[[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ko_k|ㄱ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ko_n|ㄴ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ko_t|ㄷ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ko_l|ㄹ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ko_m|ㅁ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ko_p|ㅂ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ko_s|ㅅ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ko_q|ㅇ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ko_c|ㅈ]] **ㅊ** [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ko_kh|ㅋ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ko_th|ㅌ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ko_ph|ㅍ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ko_h|ㅎ]] ====== ㅊ ====== ^Korean^English^ |차|tea| |차|automobile, car, motor-car, vehicle| |차가워지다|get cold| |차갑다<ㅂ>|cold| |차게 하다|freeze| |차남|second son| |차녀|second daughter| |차다|cold| |차다|be filled| |차다|kick| |차라리|rather| |차례|order, turn| |차림|appearance| |차별|discrimination| |차분하다|steady, calm| |차양|pent roof, penthouse| |차용|borrowing, loan| |차일피일|delay from day to day| |차조기|beefsteak plant, shiso, Japanese basil, Chinese basil, perilla| |차지다|glutinous, sticky| |차지하다|occupy| |차차|gradually, by and by| |착상|casual idea| |찬국|cold soup| |찬물|cold water| |찬바람|cold wind| |찬밥|cold cooked rice| |찬비|cold rain| |찬성하다|approve| |찬장|cupboard| |찬찬하다|methodical, careful, cautious| |참|really| |참가하다|join, participate| |참개암나무|Korean hazel| |참게|Chinese mitten crab, Shanghai hairy crab| |참기름|sesame oil| |참깨|sesami| |참나무|Japanese oak, oak| |참다|endure| |참다랑어|tuna| |참말|truth| |참밀|wheat| |참바|cord, straw rope| |참비름|amaranth, amaranthus, pigweed| |참빗|a fine-toothed bamboo comb| |참새|sparrow| |참석하다|attend, participate| |참여하다|take part in, participate| |참오징어|cuttlefish| |참외|oriental melon| |참전하다|enter the war| |참치|tuna| |참혹하다|cruel, miserable, severe| |찹쌀|glutinous rice, sticky rice| |창|lance, pike, spear| |창문|window| |창자|guts| |창조|creation| |창조하다|create| |창창하다|rank| |창칼|knife, penknife| |창피|disgrace, shame| |창피하다|disgraceful, shameful| |찾다1|find, search| |찾다2|visit| |찾아오다|to visit| |채|house| |채롱|hamper, wicker trunk| |채소|greens, vegetable| |채용하다|adopt| |채우다|fill| |채찍|whip| |채취하다|catch| |책|book| |책상|desk| |처|wife| |처녀1|unmarried woman, spinster| |처녀2|virgin| |처마|eaves| |처모|mother-in-law, wife's mother| |처부|father-in-law, wife's father| |처음|beginning, the first time| |처제|one's wife's younger sister| |처조모|grandmother-in-law, wife's grandmother| |처조부|grandfather-in-law, wife's grandfather| |처지다|lag, delay| |처형|one's wife's elder sister| |척|pretense| |척추|backbone| |척추골|backbone| |천|cloth, material| |천|thousand| |천하다|bumble, vulgar, base| |천국|Heaven| |천둥|thunder| |천둥이 치다|thunder| |천막|pandal, tent| |천만|ten million, one crore| |천만에요|you are welcome| |천명|fate| |천문|astronomical phenomena| |천사|angel| |천성|nature| |천식|asthma| |천연두|smallpox| |천장|ceiling| |천재1|genius| |천재2|genius| |천천히|slowly| |천체|heavenly bodies| |천칭|scales, balance| |철|iron| |철갑상어|sturgeon| |철도|railway| |철망|wire netting| |철사|wire| |철이 들다|arrive at the age of discretion| |철자|spelling| |철필촐|nib| |첨가하다|add| |첩|mistress| |첫|first| |청개구리|tree frog| |청각|green sea fingers, dead man's fingers, felty fingers| |청각채|green sea fingers, dead man's fingers, felty fingers| |청결|clean| |청결하다|be clean| |청년|youth| |청색|blue| |청소|cleaning| |청어|herring| |청포|mung bean jelly| |체1|pretense| |체2|sieve| |체3|sieve| |체신|post, mail| |체온|body temperature, body heat| |체재하다|stay, remain| |쳇바퀴|sieve-frame| |쳇불|sieve net, meshes of sieve| |쳐다보다|gaze, look up, stare| |초|candle| |초봄|early spring| |초사흘 달|new moon, crescent moon| |초승달|new moon, crescent moon| |초|vinegar| |초가|thatched house| |초대하다|invite| |초래하다|bring| |초서|grass characters| |초순|first ten days of a month| |촉촉히 젖다|become damp| |촌|village| |촌사람|countryman| |촛대|candlestick| |총|gun| |총알|bullet| |총각|bachelor| |총탄|bullet| |최대|the biggest| |최촉하다|urge| |추기다|egg on| |추녀|angle rafter| |추녀마루|hip| |추다|dance| |추어|loach| |추워지다|get cold| |추위|cold| |추천하다|recommend| |추첨|lot| |추첨하다|cast lots| |추출하다|extract| |축구|soccer| |축일|holiday, festival| |축제|feast, festival| |축제일|holiday, festival| |축축하다|damp, wet| |축축해지다|become damp| |축하|celebration, festival| |축하하다|congratulate, celebrate| |축하합니다|Congraturations!| |출구|exit, wayout| |출발|go out, depart| |출발하다|go out, depart| |출생지|place of birth, birthplace| |출입구|doorway| |춤|dance| |춤을 추다|dance| |춥다<ㅂ>|cold| |충돌하다|clash into, collide with| |충분하다|be sufficient, sufficient| |취하다|be drunken| |취미|hobby| |취사|cookery| |측|side| |측간|toilet| |층계|stairs| |치근|root of tooth| |치다1|beat, hit, punch, strike, thrash| |치다2|play [musical instrument]| |치뜨리다|toss up, throw up| |치료|medical treatment| |치료하다|heal, cure| |치마|skirt| |치모|pubic hair| |치받이|uphill, acclivity| |치석|tartar| |치우다|put in order, tidy up| |치질|piles, hemorrhoids| |친-|true ..., ... by blood| |친딸|daughter by blood| |친아들|son by blood| |친아버지|father by blood| |친어머니|mother by blood| |친하다|familiar, intimate| |친할머니|grandmother, mother of one's father| |친할아버지|grandfather, father of one's father| |친가|the father's family, paternal relative| |친구|friend, mate| |친절하다|kind| |친지|acquaintance| |친척|relation, kindred| |칠|seven| |칠하다|smear, paint| |칠성무당벌레|seven-spot ladybird| |칠십|seventy| |칠월|July| |칠팔월|July and August| |칡|kudzu, Japanese arrowroot| |침|needle| |침|needle| |침|saliva, slaver, spit| |침대|bedstead, bed| |침을 뱉다|spit| |침입하다|invade| |침착하다|steady, calm| |칭찬하다|praise|