[[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_a|a]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_b|b]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_c|c]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_cx|ĉ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_d|d]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_e|e]] **f** [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_g|g]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_gx|ĝ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_h|h]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_hx|ĥ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_i|i]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_j|j]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_jx|ĵ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_k|k]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_l|l]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_m|m]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_n|n]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_o|o]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_p|p]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_r|r]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_s|s]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_sx|ŝ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_t|t]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_u|u]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_ux|ŭ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_v|v]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_z|z]]
====== F ======
|fabelaĵo|fairy tale|
|fabelo|fairy tale|
|fabkazeo|bean curd, tofu|
|fabo|soybean, beans|
|faboĝermo|bean sprout|
|facila|comfortable, simple, easy|
|fadenludo|cat's cradle|
|fagopira faruno|buckwheat flour|
|fagopira gelatenaĵo|buckwheat jelly|
|fagopira pasto|buckwheat jelly|
|fajfilo|flute, whistle|
|fajna|detailed, fine|
|fajrejo de subplanka hejtsistemo|fuel hole|
|fajrili|burn, make a fire, burn, light (a fire), smoke, emit, kindle, make bloom, make open|
|fajro|fire, burning|
|fajroprenilo|fire tongs|
|faktoro|broker, brokerage|
|faktoto|healthy worker, farmhand|
|falĉi|cut, mow, chop, hew|
|falĉilo|scythe, sickle|
|faldaĵo|fold, crevice, crack|
|faldekrano|folding screen|
|faldi|fold, fold up, clear (weather)|
|faldo|fold, crevice, crack|
|fali1|fall down, tumble|
|fali2|fall in (a pit)|
|fali sur sian sidvangojn|land on one's rear end, fall on one's buttocks|
|faligi1|bring down, fell, throw down|
|falstelo|meteor, shooting star|
|faltoplena|creased, wrinkled|
|fama|celebrated, famous, well-known|
|familiara|intimate, familiar|
|familio|members of a family, family|
|fandi|melt, solve, melt|
|fandiĝi|melt, solve, thaw, melt|
|farbi|paint, smear|
|farbo|colors, paint, pigment|
|fari kondolencan viziton|make a call of condolence|
|fari lerte|do well|
|fari tualeton|dress up|
|fariĝi|be, become|
|fariĝi anserhaŭta|get gooseflesh|
|fariĝi muta pro kolero|in the sulks, sulky|
|fariĝi prudenta|arrive at the age of discretion|
|fariĝi saĝa|arrive at the age of discretion|
|farilo|steel (for striking sparks from flint)|
|farunaĵo|mixed-grain porridge|
|farunfloka supo|dough drop soup, clear soup with dough flakes|
|fasoni|cut (with scissors)|
|fatalo|doom, fate, destiny|
|fato|doom, fate, destiny|
|fazanido|baby pheasant|
|fazeolo|haricot bean, kidney bean|
|feĉo|rubbish, scrap, dreg, remnant|
|feino|nymph, fairy|
|felo1|fur, hide, leather|
|felo2|wool, fur, hair|
|fendeto|fold, crevice, crack|
|fendeto inter dentoj|diastema, gaps in the teeth|
|fendi|destroy, break, split (wood), chop (wood), shatter to pieces, crush, smash, crack|
|fendiĝi|be cracked|
|fendo|fold, crevice, crack|
|ferioj|leave, holiday|
|fermenti|become stale, ferment|
|fermentita sojpasto|fermented soybeans|
|fermi (okulojn)|close (eyes)|
|fermi la okulojn|close one's eyes|
|fermi okulojn|close one's eyes|
|feroca|wild, violent|
|festeno|feast, party|
|festi|celebrate, congratulate|
|festivalo|feast, festival|
|festo|feast, festival, celebration|
|festotago|festive day, seasonal festival|
|festuko|sheep fescue, sheep's fescue|
|fetora|smelling, stinking|
|fetoro|stink, bad smell, odour|
|fianĉiĝi|get engaged|
|fianĉiniĝi|get engaged|
|fieri|be proud of, boast of|
|figuro|appearance, figure|
|fiinsekto|noxious insect|
|fikse|lightly, secretly, still|
|fiksi|attach, glue, stick, hang down|
|fiksi rigardon|stare, gaze, look up|
|fiksiĝi|become hard|
|fila pieco|filial piety|
|filiko|fern, bracken|
|filtri|filter, strain|
|filtriĝi|leak out|
|finfine|after all|
|fingre montri|point to, point at|
|fingro|finger, toe|
|fini|end, finish, stop|
|fini la tutan kurson|graduate|
|finiĝi|end, finish|
|fino|portion, part, (important) occasion, edge, tip, point, end|
|firma|hard, stable, firm|
|firme ligi|tighten, fasten|
|firmiĝi|become hard|
|firsto|ridge (of a roof)|
|fiŝado|angling, fishing, fishhook|
|fiŝhokado|angling, fishing, fishhook|
|fiŝhoko|angling, fishing, fishhook|
|fiŝodoro|fishy smell|
|fiŝsalato|cold raw fish soup, sashimi in a chilled broth|
|fizalido|Chinese lantern, ground cherry|
|flako|pool, puddle|
|flanka manĝaĵo|articles of diet, subsidiary|
|flankeniri|go against, get out of joint, go astray|
|flanko1|loin, waist, hip|
|flankrigardi|give a sidelong glance|
|flava kupro|brass|
|flikaĵo|rag, patch|
|fliki|stitch, sew|
|florigi|burn, make a fire, burn, light (a fire), smoke, emit, kindle, make bloom, make open|
|floro|blossom, flower|
|floro de komelino|Asiatic dayflower|
|flosi|float, drift|
|flosigi|spill, let flow, pour, spill|
|flugilhavaj animaloj|birds, winged animals|
|flui|stream, flow|
|fluidigi|melt, solve, melt|
|fluidiĝi|melt, solve, thaw, melt|
|folilaŭso|plant louse, aphid|
|fluso|full tide, rising tide, high tide, flood tide|
|fluto|flute, whistle|
|foirejo|market, permanent open market, traditional market|
|fojo| time|
|folia ajlo|chives|
|folio|leaves of trees, leaf|
|folio de olea periljo|perilla leaf|
|folio de sojo|bean leaves|
|folkloro|folklore, folk tale|
|fonto|spring, fountain|
|forbruli|burn up, go off, extinguish, burn out|
|fordanko|declining in favour of another|
|fordecidi|abandon, give up|
|forfluo|outflowing water, low tide, ebb|
|forgumi|extinguish, put out|
|forĝejo|blacksmith's workshop, smithy|
|forĝisto|blacksmith, smith|
|forigi1|undo, take off, untie, release|
|forigi2|open, pluck, detach, take off|
|forigi3|extinguish, put out|
|foriri|go away, leave|
|forĵeti1|throw out|
|forĵeti2|cast away, abandon|
|forkego1|gaff, crook, hook|
|forkego2|back scratcher, fork-shaped instrument|
|forkego3|scraper, forked rake, rake|
|forkiĝo|crutch, groin, coxa, crotch, leg|
|forkiĝo de kruroj|crutch, groin, coxa, crotch, leg|
|forko|crotch of a tree, fork of a tree, crutch, groin, coxa, crotch, leg|
|forko de vojo|crossroads|
|forkonduki|be accompanied, bring with|
|forkuri|run, fly away, bolt|
|forlasi|cast away, abandon|
|formado|preparation (of a housing site)|
|formi|achieve, form|
|formo|shape, form|
|forneto|chamber (of a pipe)|
|forno|fireplace, oven, furnace|
|forsitio|Japanese golden bell-tree, forsythia|
|forteco|might, power, force, strength|
|forto1|might, power, force, strength|
|fortuno|luck, fortune|
|fosaĵo1|pit, hole|
|fosaĵo2|drain, ditch|
|fosi|dig, dig|
|fosto|pillar, electric pole|
|foti|take, photograph|
|frajo de rano|frogspawn|
|frakasi|destroy, break, split (wood), chop (wood), shatter to pieces, crush, smash, crack|
|frakasiĝi|be broken|
|frapadi|clap, tap, knock|
|frapi|slap (v), hit, beat, punch, strike, thrash, clap, tap, knock|
|frapiĝi|collide with, clash into|
|fratino de edzo|husband's sister|
|frato (samseksa)|same-sex sibling, male same-sex sibling|
|frato de viro|same-sex sibling, male same-sex sibling|
|fraŭlino|spinster, unmarried woman|
|frazo|writings, sentence|
|frekventi|wander, commute, go to and from|
|fremda lando|foreign (country)|
|fremda lingvo|foreign language|
|fremdlando|foreign (country)|
|freneziĝi|go crazy, go mad|
|frenezo|madness, insanity, a lunatic, madman|
|frenezulo|madness, insanity, a lunatic, madman|
|freŝa|raw, fresh|
|freŝa sango|blood just shed|
|fridoŝranko|refrigerator, fridge|
|fridujo|refrigerator, fridge|
|friti en multa oleo|deep-fry|
|fritilo|frying pan|
|fritita mielkuko|fried honey cake|
|frivola persono|scatterbrain|
|fronto|surface, cover|
|frostego|intense cold|
|froti|file, chafe, mash, scrub, rub|
|frua morto|early death, short life|
|frua printempo|early spring|
|frue|early, quickly, soon|
|frukto|nut, fruit|
|frukto de ponciro|a fruit of the trifoliate orange|
|fuĝi|run away, escape, run, fly away, bolt|
|fulado|block for beating cloth, fulling block|
|fuladŝtono|block for beating cloth, fulling block|
|fulgi|get sooty|
|fulmo bati X-n|lightning|
|fumi|burn, make a fire, burn, light (a fire), smoke, emit, kindle, make bloom, make open|
|fumo2|vapor, steam|
|fundo1|floor, down, under, bottom|
|fundo2|interior, inside|
|funebra jupo|mourning skirt|
|fungo|mushroom, Shiitake mushroom|
|funkciiga akvo|priming water|
|furaĝo por bovoj|fodder, cattle feed|
|furioza|harsh, violent, neglected, lie waste, coarse, loose, rough|
|furioza riproĉado|nagging|
|furzi|release, let a fart, fart|
|fusto (de pipo)|shank (of a pipe), bowl (of a pipe)|