

들물 flood tide

  • Translation: flood tide, high tide, rising tide, flow
  • Variant(s): 들물, 드는물
  • Classification (Bunrui Goihyo): 15155 (wave)
  • Jeju basic words: 0437

Associated word(s)

    • the flood tide, spring: 웨살, 와살, 웨사리, 와사리, 웨삿
    • neap tide: 줴기, 조기〜죠기, 조금
    • difference of tidal level, tidal range, tidal variation: 물찌, 물지
    • big wave, rough wave: 누, 너울, 누대, 노대, 누에, 누의, 누이, 누팔, 높아리, 놋댕이, 나부리