[[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_a|a]] **b** [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_c|c]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_cx|ĉ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_d|d]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_e|e]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_f|f]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_g|g]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_gx|ĝ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_h|h]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_hx|ĥ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_i|i]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_j|j]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_jx|ĵ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_k|k]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_l|l]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_m|m]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_n|n]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_o|o]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_p|p]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_r|r]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_s|s]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_sx|ŝ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_t|t]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_u|u]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_ux|ŭ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_v|v]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_z|z]]
====== B ======
|babilemulo|chatterbox, talkative person|
|baldaŭ|on the spot, right away, at once, immediately, at a stretch, at a breath, by one effort, at a stroke|
|balonfiŝo|porcupine fish, blowfish, globefish|
|bambua bastono|bamboo stick|
|bambua kofro|wicker trunk, hamper|
|bambua korbo|bamboo basket|
|bambua trapikilo|bamboo skewer|
|bambufluto blovata per truo en la supra finaĵo|vertical end-blown bamboo flute, xiao|
|bambuido|bamboo shoot|
|bambukorbo|bamboo basket|
|bambuŝoso|bamboo shoot|
|bandito|pack of thieves, group of robbers|
|baniĝi|bathe, swim, bathe, wash|
|bankedo|feast, party|
|bankostumo|swimming costume, underwear|
|barako?|shed on stilts for a melon patch[field] guard|
|barbo|beard, moustache|
|barĝo|barge, lighter|
|bariero|piling, stockade, the bar of a gate|
|barilo|piling, stockade|
|barko|ship, vessel, lighter, boat, dugout, small boat|
|bartrabo|the bar of a gate|
|bastono2|bar, pole, stick|
|batali|dispute, contest, quarrel, fight|
|batalo|struggle, fight (n)|
|batato|sweet potato|
|bati|slap (v), hit, beat, punch, strike, thrash, clap, tap, knock|
|bavaĵo|saliva, slaver|
|bavo|saliva, slaver|
|bazaro|market, permanent open market, traditional market|
|bazartago|market day|
|bazo de trunko|bottom part, base|
|bedaŭrinda|be mortified, be frustrated, tantalizing, regrettable|
|bedaŭrinde|just in time, unfortunately|
|bedo|field, garden|
|beko|bill, beak|
|bela1|pretty, fine, beautiful|
|bela2|clear (weather)|
|bela3|chic, stylish, splendid, elegant|
|bele|with tender care, finely|
|belgrajno|mole, wart|
|bendo uzata por ligi la malsuprajn finojn de pantalono|pant-leg ties|
|besto|animal, beast|
|bezoni|need, necessary|
|bezoni (tempon)|take (time), hang, get (sick), receive (a phone call), be caught|
|bidento kun malgrandaj folioj|Spanish needles|
|bieno|grounds, land|
|bienservanto|healthy worker, farmhand|
|bildo1|picture, painting, drawing|
|birdido|chicken, chick|
|birdlanga poligono|knotweed, knotgrass|
|birdolango|knotweed, knotgrass|
|blanka ĉevalo|white horse|
|blanka kvakfiŝo|silver jewfish, white croaker|
|blanka kverko|bamboo-leaf oak, oak|
|blanka rizo|polished rice, white rice|
|blanka sablo|white sand|
|blanka vakso|insect wax|
|blankigi per sunlumo|discolour, fade away, bleach in the sun|
|bleki|howl (animal)|
|blindulo|sightless person, blind|
|bloki|block up, choke up, stop up|
|bloko|mass, lump, block|
|blovego|blast, gust|
|blovileto|bellows, hand bellows|
|blovilo|bellows, hand bellows|
|blua|blue, dark blue|
|blua rokturdo|blue rockthrush|
|boato|ship, vessel, lighter, boat, dugout, small boat|
|boavino|grandmother of husband|
|boavino (avino de edzino)|wife's grandmother, grandmother-in-law|
|boavo (avo de edzino)|wife's grandfather, grandfather-in-law|
|boavo (avo de edzo)|grandfather of husband|
|bobeno|spool, reel|
|bobeno de fadeno|a spool of thread|
|bofratino|one's wife's younger sister, one's wife's elder sister, husband's sister, the wife of a man's brother, younger brother's wife, elder brother's wife, husband of a brother's wife|
|bofrato|husband of a brother's wife|
|bofratoj|parents of one's son- or daughter-in-law, in-law|
|bolpoto|kettle, earthen bowl|
|bona rivalo|a good match|
|bone1|all right|
|bonodoro|fragrance, good smell|
|bonzo|monk, priest|
|boonklo|paternal aunt, aunt (sister of one's father)|
|bopatrino (patrino de edzino)|wife's mother, mother-in-law|
|bopatrino (patrino de edzo)|husband's mother, mother-in-law|
|bopatro (patro de edzino)|wife's father, father-in-law|
|bopatro (patro de edzo)|husband's father, father-in-law|
|bori|bore, penetrate, pierce|
|borilo|awl, gimlet, borer|
|bovledaj ŝuoj|leather shoes|
|bovlego (el flava kupro)|large brass bowl|
|bovlo|rice bowl|
|bovo|bull, cow, beef|
|bovoj kaj ĉevaloj|oxen and horses, horses and cattle|
|brando de Ĝeĝu|distilled spirits of Jeju, kosori-sul|
|brano|wheat bran|
|bredi|nourish, feed, bring up, foster, raise, keep|
|brido|bit, bridle|
|bridrimeno|bridle, rein(s)|
|brogaĵo|beef stock|
|brogi|scald, parboil, blanch|
|brua|annoying, noisy|
|bruli1|a fire breaks out|
|bruli2|blaze, burn|
|bruligi1|burn, make a fire, burn, light (a fire), smoke, emit, kindle, make bloom, make open|
|brulligno|firewood, fuel|
|brulmastrumado|slash-and-burn field|
|brulo|fire, burning|
|brulo okazas|a fire breaks out|
|brunostria ĉevalskombro|brownstriped mackerel scad|
|brusonetio|paper mulberry|
|brusto|breast, chest|
|brustosto|collarbone, breastbone|
|bubalo|water buffalo|
|buĉejo|abattoir, slaughterhouse|
|buĉi beston en pecojn|butcher into different cuts|
|buĉisto2|meat retail, butcher, butcher's shop|
|budo?|shed on stilts for a melon patch[field] guard|
|bukla haro|curly hair|
|buljono|soup for memorial service|
|bumbua splito|bamboo strip|
|bupleŭro|Chinese thoroughwax, sickle-leaved hare's-ear, great burnet, burnet|
|burĝoni|bud, come into bud|
|burleska|ridiculous, funny|
|buŝaĵo|mouthpiece, cigarette tip|
|buŝo2|mouth (of a bottle)|
|buŝpeco|mouthpiece, cigarette tip|
|butiko|shop, store|