorrow |
넬리다 | →ᄂᆞᆯ리다 throw, cast |
넷 | four |
넹가리 | →넹바리 half-burnt charcoal |
넹기다1 | pass, pass over, tide over |
넹기다2 | →남기다 leave |
넹바리 | half-burnt charcoal |
녀러날 | →여라날 several days |
녜 | →예 yes |
노1 | always |
노2 | →네 oar, scull |
노가리 | Japanese yew |
노가리낭 | Japanese yew |
노각초 | brown algae |
노공이 | centipede |
노긋노긋 | languid |
노끄다 | →노프다 high |
노끼 | →녹기 high, highly, aloft |
노내기손가락 | →노니왜기손가락 ring finger |
노널왜기손가락 | →노니왜기손가락 ring finger |
노네기 | ring finger |
노네기손가락 | →노니왜기손가락 ring finger |
노녜기 | →노네기 ring finger |
노늬왁이 | →노네기 ring finger |
노니에기손가락 | →노니왜기손가락 ring finger |
노니와기손가락 | →노니왜기손가락 ring finger |
노니왜기 | →노네기 ring finger |
노니왜기손가락 | ring finger |
노니웨기발가락 | the fourth toe, ring toe |
노니웨기손가락 | →노니왜기손가락 ring finger |
노대1 | wave |
노대2 | →누 big wave, rough wave |
노동 | labour |
노ᄃᆞ리 | bridge |
노랍다 | →놀랍다 surprising |
노랑강생이 | yellow dog |
노랑개 | yellow dog |
노랑머리 | yellow hair |
노랑ᄒᆞ다 | yellow |
노랫소리 | singing voice |
노략질ᄒᆞ다 | pillage, plunder |
노레다 | →놀레다 be startled |
노로 | →노리 roe deer, roebuck |
노롬 | gambling |
노롬쟁이 | gambler, gamester |
노름 | →노롬 gambling |
노름쟁이 | →노롬쟁이 gambler, gamester |
노릇 | →오롯 acclivity, uphill |
노리 | roe deer, roebuck |
노리개 | toy |
노리개ᄀᆞ음 | toy |
노리다1 | aim |
노리다2 | yellow |
노린개 | →노랑개 yellow dog |
노린게여미 | red ant |
노린게염지 | →노린게여미 red ant |
노린알 | yolk |
노린재 | shield bug |
노릿노릿ᄒᆞ다 | golden |
노복 | day labourer |
노봉옷 | working clothes |
노비이불 | →누비이불 quilt |
노을 | →놀 wave |
노이다 | →노히다 be cloyed |
노인 | an old person |
노인성 | Canopus |
노재기 | storeroom |
노ᄌᆞ치 | old hen pheasant |
노프다 | high |
노피1 | height |
노피2 | →녹기 high, highly, aloft |
노히다 | be cloyed |
노ᄒᆞ다 | get angry |
녹 | rust |
녹기 | high, highly, aloft |
녹낭 | camphor |
녹다 | melt, melt, solve, thaw |
녹대 | bridle |
녹대쉬염 | whisker |
녹대시엄 | →녹대쉬염 whisker |
녹대시염 | →녹대쉬염 whisker |
녹들다 | press, press, push |
녹듸1 | mung beans, green gram |
녹듸2 | →녹대 bridle |
녹디 | →녹대 bridle |
녹슬다 | rust |
녹실다 | →녹슬다 rust |
녹쓸다 | →녹슬다 rust |
녹이다 | melt, melt, solve |
녹촉낭 | Styrax obassia |
논 | rice-field |
논두둑 | ridge between rice fields, levee |
논밧 | rice-field |
논의 | argument |
놀1 | twilight |
놀2 | wave |
놀거리 | toy |
놀다 | play |
놀라기 | wrasse |
놀랍다 | surprising |
놀래 | →놀레 song |
놀레 | song |
놀레기 | →놀라기 wrasse |
놀레다 | be startled |
놀부 | hagfish |
놀불다 | wave |
놈 | stranger |
놈의집사는거 | →놈의집살이 hermit crab |
놈의집살이 | hermit crab |
놉 | day labourer |
놉ᄇᆞ름 | north east wind |
놉새 | →놉샛ᄇᆞ름 north east wind |
놉새ᄇᆞ름 | →놉샛ᄇᆞ름 north east wind |
놉샛ᄇᆞ름 | north east wind |
놉하니1 | →놉하니ᄇᆞ름 north east wind |
놉하니2 | north west wind |
놉하니ᄇᆞ름1 | north east wind |
놉하니ᄇᆞ름2 | →놉하니 north west wind |
놋대야 | brass basin |
놋대양 | →놋대야 brass basin |
놋댕이 | →누 big wave, rough wave |
놋쉐 | brass |
놋제 | brass chopsticks |
놋제까락 | brass chopsticks |
놋ᄌᆞ봄 | brass chopsticks |
농 | pus |
농기 | agricultural machinery |
농기구 | agricultural machinery |
농바니 | →농부한이 farmer, plowman, peasant |
농부아니 | →농부한이 farmer, plowman, peasant |
농부안이 | →농부한이 farmer, plowman, peasant |
농부와니 | →농부한이 farmer, plowman, peasant |
농부완이 | →농부한이 farmer, plowman, peasant |
농부한이 | farmer, plowman, peasant |
농서 | →농ᄉᆞ farmwork, farming |
농시 | →농ᄉᆞ farmwork, farming |
농ᄉᆞ | farmwork, farming |
농앉다 | →농앚다 suppurate, fester |
농앚다 | suppurate, fester |
농어 | sea bass |
농치 | cock pheasant |
높ᄇᆞ름 | →놉ᄇᆞ름 north east wind |
높새ᄇᆞ름 | →놉샛ᄇᆞ름 north east wind |
높샛ᄇᆞ름 | →놉샛ᄇᆞ름 north east wind |
높아리 | →누 big wave, rough wave |
높이1 | →녹기 high, highly, aloft |
높이2 | →노피 height |
높하니ᄇᆞ름 | →놉하니 north west wind |
놓다1 | let s.o. come in |
놓다2 | set, put |
놓다3 | set free |
놓치다 | lose sight of, lose, miss, stray |
뇌치다 | →놓치다 lose sight of, lose, miss, stray |
뇌키다 | →놓치다 lose sight of, lose, miss, stray |
누 | big wave, rough wave |
누게 | who |
누구 | →누게 who |
누긔 | →누게 who |
누기 | moisture, humidity |
누기다 | become mild, loosen |
누기찌다 | damp |
누기차다 | →누기찌다 damp |
누넝밥 | →누렁밥 burned rice at the bottom of the pot, the crust of overcooked rice |
누네누니 | →눈에눈이 black fly, dayfly, ephemera, gnat, mayfly, sandfly |
누넹이 | →누렝이 the crust of overcooked rice |
누넹이물 | →누렝이물 water boiled with burned rice |
누니누니 | →눈에눈이 black fly, dayfly, ephemera, gnat, mayfly, sandfly |
누님 | elder sister (opposite sex) |
누다1 | →눅다 lie, lie down |
누다2 | excrete, discharge |
누대 | →누 big wave, rough wave |
누들다 | press, press, push |
누렁밥 | burned rice at the bottom of the pot, the crust of overcooked rice |
누렁쉐 | bull |
누렁ᄒᆞ다 | yellow |
누레기총 | →늘이개 catapult, slingshot, sling |
누렝이 | the crust of overcooked rice |
누렝이물 | water boiled with burned rice |
누룩 | malted rice |
누룩낭1 | elm |
누룩낭2 | silver magnolia |
누룩돌 | crumbly stone |
누룽이 | →누렝이 the crust of overcooked rice |
누르다 | →눌르다 push |
누리다1 | enjoy |
누리다2 | yellow |
누멩 | →누명 false accusation |
누명 | false accusation |
누비바지 | quilted trousers |
누비보선 | quilted socks |
누비옷 | quilted clothes |
누비이불 | quilt |
누에1 | silkworm |
누에2 | →누 big wave, rough wave |
누울리다 | press, press, push |
누웨 | →누에 silkworm |
누의1 | female different-sex sibling, younger sister (opposite sex) |
누의2 | →누 big wave, rough wave |
누이1 | elder sister (opposite sex) |
누이2 | →누 big wave, rough wave |
누이다 | →노히다 be cloyed |
누치다 | wave |
누팔 | →누 big wave, rough wave |
눅다1 | lie, lie down |
눅다2 | loose |
눅이다1 | relax, loosen |
눅이다2 | →누기다 become mild, loosen |
눅지다 | lie down |
눈1 | eye |
눈2 | swimming goggles |
눈3 | snow |
눈가죽 | eyelid |
눈곱 | sleep, gum |
눈곱재기 | →눈곱제기 sleep, gum |
눈곱제기 | sleep, gum |
눈공저 | →눈동ᄌᆞ pupil |
눈공ᄌᆞ | →눈동ᄌᆞ pupil |
눈곽 | eyelid |
눈구녁 | eyehole, eye socket, orbit |
눈구석 | the inner corner of the eye |
눈ᄀᆞᆷ다 | close one's eyes |
눈깍 | the outer corner of the eye, look (in person's eyes) |
눈깍돌라지다 | give a sidelong glance |
눈깔이 | eye |
눈깝 | pittance |
눈께알이 | →눈깔이 eye |
눈꼽 | →눈곱 sleep, gum |
눈꼽제기 | →눈곱제기 sleep, gum |
눈꿀 | sidelong scowl |
눈꿀ᄒᆞ다 | look askance |
눈녹은물 | snow water |
눈동ᄌᆞ | pupil |
눈두께 | eyelid |
눈두에 | →눈두께 eyelid |
눈뜨다 | open one's eye |
눈망귀 | eye |
눈망뎅이 | →눈망둥이 eye |
눈망둥이1 | eyelid |
눈망둥이2 | eye |
눈망울 | eyeball |
눈멀다 | blind |
눈물1 | tear |
눈물2 | snow water |
눈벨래기 | →눈비애기쿨 motherwort |
눈벨래기낭 | →눈비애기쿨 motherwort |
눈벨레기 | ivy |
눈벨레기낭 | →눈비애기쿨 motherwort |
눈벵 | →눈빙 an eye disease |
눈비애기쿨 | motherwort |
눈비야기쿨 | →눈비애기쿨 motherwort |
눈비에기쿨 | →눈비애기쿨 motherwort |
눈빙 | an eye disease |
눈뻘룽이 | a person with big eyes, a large-eyed person |
눈뻴룽이 | →눈뻘룽이 a person with big eyes, a large-eyed person |
눈섭 | →눈썹 eyebrow |
눈실리다 | dazzling |
눈썹 | eyebrow |
눈에누니 | →눈에눈이 black fly, dayfly, ephemera, gnat, mayfly, sandfly |
눈에눈이 | black fly, dayfly, ephemera, gnat, mayfly, sandfly |
눈엣눈 | →눈에눈이 black fly, dayfly, ephemera, gnat, mayfly, sandfly |
눈이눈이 | →눈에눈이 black fly, dayfly, ephemera, gnat, mayfly, sandfly |
눈저굽다 | →눈ᄌᆞ곱다 dazzling |
눈저급다 | →눈ᄌᆞ곱다 dazzling |
눈제겹다 | →눈ᄌᆞ곱다 dazzling |
눈젱이 | Japanese rice fish, Oryzias |
눈질 | attention, eyes, gaze, look |
눈짐벵이 | sleet |
눈짐작 | eye measurement |
눈짓 | wink |
눈짓ᄒᆞ다 | give a sign with the eyes |
눈ᄌᆞ곱다 | dazzling |
눈ᄌᆞ굽다 | →눈ᄌᆞ곱다 dazzling |
눈ᄌᆞᄀᆞᆸ다 | →눈ᄌᆞ곱다 dazzling |
눈ᄌᆞᄉᆞᆯ | eyeball area |
눈치 | guess, sense, sign, wit |
눈치ᄎᆞᆯ리다 | sense |
눈칫ᄒᆞ다 | →눈짓ᄒᆞ다 give a sign with the eyes |
눈콥 | →눈곱 sleep, gum |
눈콥제기 | →눈곱제기 sleep, gum |
눈큰ᄇᆞᆯ락 | darkbanded rockfish |
눈퉁이 | red-eye round herring |
눈퉁이멜 | →눈퉁이 red-eye round herring |
눈트다 | →눈뜨다 open one's eye |
눈펄룽이 | pop eyes, goggle eyes |
눈흘기다 | look askance |
눋다 | be scorched, be burnt |
눌 | stack of rice straw, pile, rick, stack |
눌다 | pile up |
눌레기땅 | clay |
눌르다1 | push |
눌르다2 | press, press, push |
눕다 | →눅다 lie, lie down |
눕지다 | →눅지다 lie down |
눕히다 | →눅지다 lie down |
눼 | →네 oar, scull |
눼다 | →노히다 be cloyed |
눼착 | →네착 shaft of scull |
눼치다 | →놓치다 lose sight of, lose, miss, stray |
뉏닙 | →네착 shaft of scull |
뉘우다 | →눅지다 lie down |
느 | you (2nd per. sg) |
느긋ᄒᆞ다 | quite satisfied |
느껍 | →늬껍 fish bait |
느끼낭 | Japanese zelkova, Japanese elm |
느끼리다 | →닁끼리다 glide, slip, slide |
느네 | you (2nd per. pl.)#TS: へん |
느네덜 | you (2nd per. pl.)#TS: へん |
느네들 | →느네덜 you (2nd per. pl.)#TS: へん |
느랏느랏 | completely exhausted, dawdling, tardily |
느랑 | always |
느량 | →느랑 always |
느렁장이 | dawdler, laggard |
느렁쟁이 | →느렁장이 dawdler, laggard |
느렁태 | dawdler, laggard |
느렁테 | →느렁태 dawdler, laggard |
느렁텡이 | →느렁태 dawdler, laggard |
느레기 | →늘이개 catapult, slingshot, sling |
느레기총 | →늘이개 catapult, slingshot, sling |
느르쉬1 | dawdler, laggard |
느르쉬2 | darkbanded rockfish |
느릇 | declivity, downhill, slope |
느릇질 | slope |
느리 | always |
느리다 | slow |
느리ᄌᆞᆷ | oversleeping |
느으덜 | →너의들 you (2nd per. pl.)#TS: へん |
느으들 | →너의들 you (2nd per. pl.)#TS: へん |
늑신네 | an old person |
는닥는닥 | →는작는작 pulpy from rot |
는달는달 | →는작는작 pulpy from rot |
는작는작 | pulpy from rot |
늘 | →느리 always |
늘걱바리 | an old person |
늘다 | improve, increase |
늘랑 | →느랑 always |
늘량 | →느랑 always |
늘루다 | →늘리다 stretch, extend |
늘리다 | stretch, extend |
늘상 | always |
늘싹늘싹 | →늘짝늘짝 tardily, dawdling |
늘우다 | stretch, extend |
늘이 | →느리 always |
늘이개 | catapult, slingshot, sling |
늘지락늘지락 | →늘짝늘짝 tardily, dawdling |
늘짝늘짝 | tardily, dawdling |
늙다1 | old, worn-out |
늙다2 | grow old |
늙신이 | →늑신네 an old person |
늙은이 | an old person |
늙정이 | an old person |
늙젱이 | →늙정이 an old person |
늣1 | lavers |
늣2 | mold and moss, moss |
늣가리 | west wind |
늣ᄇᆞ름 | west wind |
늣하니 | →늦하니ᄇᆞ름 north west wind |
능 | royal tomb, mausoleum |
능구렝이 | a yellow-spotted serpent, an insidious person |
능그리 | →능구렝이 a yellow-spotted serpent, an insidious person |
능금 | crab apple |
능금낭 | crab apple |
능화자리 | a figured mat |
늦 | →늣 mold and moss, moss |
늦겨울 | →늦저슬 late winter |
늦다1 | delay, lag, late |
늦다2 | loose |
늦더위 | the heat of late summer |
늦봄 | late spring |
늦ᄇᆞ름 | south west wind |
늦저슬 | late winter |
늦ᄌᆞᆷ | oversleeping |
늦추다1 | relax, loosen |
늦추다2 | →누기다 become mild, loosen |
늦하니ᄇᆞ름 | north west wind |
늬1 | →네 four |
늬2 | →느 you (2nd per. sg) |
늬3 | tooth, teeth |
늬4 | louse |
늬5 | an unhulled grain of rice |
늬굽 | →늿굽 root of tooth |
늬귀 | →네귀 rectangle |
늬껍 | fish bait |
늬끄럽다 | →닁끄럽다 smooth |
늬네 | →느네 you (2nd per. pl.)#TS: へん |
늬똥 | tartar |
늬량 | →느랑 always |
늬바디 | →늿바듸 set of teeth |
늬비바지 | →누비바지 quilted trousers |
늬비옷 | →누비옷 quilted clothes |
늬비이불 | →누비이불 quilt |
늬빨 | tooth, teeth |
늬뿔리 | root of tooth |
늬알림 | toothache |
늬염 | gums |
늬일 | →늴 tomorrow |
늬치럼 | →늬치름 slaver, saliva |
늬치럼쟁이 | slobberer, slaverer |
늬치름 | slaver, saliva |
늬커리 | crossroads |
늬커림 | →늬커리 crossroads |
늬큰ᄒᆞ다 | greasy, fatty |
늬트멍 | gaps in the teeth, diastema |
늬틈 | →늬트멍 gaps in the teeth, diastema |
늬향 | →느랑 always |
늴 | tomorrow |
늴큰ᄒᆞ다 | →늬큰ᄒᆞ다 greasy, fatty |
늿 | →넷 four |
늿굽 | root of tooth |
늿몸 | gums |
늿바듸 | set of teeth |
늿바디 | →늿바듸 set of teeth |
늿자국 | toothprint, tooth mark |
닁끄럽다 | smooth |
닁끼리다 | glide, slip, slide |
니1 | →느 you (2nd per. sg) |
니2 | →네 four |
니3 | →늬 tooth, teeth |
니4 | →늬 louse |
니5 | →늬 an unhulled grain of rice |
니껍 | →늬껍 fish bait |
니께미 | acne |
니께비 | →니께미 acne |
니끼낭 | →느끼낭 Japanese zelkova, Japanese elm |
니끼미 | →니께미 acne |
니끼비 | →니께미 acne |
니똥 | →늬똥 tartar |
니물 | →이물 bow, prow, stem |
니비이불 | →누비이불 quilt |
니빨 | →늬빨 tooth, teeth |
니뿔리 | →늬뿔리 root of tooth |
니염 | →늬염 gums |
닐 | →늴 tomorrow |
님금 | king |
님금님 | king |
닛 | →넷 four |
닛굽 | →늿굽 root of tooth |
닛불리 | →늬뿔리 root of tooth |
닝금 | →능금 crab apple |
닝끼리다 | →닁끼리다 glide, slip, slide |
ᄂᆞ긋ᄂᆞ긋 | →노긋노긋 languid |
ᄂᆞ노다 | →ᄂᆞ누다 distribute, divide |
ᄂᆞ누다 | distribute, divide |
ᄂᆞ단 | right |
ᄂᆞ단손 | right hand |
ᄂᆞ단짝 | →ᄂᆞ단착 right |
ᄂᆞ단쪽 | →ᄂᆞ단착 right |
ᄂᆞ단착 | right |
ᄂᆞ려지다 | fall down, tumble |
ᄂᆞ롯 | →느릇 declivity, downhill, slope |
ᄂᆞ롯질 | →느릇질 slope |
ᄂᆞ룻 | →느릇 declivity, downhill, slope |
ᄂᆞ릇질 | →느릇질 slope |
ᄂᆞ리다 | bring down, descend, go down, lower |
ᄂᆞ리ᄉᆞ랑 | affection |
ᄂᆞ멀 | →ᄂᆞᄆᆞᆯ greens, herbs, namul |
ᄂᆞ멀쿡 | →ᄂᆞᄆᆞᆯ국 vegetable soup |
ᄂᆞ물1 | Chinese cabbage |
ᄂᆞ물2 | →ᄂᆞᄆᆞᆯ greens, herbs, namul |
ᄂᆞ믈 | →ᄂᆞᄆᆞᆯ greens, herbs, namul |
ᄂᆞᄆᆞᆯ1 | →ᄂᆞ물 Chinese cabbage |
ᄂᆞᄆᆞᆯ2 | greens, herbs, namul |
ᄂᆞᄆᆞᆯ국 | vegetable soup |
ᄂᆞᄆᆞᆯ동 | →ᄂᆞᄆᆞᆯ동지 flowering stalk of Chinese cabbages, flowering stalk of radishes |
ᄂᆞᄆᆞᆯ동지 | flowering stalk of Chinese cabbages, flowering stalk of radishes |
ᄂᆞᄆᆞᆯ쿡 | →ᄂᆞᄆᆞᆯ국 vegetable soup |
ᄂᆞᄆᆞᆯ팟 | vegetable garden |
ᄂᆞ슬다 | →ᄂᆞ실다 sharp, acute |
ᄂᆞ시 | by any means, by any possibility |
ᄂᆞ실다 | sharp, acute |
ᄂᆞ잡다 | low |
ᄂᆞ줍다 | →ᄂᆞ잡다 low |
ᄂᆞ지건이 | →ᄂᆞ지겡이 rather low |
ᄂᆞ지겡이 | rather low |
ᄂᆞ지냑ᄒᆞ다 | rather low, lowish |
ᄂᆞ직이1 | →ᄂᆞ지겡이 rather low |
ᄂᆞ직이2 | rather low |
ᄂᆞ직ᄒᆞ다 | rather low, lowish |
ᄂᆞ짐칙ᄒᆞ다 | →ᄂᆞ지냑ᄒᆞ다 rather low, lowish |
ᄂᆞ찹다 | →ᄂᆞ잡다 low |
ᄂᆞ초다 | →ᄂᆞ추다 lower |
ᄂᆞ추다 | lower |
ᄂᆞᆫ누다 | →ᄂᆞ누다 distribute, divide |
ᄂᆞᆯ1 | warp |
ᄂᆞᆯ2 | blade, edge |
ᄂᆞᆯ가기1 | wing |
ᄂᆞᆯ가기2 | →ᄂᆞᆯ개기 fin |
ᄂᆞᆯ가죽 | rawhide, pelt |
ᄂᆞᆯ개1 | wing |
ᄂᆞᆯ개2 | fin |
ᄂᆞᆯ개기1 | fin |
ᄂᆞᆯ개기2 | →ᄂᆞᆯ가기 wing |
ᄂᆞᆯ거 | raw |
ᄂᆞᆯ것 | →ᄂᆞᆯ거 raw |
ᄂᆞᆯ게1 | →ᄂᆞᆯ개 wing |
ᄂᆞᆯ게2 | →ᄂᆞᆯ개 fin |
ᄂᆞᆯ게기 | →ᄂᆞᆯ개기 fin |
ᄂᆞᆯ고기 | →ᄂᆞᆯ궤기 raw meat |
ᄂᆞᆯ궤기 | raw meat |
ᄂᆞᆯ낭내 | bloodiness |
ᄂᆞᆯ다 | fly |
ᄂᆞᆯ도독놈 | robber, burglar |
ᄂᆞᆯ리다 | throw, cast |
ᄂᆞᆯ림 | goods sold by the tens, wholesale coarse products, slapdash, slipshod |
ᄂᆞᆯ림질 | bad case of diarrhea |
ᄂᆞᆯ보리 | raw barley |
ᄂᆞᆯ사다 | have a keen edge |
ᄂᆞᆯ쓰다 | →ᄂᆞ실다 sharp, acute |
ᄂᆞᆯᄊᆞᆯ | raw rice |
ᄂᆞᆯ짐승 | winged animals, birds |
ᄂᆞᆯ치 | flying fish |
ᄂᆞᆯ캐 | →ᄂᆞᆯ킹이 gazami crab, Japanese blue crab |
ᄂᆞᆯ캥이 | →ᄂᆞᆯ킹이 gazami crab, Japanese blue crab |
ᄂᆞᆯ케 | →ᄂᆞᆯ킹이 gazami crab, Japanese blue crab |
ᄂᆞᆯ켕이 | →ᄂᆞᆯ킹이 gazami crab, Japanese blue crab |
ᄂᆞᆯ킹이 | gazami crab, Japanese blue crab |
ᄂᆞᆯ피 | blood just shed |
ᄂᆞᆯ핏내 | bloodiness |
ᄂᆞᆷ | →놈 stranger |
ᄂᆞᆷ삐 | radish |
ᄂᆞᆺ | face |
ᄂᆞᆺ가리다 | →ᄂᆞᆺᄀᆞᆯ리다 be shy with strangers |
ᄂᆞᆺ가죽 | the skin of the face |
ᄂᆞᆺᄀᆞᆯ리다 | be shy with strangers |
ᄂᆞᆺ나다 | gain honour, reflect credit |
ᄂᆞᆺ다 | →ᄂᆞᆽ다 bad |
ᄂᆞᆺ빗 | complexion |
ᄂᆞᆺ사분 | facial soap |
ᄂᆞᆺ색 | complexion |
ᄂᆞᆺ시레 | →ᄂᆞᆺᄉᆞ레 wash basin |
ᄂᆞᆺᄉᆞ레 | wash basin |
ᄂᆞᆺ싸움 | acne |
ᄂᆞᆽ다1 | bad |
ᄂᆞᆽ다2 | low |
ᄂᆞᆽ시레 | →ᄂᆞᆺᄉᆞ레 wash basin |
ᄂᆞᆾ | →ᄂᆞᆺ face |
ᄂᆞᆾ갑다 | →ᄂᆞ잡다 low |
ᄂᆞᆾ싸옴 | →ᄂᆞᆺ싸움 acne |
ᄂᆞᆾ압다 | →ᄂᆞ잡다 low |
ᄂᆞᆾ찹다 | →ᄂᆞ잡다 low |