[[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_a|a]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_b|b]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_c|c]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_cx|ĉ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_d|d]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_e|e]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_f|f]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_g|g]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_gx|ĝ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_h|h]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_hx|ĥ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_i|i]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_j|j]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_jx|ĵ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_k|k]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_l|l]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_m|m]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_n|n]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_o|o]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_p|p]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_r|r]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_s|s]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_sx|ŝ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_t|t]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_u|u]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_ux|ŭ]] **v** [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_z|z]]
====== V ======
|vagi|go about, get around|
|vagino|vulva, female genitals|
|vaglumo|ignis fatuus, will-o'-the-wisp|
|vakameo|soft brown seaweed, wakame (seaweed)|
|vakiĝi|become vacant|
|valora je|a thing worth|
|vana|empty, vacant|
|vana laboro|to waste one's time and labour, to make vain efforts|
|vana penado|to waste one's time and labour, to make vain efforts|
|vando|screen, partition|
|vaporkuirita pano|steamed bun|
|vaporkuirita rizkuko|steamed rice cake filled with a layer of red bean, steamed rice cake made of non-glutinous rice flour dough|
|vaporo|vapor, steam|
|vaporo de spiro|breath|
|variolo|smallpox, the spirit of smallpox|
|varma|hot, warm|
|varmeta1|warm, cozy|
|varmeta2|uncomfortably warm, tepid, lukewarm|
|varmigi|warm, heat|
|varo|article, thing|
|varti1|spare, take care|
|varti2|decorate, adorn, raise, maintain, take care|
|vasta|wide, broad, large|
|vasteco|area, extant, dimensions|
|vatita pantalono|wadded trousers, padded trousers|
|vato|wadding, cotton|
|vegeti|grow thick|
|vekiĝi1|wake up|
|vekiĝi2|get up, rise|
|velki|wither, die, wither|
|velo|sail, canvas|
|vendejo|shop, store|
|veni|come, arrive, attain, arrive at, reach|
|veni eksteren|leave, come forward, appear, get out, come out, depart, go out, come out|
|veni proksimen|come closer|
|venontjare|next year|
|venontmonate|next month|
|ventopova centralo|wind power plants|
|ventopuŝo|blast, gust|
|venusmonto|pubic region|
|veo|lamentation, deploring|
|veprejo|thicket, bush|
|vepro|bramble, thorny thicket|
|vera|... by blood, true ...|
|vera filino|daughter by blood|
|vera filo|son by blood|
|vera patrino|mother by blood|
|vera patro|father by blood|
|verdrana melono|spotted cantaloup|
|vere|really, truly|
|vermo|earthworm, gentle, maggot|
|verŝajne kredinda|plausible|
|verŝi|pour, spill, let flow, pour, spill|
|verŝiĝi1|spilt, spill|
|verŝiĝi2|stream, flow|
|veruko|mole, wart|
|vespera kurso|night school|
|vesperiĝi|grow dark|
|vespermanĝo|dinner, supper|
|vesperruĝo|evening glow|
|vesperstelo|evening star, venus|
|vesperto|flying fox, bat|
|vestejo|changing room, beach hut|
|vesti|dress, put on|
|vestiĝi|put on, wear|
|vesto|clothing, clothes|
|vesto tinkturita de persimono|clothing dyed with persimmon tannin|
|veŝto|vest, waistcoat|
|vetkuro|footrace, race|
|veturigi|pursue, run after, drive|
|veziko|urinary bladder|
|vi|you (2nd per. pl.)#TS, へん, self, oneself, you (2nd per. sg)|
|viandejo|meat retail, butcher, butcher's shop|
|viandisto|meat retail, butcher, butcher's shop|
|viandkomerco|meat retail, butcher, butcher's shop|
|viandmuŝo|flesh fly|
|viando|meat, flesh, skin|
|vico|order, turn|
|vidi|see, look|
|vidiĝi|be visible|
|vigla|healthy, energetic|
|viktimo|sacrifice, victim|
|vilaĝeto|settlement, hamlet|
|vilaĝo1|local community, block, neighbourhood|
|vilaĝo2|village, rural area, countryside|
|vilo|pile, fluff, nap|
|vinagraĵo de fiŝo|cold raw fish soup, sashimi in a chilled broth|
|vindotuko|diaper, nappy|
|vino|wine, liquor|
|vintra solstico|winter solstice|
|vira fazano|cock pheasant|
|vira porko|male pig|
|virhundo|male dog, dog|
|virina latunbovlo|woman's brass rice bowl|
|virkato|he-cat, tomcat|
|viro kaj virino|men and women|
|viŝi|polish, wipe|
|viŝilo|dishcloth, tea towel|
|viŝtuko|dishcloth, tea towel, towel, rag|
|vivi1|live, dwell, live|
|vivi ermite|lead a quiet life, live in retirement|
|vivo2|household, living, life|
|vivteni|nourish, feed, bring up, foster, raise, keep|
|vizĝoklina akrido|Chinese grasshopper|
|vizitadi|wander, commute, go to and from|
|vojaĝo|tour, trip, journey|
|vojerari|get astray, be undecided, hesitate, be at a loss, hesitate|
|vojo|road, way|
|volanludo|Korean shuttlecock|
|voli|wish for|
|volo|will, meaning, sense|
|volumena|heaped up|
|volvaĵo|ball of yarn, ball of thread|
|volvi1|wind, roll, tie, bind, wrap, enclose, surround, wear, grease, oil, pack|
|volvi2|fold, fold up, clear (weather)|
|vortico de haroj|hair whorl|
|vorto|word, speech, language|
|vosto|tail, the lower end of the backbone|
|vringi|squeeze, wring|
|vulvaj lipetoj|inner lips, labia minora|
|vulvo|vulva, female genitals|
|vundiĝi|be wouded|