[[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_a|a]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_b|b]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_c|c]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_cx|ĉ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_d|d]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_e|e]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_f|f]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_g|g]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_gx|ĝ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_h|h]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_hx|ĥ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_i|i]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_j|j]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_jx|ĵ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_k|k]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_l|l]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_m|m]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_n|n]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_o|o]] **p** [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_r|r]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_s|s]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_sx|ŝ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_t|t]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_u|u]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_ux|ŭ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_v|v]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_z|z]]
====== P ======
|pacifika gado|codfish|
|pacifika haringo|herring|
|pagelo|porgy, see bream|
|pagro|porgy, see bream|
|paguro|hermit crab|
|pajla mato|straw mat|
|pajla pluvmantelo|straw raincoat|
|pajlsandalo|straw shoes|
|pajlŝuo|straw shoes|
|pajltegmenta domo|thatched house|
|pakaĵo|baggage, load|
|paki|tie, bind, tie, bind, plume, trim, tidy, tidy up, envelop, pack, pack (v), wind, roll, wrap, enclose, surround, wear, grease, oil, pack, manage|
|paktolo|wrapping cloth|
|paktuko|wrapping cloth|
|pala|light, pale, tender|
|palankeno|sedan chair, palanquin|
|palato|the roof of the mouth, palate|
|paliso|picket, pile, stake|
|palpebro|eyelid, pupil|
|pantalonaj kruroj|trouser leg|
|pantalono sen subŝtofo|unlined trousers|
|papermono|paper money, note|
|papilio|moth, butterfly|
|papiliono|swallowtail butterfly|
|paraliziĝi|go numb, paralyze|
|parapeto|fortified wall|
|parazito|good-for-nothing, drone, glutton|
|parenco|kindred, relation|
|parenco sur la patra flanko|paternal relative, the father's family|
|parenco sur la patrina flanko|maternal relative, the mother's family|
|parenteze|by the way|
|parkerigi|remember, memorize, learn by heart|
|paro2|set, pair, couple|
|paroli|talk, tell a story, speak|
|parto1|portion, part, (important) occasion|
|parto3|part, place|
|partopreni|take part in, participate, join|
|partopreni en milito|enter the war|
|pasero|skylark, sparrow|
|pasi|exceed, be over, go beyond, pass, past over, elapse|
|pasigi|pass, tide over, hand over, pass over|
|pasloĝado en privata domo|homestay|
|pasteca|sticky, glutinous|
|pasto de papriko|red pepper paste|
|pasto de ruĝa pipro|red pepper paste|
|pastobuloj en supo|dough drop soup, clear soup with dough flakes|
|pastro|clergyman, pastor|
|paŝo|walk, step|
|paŝtejo|pasture, meadow|
|paŝtiĝejo|pasture, meadow|
|patelo|patella, kneecap|
|pato|frying pan|
|patra familio|paternal relative, the father's family|
|patra onklino|aunt on the father's side|
|patrina familio|maternal relative, the mother's family|
|patrina onklo|uncle on the mother's side|
|patrinflanka avo|father of one's mother, grandfather|
|patrinflanka onklino|aunt on the father's side|
|patrinflanka onklo|uncle on the mother's side|
|patrino|mama, mother|
|patrino de patrino|mother of one's mother, grandmother|
|patrino de patro|mother of one's father, grandmother|
|patrinpatro|father of one's mother, grandfather|
|patro|papa, father|
|patro de patrino|father of one's mother, grandfather|
|patro de patro|father of one's father, grandfather|
|patroflanka avo|father of one's father, grandfather|
|patroflanka boonklino|elder aunt, wife of father's elder brother, stepmother, aunt, wife of one's father's younger brother|
|patroflanka onklino|aunt on the father's side|
|patroflanka onklo (ne edziĝinta)|unmarried uncle (on the father's side)|
|patroflanka onklo (pli juna ol patro)|stepfather, father's younger brother|
|patroflanka onklo (pli maljuna ol patro)|elder uncle, father's elder brother|
|patrolo|tour of inspection|
|paŭti|in the sulks, sulky|
|paviloneto de melonkampo|shed on stilts for a melon patch[field] guard|
|pecetigi|destroy, break, split (wood), chop (wood), shatter to pieces, crush, smash, crack|
|peco1|piece (of steamed rice cake)|
|peco2|part, place|
|pejzaĝo|landscape, scenery|
|peklaĵo|radish preserved with salt|
|peklita fiŝeto|seafood salt-pickled with its entrails and fermented, salted seafood|
|peklita kukumeto|cucumber pickles, pickled cucumbers|
|peli|pursue, run after, drive|
|pelvo|large brass bowl, wash basin|
|penado|hardship, trouble|
|pendi|take (time), hang, get (sick), receive (a phone call), be caught|
|pendigi|hang, attach, glue, stick, hang down, descend, go down, lower, bring down|
|pendsekigi|spread out, hang out, dry|
|penetri|bore, penetrate, pierce|
|peni|endeavour, suffer troubles, take pains, disgrace oneself|
|peno|hardship, trouble|
|penso|idea, thought|
|pentraĵo|picture, painting, drawing|
|per unu spiro|a short time later, after a while, soon, on the spot, right away, at once, immediately, at a stretch, at a breath, by one effort, at a stroke|
|perdi1|be defeated, lose|
|perdi2|lose, drop, lose|
|perdi senton|go numb|
|perdiĝi1|come out, fall out|
|perdiĝi2|disappear, be lost|
|perfortado|pressure, coercion|
|perforte|willy-nilly, by force|
|perilja folio|perilla leaf|
|periljo|perilla, Chinese basil, Japanese basil, shiso, beefsteak plant|
|perla hordeo|tear grass, coixseed, Job's-tears|
|perlabori|earn, gain|
|perlo1|marble, bead|
|permesi|give consent to, give permission to|
|perpleksa|be bewildered, be perplexed|
|persimon-tinkturaĵo|clothing dyed with persimmon tannin|
|persistejo|fortified wall|
|persisti|stand, persist|
|persono|one, man, person|
|pesi|weigh, measure|
|pesilo|balance, scales|
|petalo|floral leaf, petal|
|petazito|Japanese butterbur, Japanese sweet coltsfoot|
|peti|ask, request|
|peti?|ask, beg|
|petolaĵo|trick, mischief|
|petolo|trick, mischief|
|piĉo|vulva, female genitals|
|piedinga rimeno|stirrup leather|
|piedvesto el hunda ledo|dog leather socks|
|pika|pungent, hot|
|pikanta|pungent, hot|
|pikfosilo|mattock, pickaxe|
|piki|stab, stick, dab, thrust, pierce, sting, put|
|pikstango|spear, lance|
|pimpinelo|Chinese thoroughwax, sickle-leaved hare's-ear, great burnet, burnet|
|pinĉi1|hold a thing in one's arms or fingers, pinch, insert, put|
|pinĉi2|pluck, gather, tear off, pluck, plunk, pick|
|pinĉilo|claw of a crab|
|pinĉilomartelo|claw hammer|
|pinta|pointed, sharp|
|pinto1|edge, tip, point, end|
|pinto2|top, summit|
|pioĉi|dig, dig|
|pioĉo|mattock, pickaxe|
|pipforneto|chamber (of a pipe)|
|pipo|tabacco pipe, pipe|
|pipromento|peppermint, mint|
|piptubo|the bamboo-stem of a pipe, pipestem, long pipe|
|pirogo|ship, vessel, lighter, boat, dugout, small boat|
|pisti1|crush, destroy, break, split (wood), chop (wood), shatter to pieces, crush, smash, crack|
|pisti2|hull, pound|
|pistilo|pestle, large mortar, mortar|
|pistujo|pestle, large mortar, mortar|
|plafontrabo|ceiling joists|
|plaĝo1|seaside, seashore, shore, beach|
|plaĝo2|seaside resort, beach resort|
|plako|Alaska pollack|
|planko| floor, floor, down, under, bottom|
|planko de verando|veranda|
|plantolaŭso|plant louse, aphid|
|platfiŝo|flounder, sole|
|platkapa mugilo|flathead grey mullet, gray mullet|
|plej|most, best|
|plej eminenta subakvistino|perfectly excellent woman diver|
|plena|plentifully, fully, full|
|plena aĝo|age|
|plenaĝulo|adult, grown-up|
|plendi|complain, complain of one's sad plight|
|plendi pri sia mizereco|complain, complain of one's sad plight|
|plendo|complaint, grumble|
|pleniĝi|be filled|
|plenkreskulo|adult, grown-up|
|plenluno|full moon|
|plennuba|overcast, cloudy|
|plenumi|achieve, form|
|plenumi komision|go on an errand|
|pleŭronekto|flounder, sole|
|pli bone|rather|
|pli juna fratino de edzino|one's wife's younger sister|
|pli juna frato (samseksa)|younger sibling (same sex), younger brother (same sex)|
|pli juna frato de edzo|younger brother of one's husband|
|pli juna frato de virino|elder brother (opposite sex), male different-sex sibling, younger brother (opposite sex)|
|pli junaj gefratoj|younger brother or sister, younger sibling|
|pli junaj gefratoj samseksaj|younger sibling (same sex), younger brother (same sex)|
|pli maljuna fratino (samseksa)|elder sister (opposite sex), elder brother (same sex), elder sister (same sex)|
|pli maljuna fratino de edzino|one's wife's elder sister|
|pli maljuna fratino de virino|elder sister (opposite sex), elder brother (same sex)|
|pli maljuna fratino de viro|female different-sex sibling, younger sister (opposite sex), elder sister (opposite sex)|
|pli maljuna frato (samseksa)|elder sister (opposite sex), elder brother (same sex), elder sister (same sex)|
|pli maljuna frato de edzo|elder brother of one's husband|
|pli maljuna frato de viro|elder sister (opposite sex), elder brother (same sex), elder sister (same sex)|
|pli maljuna gefratoj|younger brother or sister, younger sibling|
|pliakriĝi|grow harder, get worse|
|plibeligi|plume, trim, tidy, tidy up, pack, manage|
|pliiĝi2|grow harder, get worse|
|plorigi|make someone cry|
|plugbeko|mouldboard, share, ploughshare|
|plugejo|field, garden|
|plugi|plough, cultivate|
|plugilbeko|mouldboard, share, ploughshare|
|plugilo|plough, plough used for light plowing, plough with a baseless bent|
|plugilo (tirata de du bovoj)|plough drawn by a yoke of two oxen|
|plugisto|peasant, plowman, farmer|
|plugkampo|field, garden|
|pluki|pluck, gather, tear off, pluck, plunk|
|plumo1|plume, feather|
|plumo2|pen, nib|
|pluveto|sprinkle, drizzle|
|pluvmantelo|rainwear, rain outfit|
|pluvo en la sezono de umeorikolto|fog, rainy season, the long spell of rain in early summer|
|pluvombrelo|rainwear, rain outfit|
|pluvsezono komencas|rainy season to start|
|po|per (person)|
|pobo|poop, buttock, stern|
|poemo|poetry, poem|
|poezio|poetry, poem|
|polekso|thumb, big toe|
|poligono|knotweed, knotgrass|
|polmolinioj|the lines of the palm|
|polpo|octopus, long-legged octopus, small octopus|
|poluri|polish, wipe|
|polurita rizo|polished rice, white rice|
|ponciro|trifoliate orange|
|por1| place, substitute, instead of|
|por2|in order to, owing, for, because of, due to, sake|
|pordoklapo|door leaf|
|poreo|spring onion, chives|
|porkejo|pigpen, pigsty|
|porkostalo|pigpen, pigsty|
|porti1|shoulder, put on, wear|
|porti (fruktojn)|bear, grow (fruit)|
|porti sur dorso|carry a child on one's back, bear on one's back|
|portilo|A-frame carrier|
|portlito|sedan chair, palanquin|
|portulako|little hogweed, pigweed, verdolaga|
|posedaĵo|property, wealth|
|post ĉio|after all|
|post nelonge|afterward(s), a short time later, after a while, soon, on the spot, right away, at once, immediately, at a stretch, at a breath, by one effort, at a stroke|
|post tri tagoj|two days after tomorrow|
|postaĵo|buttock, tail, the lower end of the backbone|
|poste|afterward(s), someday, by and by, later, a short time later, after a while|
|postmorgaŭ|day after tomorrow|
|posttagmezo|afternoon, p.m.|
|postvenonta jaro|the year after next|
|potaĵkomercisto|pottery dealer|
|potaĵkomerco|pottery trade|
|poto1|pot, pan|
|poto2|pot, crock, earthenware pot, jar|
|poŭpo|poop, buttock, stern|
|povi|be possible, can|
|praido|offspring, descendant|
|pranevo|grand-nephew, great-nephew|
|preciza|accurate, correct|
|predo|prey, fish bait|
|prefere|rather, on the contrary|
|premegi|push, shove, push, press, press|
|premi1|massage, clench, hold, seize, hold, grip, grasp, catch|
|premi2|push, shove, push, press, press|
|premi3|tighten, fasten|
|premtordi|squeeze, wring|
|preni|pick up, massage, clench, hold, seize, hold, grip, grasp, catch, lift, hold up, lift, have, have, take|
|preparado de kimĉioj por vintra uzo|preparing kimchi for the winter|
|prepari kimĉiojn por vintra uzo|prepare kimchi for the winter|
|presbiopaj okulvitroj|presbyopic glasses, reading glasses, magnifier|
|preskaŭ1|if the worst comes to the worst|
|preskaŭ2|nearly, almost|
|prestiĝo|authority, prestige|
|prete|in advance|
|preter|alongside, beside|
|preteriri|exceed, be over, go beyond, pass, past over, elapse|
|preterpasi|exceed, be over, go beyond, pass, past over, elapse|
|prezenti2|pull off, expose, take out, submit, issue, put out|
|prezo|cost, price|
|prifosi|pick one's nose|
|printempa pluvo|spring rain|
|printempo|spring, spring time|
|priserĉi|investigate, inquire into, study, inspect, observe|
|privata domo|private house|
|priverŝi|splash, pour|
|pro|for, because of, due to, sake|
|profiti|make a profit, earn, gain|
|profunda2|far, late|
|profunda dormo|sound sleep|
|profundo|interior, inside|
|prohibicio|ban, prohibition|
|prokrastiĝi|delay, lag|
|prononco|pronunciation, pronounce|
|propra|... by blood, true ...|
|propraĵo|property, wealth|
|protekta dio por klano|tutelary deity|
|provi|investigate, inquire into, study, inspect, observe|
|provincestro|provincial governor|
|provinco|province, region|
|prozo|writings, sentence|
|prudento|sense, prudence|
|prujni|frost falls, frost forms, frost|
|prunelo|heal-all, common self-heal|
|pruntado|loan, borrowing|
|pruntedoni|spread, lay, invest, lend out widely, lend|
|pruntepreno|loan, borrowing|
|prunti|borrow, spread, lay, invest, lend out widely, lend|
|pruo|stem, prow, bow|
|pubharoj|pubic hair|
|pubharoj (de virino)|pubic hair (of woman)|
|pubharoj (de viro)|pubic hair (of man)|
|publika ĝardeno|park|
|pubo|pubic region|
|pufaj neĝflokoj|large snowflakes|
|pugo|buttock, tail, the lower end of the backbone|
|pulvoro|flour, powder|
|punkto|part, place|
|punlaboro|imprisonment, penal servitude|
|pupilo|eyelid, pupil|
|pura|be clean|
|pura rizo|polished rice, white rice|
|purigi (rizon)|clean by washing|
|pusi|suppurate, form pus, fester|
|puŝi|push, shove, push, press, press|
|puŝiĝi|collide with, clash into|
|putri|go rotten|