[[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_a|a]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_b|b]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_c|c]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_cx|ĉ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_d|d]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_e|e]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_f|f]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_g|g]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_gx|ĝ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_h|h]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_hx|ĥ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_i|i]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_j|j]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_jx|ĵ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_k|k]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_l|l]] **m** [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_n|n]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_o|o]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_p|p]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_r|r]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_s|s]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_sx|ŝ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_t|t]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_u|u]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_ux|ŭ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_v|v]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_z|z]]
====== M ======
|majskarabo|goldbug, gold beetle|
|majstro|teacher, master|
|makintoŝo|rainwear, rain outfit|
|makleristo|broker, brokerage|
|maklero|broker, brokerage|
|makulo|black spots, blotch|
|makuvmelono|oriental melon|
|makuvo|oriental melon|
|makzelo|jaw, chin|
|malakra|slow in sensing a situation, insensitive, dull, blunt|
|malami|hate, dislike|
|malamikiĝi|be on bad terms with, become estranged|
|malaminda|detestable, hateful|
|malantaŭ|back, reverse|
|malantaŭa kruro|hind leg|
|malantaŭaj kruroj de kapreolo|roebuck's hind legs|
|malaperi|disappear, be lost|
|malaprobo|ban, prohibition|
|malatingi|miss, lose|
|malbona|not correct|
|malbona (vetero|nasty (weather)|
|malbona (vetero)|disgusting, unpleasant, bad, irksome, not sweet, nasty (weather)|
|malbone paroli|speak ill, find fault|
|malbonodora|smelling, stinking|
|malbonodoro|stink, bad smell, odour|
|malbonrikolta jaro|year of famine, lean year|
|maldelikata|harsh, violent, neglected, lie waste, coarse, loose, rough|
|maldelikata kribrilo|riddle, coarse sieve|
|maldensigi|thin out|
|maldika|thin, slender, fine, very slender, very thin|
|maldika intesto|small intestine|
|maldika intesto de ĉevalo|small intestine of horse|
|maldikiĝi|lose weight|
|maldiligente|idly, lazily|
|maldiligenteco|idleness, laziness|
|maldiligenti|be idle, neglect|
|maldiligentulo|lazybones, idler|
|malebena|bumpy, rough|
|malestimi|look down, make a fool of, scorn|
|malfacila situacio|plight, miserable condition|
|malfajna|harsh, violent, neglected, lie waste, coarse, loose, rough|
|malfermi|open, open, pluck, detach, take off, open|
|malfermi (okulojn)|open (eyes)|
|malfermi okulojn|open one's eye|
|malfermiĝi|open, open|
|malfiksi|undo, take off, untie, release|
|malfirmigi|loosen, relax|
|malfluso|outflowing water, low tide, ebb|
|malfrua|far, late|
|malfrua printempo|late spring|
|malfrua vintro|late winter|
|malfruiĝi|delay, lag|
|malglata|bumpy, rugged, lumpy, harsh, violent, neglected, lie waste, coarse, loose, rough|
|malglueca|not sticky, nonglutinous|
|malglui|open, pluck, detach, take off|
|malgracia|harsh, violent, neglected, lie waste, coarse, loose, rough|
|malgranda|little, teeny-weeny, tiny|
|malgranda fingro|little finger|
|malgranda fingro (pieda)|little toe|
|malgrasiĝi|decrease, lose weight|
|malĝentila|harsh, violent, neglected, lie waste, coarse, loose, rough|
|malhela2|overcast, cloudy|
|malhonoro|reproach, shame, disgrace|
|malintimiĝi|be on bad terms with, become estranged|
|maljuna vira fazano|old cock pheasant|
|maljuniĝi|grow old|
|maljunulo|old age|
|malkargi|descend, go down, lower, bring down|
|malklara|overcast, cloudy|
|mallaboremo|idleness, laziness|
|mallaboremulo|lazybones, idler|
|mallabori|be idle, neglect|
|mallarĝa|small, cramped, narrow|
|mallerta|unskillful, inexpert, irresponsible, sloppy|
|mallerta skribo|hen tracks|
|mallevi|descend, go down, lower, bring down|
|malleviĝi|sink, descend, go down, lower, bring down|
|malliberigo|imprisonment, penal servitude|
|malligi|undo, take off, untie, release|
|mallonga|short, brief|
|mallonga pantalono?|unlined short trousers|
|mallonga pipo|short pipe|
|mallonga vivo|early death, short life|
|mallongigi|cut short|
|malmilda|harsh, violent, neglected, lie waste, coarse, loose, rough|
|malmola|hard, stable, firm|
|malmola tofuo|hard tofu, firm tofu|
|malmole| hard|
|malmoliĝi|become hard|
|malmultigi|lighten, lessen|
|malmultiĝi|decrease, lose weight|
|malmutiĝi|decrease, lose weight|
|malnova|worn-out, old|
|malpaci|on bad terms, not get along|
|malpaciĝi|be on bad terms with, become estranged|
|malpasteca|not sticky, nonglutinous|
|malpendigi|descend, go down, lower, bring down|
|malpermesi|forbid, prohibit|
|malpermeso|ban, prohibition|
|malpliigi|lighten, lessen|
|malpliiĝi|decrease, lose weight|
|malpravi|make a mistake|
|malproksima|far, distant|
|(haŭt)malpuraĵo|dirt, grime, filth|
|malpuriĝi|get dirty|
|malrespekti|look down, make a fool of, scorn|
|malriĉulo|poor man|
|malsanemulo|invalid, sickly person|
|malsaniĝi|become ill, suffer, fall ill|
|malsano|sickness, illness, diseases|
|malseka|wet, damp|
|malseka regiono|marshy place, wetland|
|malsekiĝi|damp, get wet|
|malstreĉi|loosen, relax|
|malsupra|floor, down, under, bottom|
|malsupra fino de spinos|buttock, tail, the lower end of the backbone|
|malsuprena deklivo|declivity, downhill, slope|
|malsupreniri|descend, go down, lower, bring down|
|malŝarĝi|descend, go down, lower, bring down|
|malŝatata afero|untoward event|
|maltrafi|miss, go against, get out of joint, go astray, lose|
|maltrankvilo|worry, anxiety|
|malvarma akvo|cold water|
|malvarma pluvo|cold rain|
|malvarma supo|cold soup|
|malvarma vento|cold wind|
|malvarmeta|chilly, cool|
|malvarmigujo|refrigerator, fridge|
|malvarmiĝi|get cold, get cold|
|malvarmumi|get cold|
|malvasta|small, cramped, narrow|
|malvenki|be defeated, lose|
|malvolvi|extend, stretch, spread, unroll, unfold|
|mampinto|nipple, teat|
|mandarinarbo|mandarin tree|
|mandarino|mandarin orange|
|mandarinujo|mandarin tree|
|mandorso|back (of the hand)|
|manĝaĵo|things to eat, food|
|manĝebla lapo|burdock|
|manĝemulo|good-for-nothing, drone, glutton|
|manĝo|cooked rice, season, time, hour, meal|
|manĝotableto|meal, dining table|
|maniero|thing, fact, way|
|maniko|arm, sleeve|
|maniulo|madness, insanity, a lunatic, madman|
|mara erinaco|echinoid, sea chestnut, sea urchin|
|mara fiŝo|marine fish, saltwater fish, sea fish|
|mara laktuko|sea lettuce|
|mara vento|sea breeze|
|maranemono|sea anemone|
|marant-amelo|Japanese arrowroot, kudzu|
|maranto|Japanese arrowroot, kudzu|
|marborda roko|shore, beach|
|marbordo|seaside, seashore, shore, beach|
|marfiŝo|marine fish, saltwater fish, sea fish|
|marherbo|laver, nori|
|mariskarabo|seven-spot ladybird|
|markezo|pent roof, penthouse|
|marko|brand, mark|
|markolbaso|sea cucumber|
|markukumo|sea cucumber|
|marmito|pot, pan|
|maro|Poseidon, Neptune, the god of the sea, sea|
|marorelo|ormer, earshell, abalone|
|marproduktaĵo|seafood, marine products|
|marserpento|sea snakes, coral reef snakes|
|marŝo|march, walk, step|
|martelego|sledgehammer, maul|
|maso|mass, lump, block|
|masonita dometo|stone-walled shelter (where woman divers warm themselves over a fire)|
|mastro|master, host|
|maŝo|mesh (of a net)|
|mateno|a.m., morning|
|matenruĝo|morning glow|
|matenstelo|venus, morning star|
|matrico|cast, mould|
|maturiĝi|be done, be cooked, ripen, get ripe|
|meandri|meanderingly, windingly|
|medolo1|bone marrow|
|medolo de legomo|the heart of a Chinese cabbage|
|melio|bead tree, chinaberry|
|melolonto|goldbug, gold beetle|
|melongeno|eggplant, aubergine|
|mem|self, oneself, you (2nd per. sg)|
|memori|remember, memorize, learn by heart|
|menso|heart, mind|
|menstruaĵo|menstrual blood|
|menstruo|the menses, menstruation|
|mento|peppermint, mint|
|mentono|lower jaw, jaw, chin|
|mergi|soak, dip|
|meritulo|person of merit|
|merkato|trade, business, transactions|
|meteoro|meteor, shooting star|
|meti1|put, set, span, lay over, stab, stick, put, put on, wear|
|meti2|stab, stick, put, scoop up, slice, cut off, serve (rice), scoop, draw up, scoop, fish out|
|meti (ŝuojn sur siaj piedoj)|wear, put on|
|meti (ŝuojn)|put on|
|meti en supon|put (rice into soup)|
|meti fajron|turn on, light up|
|metropolo|Seoul, capital|
|mevo|mew gull, sea mew, seagull|
|meza fingro|middle finger|
|meza lernejo|high school, traditional private school|
|mezlernejo|high school, traditional private school|
|meznokto|depth of night, midnight|
|mezuri|weigh, measure|
|mi|I (1st per. sg)|
|migrofiŝo|wandering fish, migratory fish|
|miksi|blend, blend, mix|
|miksiĝi|get mixed, mingle|
|milda|mild, gentle, warm, cozy|
|mildiĝi|become mild, loosen|
|milia kuko|millet cake|
|milikuko|millet cake|
|milio|hulled millet, millet|
|milito|warfare, war|
|milivino|millet wine|
|mimiko|mimicry, imitation|
|mini|dig, dig|
|mirakla|mysterious, wonderful, marvelous|
|miri|be startled|
|mirinda|mysterious, wonderful, marvelous|
|misaĵo|wrong, error, fault, mistake|
|miskompreni|make a mistake|
|misoo|fermented soybean paste|
|misosupo|beanpaste soup, beanpaste potage|
|mistera|mysterious, wonderful, marvelous|
|mistero|mystery, riddle|
|mizera2|miserable-looking, shabby|
|mizera stato|plight, miserable condition|
|mizerulo|poor man|
|mjela plilongigo|medulla oblongata, bulb|
|mjelo|pith, spinal cord|
|modere dika|moderately fat|
|modere grasa|moderately fat|
|moksoterapio|moxa cautery moxibustion|
|mola1|soft, light, pale, tender|
|mola2|warm, cozy|
|mola sapo|facial soap|
|mola tofuo|uncurdled bean curd, uncurdled tofu|
|momento2|portion, part, (important) occasion|
|monataĵo|the menses, menstruation|
|monato|month, moon|
|monda naturheredaĵo|natural heritage|
|monero|change (N), coin|
|monsako|purse, pouch|
|monstro|yaksa, phantom, monster|
|monta vito|crimson glory vine, wild grape|
|montara kuono|leopard cat, dhole|
|monteto|knoll, hill|
|montopinto|top, summit|
|montosupro|top, summit|
|montri|indicate, point out, show|
|mordaĵo|bit, bridle|
|morgaŭo|the next day|
|morti|die, wither|
|morusarbo|mulberry tree|
|morusujo|mulberry tree|
|moskita larvo|mosquito larva|
|moskitido|mosquito larva|
|motorboato|launch, motorboat|
|movado por sendependiĝo|independence movement|
|movi|move, move, wriggle|
|moviĝeti|move, move, wriggle|
|moviĝi|move, move, wriggle|
|muelilo|millstones, mill, pestle, large mortar, mortar|
|muelilo (propulsata de bovo aŭ ĉevalo)|millstone worked by a horse or ox|
|muelita greno|ground grains|
|muldilo|cast, mould|
|multa1|several, many|
|multe1|recklessly, thoughtlessly, without permission, without reason, extremely, greatly, very, excessively, too much|
|multe (pli)|much (more)|
|multekosta|expensive, dear|
|multflora rozo|Eijitsu rose, seven-sisters rose, many-flowered rose, Japanese rose, baby rose, multiflora rose|
|multnombra|common, numerous|
|mumeo|Japanese apricot|
|mungfaba gelatenaĵo|mung bean jelly|
|mungfaba pasto|mung bean jelly|
|mungfabo|green gram, mung beans|
|mungi sin|blow one's nose|
|munti1|wedge, nail, drive in|
|munti2|attach, glue, stick, hang down|
|murenesoko|pike eel, conger pike|
|muro|fence, wall|
|muroazio|brownstriped mackerel scad|
|muso|rat, mouse|
|mustelo|weasel, Siberian weasel|
|muŝa larvo|maggot|