**a** [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_b|b]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_c|c]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_cx|ĉ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_d|d]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_e|e]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_f|f]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_g|g]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_gx|ĝ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_h|h]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_hx|ĥ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_i|i]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_j|j]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_jx|ĵ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_k|k]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_l|l]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_m|m]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_n|n]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_o|o]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_p|p]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_r|r]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_s|s]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_sx|ŝ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_t|t]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_u|u]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_ux|ŭ]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_v|v]] [[eo:exhibition:vocabulary:en_eo_z|z]]
====== A ======
|abdiki|retire, retreat|
|abelreĝino|queen bee|
|abomeninda1|detestable, hateful, abominable|
|abomeninda2|nauseous, feel sick|
|abrupte|quickly, promptly, suddenly, all of a sudden|
|abscesi|suppurate, form pus, fester|
|absolute (ne)|by any possibility, by any means|
|abunda|enough, plenty|
|acero|maple tree|
|aĉa|disgusting, unpleasant, bad, irksome, not sweet, nasty (weather)|
|aĉeti|purchase, buy|
|adampomo|Adam's apple|
|administri2|tie, bind, tie, bind, plume, trim, tidy, tidy up, pack, manage|
|adoptinta patrino|foster mother|
|adoptinta patro|foster father|
|adoptinto|foster father|
|adoptita filino|foster daughter, adopted daughter|
|adoptita filo|foster son, adopted son|
|adoptito|foster son, adopted son|
|adori|adore, worship|
|adstringagusta|bitter, astringent|
|aeroflagreto|heat haze|
|aeroplano|aeroplane, plane|
|afananto|Aphananthe aspera|
|afero2|office work, task, work, job, business|
|afido|plant louse, aphid|
|afliktiĝi|be worried|
|agla pterido|fern, bracken|
|aglofiliko|fern, bracken|
|agrikulturaj instrumentoj|agricultural machinery|
|agrikulturo|miss, lose|
|aĝo|age, year|
|aĝulo|old age|
|ajlo|spring onion, garlic, allium crop|
|aĵo|article, thing|
|Aka-ŝida karpeno|Aka-shide hornbeam|
|akaro|mite, tick|
|akcento|dialect, accent|
|akcepti1|treat, entertain|
|akcepti2|undertake, take charge of, keep|
|akcepti kiel veron|believe, take seriously|
|akcepti por teni|undertake, take charge of, keep|
|akcepti sub sia gardo|undertake, take charge of, keep|
|akiri|obtain, get|
|akiri sen klobodo|pick up|
|akno|acne, tumor, swelling, pimple, sore, inflammation, boil|
|akompana manĝaĵo|articles of diet, subsidiary|
|akra|acute, sharp|
|akra flankrigardo|sidelong scowl|
|akrapinta|pointed, sharp|
|akre flankrigardi|look askance|
|aktinidio|silver vine|
|aktinio|sea anemone|
|akumuliĝi|assemble, gather|
|akuta malsano|sudden illness|
|akva glitanto|water strider|
|akva kuranto|water strider|
|akvilono|north wind|
|akvokondukilo|water service, water supply|
|akvopulo|water flea|
|alaŭdo|skylark, sparrow|
|aldoni2|blend, mix|
|alfluo|full tide, rising tide, high tide, flood tide|
|algo|laver, nori|
|alia1|one party, one side, different, other, else|
|alia persono|stranger|
|aliĝi|take part in, participate, join|
|alilando|foreign (country)|
|alĵeti|throw at|
|alkoholaĵo|wine, liquor|
|alkonduki|be accompanied, bring with|
|alligi1|tie, bind, tie, bind, tidy up, wind, roll, wrap, enclose, surround, wear, grease, oil, pack, manage|
|alligi2|succeed to, link, join, fasten, connect|
|alloga|charming, lovely|
|almanĝaĵo|articles of diet, subsidiary|
|almenaŭ|at least|
|almeti|attach, glue, stick, hang down|
|almozi|go about asking for alms, beg|
|almozo| mendicancy, mendicancy, begging|
|almozpeti|go about asking for alms, beg|
|alporti|bring, take|
|alprunti|spread, lay, invest, lend out widely, lend|
|alta|heaped up, high|
|alta aralio|Japanese angelica, fatsia|
|alte|highly, high|
|altiri|pull, substract, draw, drag|
|altlernejo|high school, traditional private school|
|altranĉi|cut (with scissors)|
|alumeta skatolo|matchbox, match|
|alumeto|matchbox, match|
|alumetujo|matchbox, match|
|alveni|arrive, attain, arrive at, reach|
|amara|bitter, astringent|
|amaranto|amaranthus, amaranth, pigweed, feather cockscomb, plumed cockscomb, cockscomb|
|amase|amply at a time|
|amasigi|pile up, heap up|
|amaso|multitude, every, all, various|
|amatino|husband and wife, lover|
|amato|husband and wife, lover|
|ambaŭflanka kunporto per bastono|carrying with a pole jointly shouldered by two persons|
|amelĵeleo|starch jelly|
|ami|love, like|
|amika|intimate, familiar|
|amiko|mate, friend|
|aminda|pretty, charming, lovely|
|ampelopso|ampelopsis, Japanese cayratia herb, bushkiller, wild grape|
|amura felodendro|Amur cork tree|
|amuza|amusing, funny, happy, interesting|
|analfabeto|illiterate, blind fool|
|angilego|giant mottled eel|
|angori|painful, distressing, suffer|
|angulo2|angle, corner|
|anheli|breathe hard, pant|
|animalo|animal, beast|
|animo|spirit, soul|
|ankaŭ|also, again|
|ankoraŭ|yet, still|
|ankoraŭfoje|also, again|
|anksio|worry, anxiety|
|anso|ear, toecap|
|anstataŭ| place, substitute, instead of|
|anstataŭi|take one's place|
|antaŭ ĉio|first of all|
|antaŭ kelkaj tagoj|the other day|
|antaŭ momentoj|a short time ago, just then|
|antaŭ ol mi rimarkis|before I was aware of it|
|antaŭ tri jaroj|three years ago|
|antaŭ tri tagoj|three days ago|
|antaŭa tago|previous day, yesterday|
|antaŭĉambro|study-guest room|
|antaŭe|in advance, before|
|antaŭhieraŭ|day before yesterday|
|antaŭtagmezo|a.m., morning|
|antaŭtuketo|feeder, bib|
|apertaĵo|mouth (of a bottle)|
|anuso|anal passage, anus|
|aorruto|Japanese arrowroot, kudzu|
|aparte2| very, (not) in particular|
|aparteni|belong to|
|aperi1|happen, arise, arise, take place, occur, happen|
|aperi2|leave, come forward, appear, get out, come out, depart, go out, come out|
|aperturo|mouth (of a bottle)|
|apogi|support, prop|
|aprego|big wild boar|
|apro|wild boar|
|apud|alongside, beside|
|apunto|change (N), coin|
|aranĝi|tie, bind, tie, bind, plume, trim, tidy, tidy up, pack, manage|
|aranĝo2|preparation (of a housing site)|
|arba aralio|Japanese angelica, fatsia|
|arbaro|woods, copse, grove, forest|
|arbetaĵo|thicket, bush|
|arbetaro|thicket, bush|
|arda fajro de lignokarbo|live charcoal, embers|
|aresti|massage, clench, hold, seize, hold, grip, grasp, catch|
|arĝenta magnolio|silver magnolia|
|ariĝi|assemble, gather|
|aristo|awn, beard|
|armeano|soldier, warrior|
|aro|flock, herd, group|
|aroma|aromatic, sweet-smelling|
|artiklo|article, thing|
|ascenda deklivo|acclivity, uphill|
|ascendi|rise, ascend|
|asisti|help, assist, help|
|aspekto|appearance, figure|
|aspergi|splash, pour|
|aspra|bumpy, rugged, lumpy, coarse, rough|
|atentema|cautious, careful, methodical|
|atingi|arrive, attain, arrive at, cover, range, extend, reach|
|aŭdi|hear, listen|
|aŭdiĝi|audible, hear|
|aŭguri|divine, tell fortune|
|aŭskulti|hear, listen|
|aŭstrala vento|south wind|
|aŭto|vehicle, motor-car, automobile, car|
|aŭtoritato|authority, prestige|
|aŭtuno|fall, autumn|
|avarulo|stingy fellow, miser|
|avelarbo|Korean hazel|
|aviadilo|aeroplane, plane|
|avidulo|grabber, greedy fellow|
|avino de edzo|grandmother of husband|
|avino patrinflanka|mother of one's mother, grandmother|
|avino patroflanka|mother of one's father, grandmother|
|avo|father of one's father, grandfather|