[[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ko_k|ㄱ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ko_n|ㄴ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ko_t|ㄷ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ko_l|ㄹ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ko_m|ㅁ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ko_p|ㅂ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ko_s|ㅅ]] **ㅇ** [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ko_c|ㅈ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ko_ch|ㅊ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ko_kh|ㅋ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ko_th|ㅌ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ko_ph|ㅍ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ko_h|ㅎ]]
====== ㅇ ======
|아가리|mouth (of a bottle)|
|아가씨|addressing term for a young girl|
|아궁이|furnace, oven|
|아귀3|side slit|
|아귀찜|spicy angler fish soup with soybean sprouts|
|아기야|my baby|
|아기작아기작|toddling, tottering|
|아까|a short time ago, just then|
|아끼다|take care, spare|
|아는 사람|acquaintance|
|아니라고 생각하다|doubt|
|아래|down, under|
|아래턱|lower jaw|
|아랫배|lower part of the abdomen|
|아련하다|sparse, thin|
|아름답다<ㅂ>|beautiful, fine|
|아마|probably, perhaps|
|아무|any, anyone|
|아무러하다|any kind|
|아무렇다|any kind|
|아무리|however, no matter how|
|아무튼|anyway, at any rate|
|아버지|father, papa|
|아예|at all, from the beginning|
|아우|younger brother (same sex), younger sibling (same sex)|
|아이를 배다|conceive|
|아저씨|man, uncle|
|아제|the husband of a woman's sister|
|아주1|completely, extremely, greatly, quite, very|
|아주2|as one wishes, all through, utterly|
|아주3|entirely, completely, all|
|아주 뛰어난 해녀|perfectly excellent woman diver|
|아주 작은 내|stream, brook|
|아주까리|castor-oil plant, castorbean|
|아주머니1|the wife of a man's brother|
|아지랑이|heat haze|
|아직|still, yet|
|아침놀|morning glow|
|아침마다|every morning|
|아파트|flat, condominium|
|아프다<으>|sore, painful|
|아흐레|nine days|
|악귀|devil, Satan|
|악기|musical instrument|
|악마|devil, Satan|
|악바리|hard shrewd person, tough fellow|
|악어|alligator, crocodile|
|악취|bad smell, odour, stink|
|안2|inside, interior|
|안개|fog, mist|
|안경|glasses, spectacles|
|안내하다|show, guide, usher in|
|안내소|information centre|
|안녕하다|energetic, healthy|
|안녕하세요?|good afternoon, good day, good evening|
|안녕히 가세요|good-bye, bye-bye|
|안녕히 계세요|good-bye, bye-bye|
|안녕히 주무셨습니까?|good morning|
|안녕히 주무십시오|good night|
|안되다1|no, one should not, forbidden|
|안되다2|won't do, fail|
|안심하다|feel relieved|
|안에|in, among, midst, mid, amid|
|안전하다|safe, sure, secure|
|안타깝다<ㅂ>2|regrettable, tantalizing|
|앉아 있다|sit|
|앉음새|the way one sits|
|앉음앉음|the way one sits|
|앉히다|seat (someone), have (someone) sit down|
|알갱이|drop, grain|
|알다|know, know (by experience or study), recognise|
|알리다|inform, announce|
|알맞다|appropriate, suitable|
|알아보다|inquire into, investigate|
|앓다|suffer, become ill|
|암고양이|female cat|
|암기하다|learn by heart, memorize|
|암꿩|hen pheasant|
|암내|body odour|
|암키와|concave tile|
|암톨쩌귀|gudgeon, hinge leaf with a gudgeon|
|암퇘지|female pig|
|앗다|deprive, rob|
|앙벽|plaster on the ceiling, wall mud|
|앞니|front tooth|
|애걔1|how puny!, what a tiny!|
|애걔2|oops!, gosh!, my!|
|애기삿갓조개|Cellana toreuma|
|애꾸눈이|one-eyed person|
|애매하다|ambiguous, vague, uncertain|
|애매하다|be frustrated, be mortified|
|애벌|first and rough, preliminary, the first round|
|애초부터|at all, from the beginning|
|액모|hair of armpit|
|야마|wild horse|
|야무지다|clever, bright|
|야우|bison, wild ox|
|야위다|lose weight|
|야학|night school|
|약|about, approximately|
|약손가락|ring finger|
|약혼하다|get engaged|
|얌전하다|gentle, mild|
|양쪽1|both sides|
|양|unmarried woman, spinster|
|양띠|the year of the Sheep|
|양털1|fur, wool|
|양|amount, quantity|
|양념|seasoning, spice|
|양념간장|spiced soy sauce|
|양념장|spiced soy sauce|
|양모1|fur, wool|
|양육하다|feed, nourish|
|양푼|large brass bowl|
|얘|this boy, this girl|
|어거지|coercion, pressure|
|어거지로|by force, willy-nilly|
|어그러지다|get out of joint, go against|
|어근버근하다|all out of joints, on bad terms|
|어느 것|which one|
|어느 쪽|where|
|어느새|before I was aware of it|
|어디|where, anywhere|
|어떤|what kind of, certain, some, which|
|어떤 것|which one|
|어떤 쪽|where|
|어떻다<ㅎ>|what kind of|
|어레미|coarse sieve, riddle|
|어렝놀래기|cocktail wrasse|
|어루만지다2|stroke, pat|
|어른|grown-up, adult|
|어리둥절하다|be perplexed, be bewildered|
|어머니|mother, mama|
|어서 빨리|quickly|
|어설프다<으>|sloppy, irresponsible|
|어설피|half-heartedly, superficial|
|어제저녁|last evening|
|어젯밤|last night|
|어중간하다|superficial, half-hearted|
|억|one hundred million|
|억울하다|be frustrated, be mortified, mortified (at being mistreated)|
|억지로|by force, willy-nilly|
|언니|elder sister (opposite sex), elder sister (same sex)|
|언어|language, speech|
|언젠가|someday, ever|
|얻다|get, obtain|
|얼레|reel, spool|
|얼룩덜룩하다| |
|얼른|quickly, soon|
|얼마|how much|
|엄격하다|severe, rigid, strict|
|엄니|tusk, fang|
|엄살|exaggeration of pain, feigned dismay|
|엄지발가락|big toe|
|엄짚신|straw shoes for someone in mourning|
|업다|bear on one's back, carry a child on one's back|
|없다|not, nonexistent|
|없어지다|be lost, disappear|
|엉겅퀴|Japanese thistle, thistle|
|엉기다|coagulate, jell, congeal|
|엉덩방아|fall on one's buttocks, land on one's rear end|
|엊저녁|last evening|
|에어컨|air conditioner|
|에워싸다|surround, enclose|
|여기서|from here|
|여뀌|smartweed, water pepper|
|여드레|eight days|
|여러|many, several|
|여왕벌|queen bee|
|여우구슬|chamber bitter, gripeweed|
|여위다|lose weight|
|여유|composure, heart to spare|
|여행|journey, trip, tour|
|역군|navvy, labourer|
|역순|inverse, reverse|
|엮다|knit, weave|
|연하다2|light, pale|
|연해연방|one after another, incessantly|
|연결하다|connect, fasten|
|연락|communication, connection, contact|
|연수|bulb, medulla oblongata|
|연자매|millstone worked by a horse or ox|
|연장|tool, instrument|
|연장되다|lengthen, extend|
|연회|feast, banquet|
|열|range, queue, line, row|
|열다2|bear fruit|
|열리다2|grow (fruit), bear|
|열매|fruit, nut|
|열심히|very hard|
|열심히 하다|persist, stand|
|열탕|hot water|
|열흘|ten days|
|염색되다|get dyed|
|염주|Job's-tears, coixseed, tear grass|
|엿새|six days|
|영리하고 똑똑하다|clever, bright|
|영향을 주다|influence|
|영화|movie, cinema|
|옅다|sparse, thin|
|옆|alongside, beside|
|예|example, instance|
|예를 들면|for instance, for example|
|예컨대|for instance, for example|
|예덕나무|Japanese Mallotus|
|예배|worship (n)|
|예의|courtesy, manner|
|예전|ancient times|
|옛날|ancient times|
|오누이|brother and sister, opposite sex siblings|
|오두막|hut, lodge|
|오두막집|hut, lodge|
|오들오들|trembling, shivering|
|오라버니|elder brother (opposite sex)|
|오라버님|elder brother (opposite sex)|
|오라비|male different-sex sibling, younger brother (opposite sex)|
|오락|amusement, entertainment|
|오래|for a long time, long|
|오래다|It has been a long time|
|오래되다|old, ancient|
|오랫동안|for a long time, long|
|오르다<르>|ascend, rise|
|오르막|uphill, acclivity|
|오리나무|East Asian alder|
|오리다|cut out, clip|
|오메기술|millet wine|
|오빠|elder brother (opposite sex)|
|오유월|May and June|
|오이소박이|stuffed cucumber kimchi|
|오이지|pickled cucumbers, cucumber pickles|
|오이풀|burnet, great burnet|
|오전|a.m., morning|
|오죽|black bamboo|
|오죽하면|if it weren't that bad|
|오줌을 누다|urinate|
|오줌을 싸다|urinate|
|오줌통|urinary bladder|
|오지 그릇|glazed earthenware|
|오촌아저씨|male cousin of one's father|
|오촌당숙|male cousin of one's father|
|오후|p.m., afternoon|
|오훈채|allium crop|
|오히려|on the contrary, rather|
|옥돔|tilefish, red tilefish|
|옥황상제|the King of Heaven (of Taoism)|
|온|total, whole|
|온돌|underfloor heating system, hypocaust|
|온돌|underfloor heating system, hypocaust|
|온수|hot water|
|온전하다1|sound, intact|
|온전하다2|right, correct|
|올케|wife of a woman's brother|
|올해|this year|
|옮다|be infected, catch|
|옳다|right, correct|
|옳지|all right|
|옴벌레|itch mite|
|옴폭옴폭|in hollows|
|옷|clothes, clothing|
|옷감|material for clothing, material|
|옷깃|collar, neckband|
|옷섶|gusset, gore|
|옹기[䗸器]장사|pottery trade|
|옹기장수|pottery dealer|
|옻나무|Japanese sumac, lacquer tree|
|와|whoa, wo, used as a command to a horse to make it stop|
|와가|tile-roofed house|
|왕바랭이|Indian goosegrass, yard-grass, goosegrass, wiregrass, crowfootgrass|
|왕봉|queen bee|
|왜간장|Japanese soy sauce|
|왜가리|grey heron|
|왜냐하면|because, for|
|왜문어|common octopus|
|외할머니|grandmother, mother of one's mother|
|외할아버지|grandfather, father of one's mother|
|외가|the mother's family, maternal relative|
|외국|foreign (country)|
|외국어|foreign language|
|외나물|burnet, great burnet|
|외부|out, outside, exterior|
|외삼촌|uncle on the mother's side|
|외삼촌댁|wife of the uncle on the mother's side|
|외숙|uncle on the mother's side|
|외숙모|wife of the uncle on the mother's side|
|외양간|cowshed, stable|
|외우다|learn by heart, memorize, remember|
|외척|the mother's family, maternal relative|
|외출|depart, go out|
|외출하다|go out, depart|
|외치다|cry, shout|
|외투|coat, jacket|
|외편|mother's side|
|요 곳으로|this way|
|요관결석|ureterolith, ureter stone|
|요구하다|demand, beg, ask for|
|요금|charge, fee, rates|
|요리|this way|
|요사이|nowadays, recently|
|요사이의 어느 때에|recently|
|요석|ureterolith, ureter stone|
|요일|a day of the week|
|요즘|nowadays, recently|
|요쪽으로|this way|
|욕보다1|suffer troubles, take pains|
|욕보다2|disgrace oneself|
|욕심꾸러기|greedy fellow, grabber|
|욕지기나다|feel nauseated|
|용띠|the year of the Dragon|
|용마루|ridge (of a roof)|
|우거지|outer leaves|
|우거지다|grow thick|
|우겨대다|insist, persist|
|우계|rainy season|
|우두머리|chief, head|
|우러르다<으>|worship, adore|
|우럭볼락|armor clad rockfish|
|우렁이|river snail|
|우레가 울리다|thunder|
|우리1|cage, pen|
|우리 쪽|ally|
|우비|rain outfit, rainwear|
|우선|first of all|
|우수하다|excellent, superior, distinguished|
|우수리|change (N)|
|우습다|funny, ridiculous|
|우주|universe, space|
|우편|post, mail|
|우표|postal stamp|
|운이 좋다|fortunate|
|운명|destiny, fate, doom|
|운전하다|drive a car|
|울긋불긋|of various colours|
|울긋불긋하다|of various colours|
|울다1|howl (animal)|
|울대뼈|Adam's apple|
|울리다1|ring, sound|
|울리다2|make someone cry|
|울짱|stockade, piling|
|울타리|stockade, piling|
|울퉁불퉁|bumpy, rough|
|움|sprout, germ|
|움직이다|move, move|
|웃기다|funny, amusing|
|웃옷|coat, jacket|
|웃저고리|traditional diving jacket|
|원하다1|wish for|
|원하다2|desire, wish for, to be anxious for|
|원두막|shed on stilts for a melon patch[field] guard|
|원료|material, stuff|
|원숭이띠|the year of the Monkey|
|원추리꽃|orange day-lily, tawny daylily|
|월식|lunar eclipse|
|월식하다|lunar eclipse occurs|
|위신|prestige, authority|
|위치|locality, position, situation|
|윗도리|coat, jacket|
|윗옷|coat, jacket|
|유공자|person of merit|
|유능하다|be capable|
|유대 동물|cuscus, possum|
|유명하다|well-known, famous, celebrated|
|유배|exile, banish|
|유부남|married man|
|유부녀|married woman|
|유일하다|only, alone|
|유적지|historical site|
|유지하다|keep, preserve, maintain|
|유채꽃|rape, cole|
|유커|Chinese tourists|
|유혹하다|tempt, call for|
|육수|beef stock|
|육지|land, shore|
|윤노리나무|Christmas berry, oriental photinia|
|율무|Job's-tears, coixseed, tear grass|
|율무나무|Job's-tears, coixseed, tear grass|
|윷|sticks for yut (game)|
|윷놀다|play yut (game), play Korean backgammon|
|윷놀이|Korean backgammon|
|으스대다|be arrogant, be haughty|
|은잉어|barred flagtail, five-bar flagtail|
|은하수|the Galaxy, the Milky Way|
|은행나무|ginkgo tree|
|음력|lunar calendar|
|음력 이월|February|
|음모|pubic hair|
|응석받이|wheedling child|
|응혈|gore, clotted blood|
|의견|opinion, view|
|의견을 갖다|opine|
|의도하다|mean (v)|
|의뢰하다|request, ask|
|의미|sense, meaning|
|의붓자식|stepdaughter, stepson|
|의식|ritual, rite, ceremony|
|의안|artificial eye|
|의연금|alms, charity|
|이|this (proximal or near speaker)|
|이 달|this month|
|이 아이|this boy, this girl|
|이|tooth, teeth|
|이것|this one, this|
|이것들|these ones, these|
|이곳으로|this way|
|이남박|rice-washing bowl|
|이다|be, is, are|
|이들|these ones, these|
|이등|second class, second|
|이따가|after a while, a short time later|
|이랑|ridge and furrow|
|이런1|such, like this|
|이런2|such, like this|
|이렇게|like this|
|이렇다|such, like this|
|이레|seven days|
|이루다|form, achieve|
|이루어지다|consist of|
|이르다<러>|arrive, arrive at, attain, reach|
|이름|first name, name|
|이리1|this way|
|이맛돌|headstone of a furnace|
|이모|aunt on the father's side|
|이모부|aunt (mother's sister), maternal aunt|
|이물|bow, prow, stem|
|이백|two hundred|
|이번|this time|
|이번주|this week|
|이부자리|bedclothes and mattress, bedding|
|이분|this gentleman, this lady|
|이불|quilt, bedclothes|
|이빨|tooth, teeth|
|이사|move, change of residence|
|이삭|ear, head|
|이삼월|February and March|
|이상하다|strange, odd, queer|
|이슥하다|late, far|
|이슬비|drizzle, fine rain|
|이슬이 맺히다|dew|
|이십삼|twenty three|
|이십이|twenty two|
|이십일|twenty one|
|이야기|narrative, story, tale, talk|
|이야기하다|speak, talk, tell a story|
|이이|this man, this woman|
|이익을 얻다|make a profit|
|이익을 챙기다|make a profit|
|이일|the second day of a month|
|이쪽|this way|
|이천|two thousands|
|이촉|root of tooth|
|이층|second floor, first floor|
|이튿날|the second day, the next day|
|이틀|two days|
|이틈|gaps in the teeth, diastema|
|익다1|be cooked, be done|
|익다2|get ripe, ripen|
|익사하다|be drowned|
|익숙하다|be accustomed to|
|익숙해지다|be accustomed to|
|인과|cause and effect|
|인과응보|retribution, karma|
|인도하다|guide, lead|
|인두|hot iron|
|인사|greeting, salute|
|인사하다|greet, salute|
|인색하다|miserly, stingy|
|일|business, job, matter, task, work|
|일꾼|labourer, navvy, worker|
|일다1|clean by washing|
|일다2|be nappy|
|일다4|increase in power|
|일본말|Japanese, the Japanese language|
|일본휘파람새|Japanese bush warbler|
|일본어|Japanese, the Japanese language|
|일본족제비|Japanese weasel|
|일부러|on purpose, expressly, intentionally, specially|
|일시적|temporary, provisional|
|일시적인 생각|casual idea|
|일식|solar eclipse|
|일어나다1|get up, rise|
|일어나다2|arise, arise, happen, happen, occur, take place|
|일어서다|stand up|
|일일|the first day of a month|
|일전에|the other day|
|일찍|early, soon|
|일찍이|early, soon|
|잃다|drop, lose, lose|
|임시|temporary, provisional|
|임신|pregnancy, conception|
|임파첸스|New Guinea impatiens|
|입다|wear, put on|
|입대하다|join, enlist in|
|입수하다|acquire, obtain|
|입아귀|corner of the mouth|
|입욕|bath, bathing|
|입을 다물고|silently, quietly|
|입을 다물다|become quiet, keep quiet|
|입을 맞추다|kiss|
|입자|horsehair hat worn by grown men|
|입천장|palate, the roof of the mouth|
|입히다|dress, put on|
|잇다<ㅅ>|join, link, succeed to|
|잇바디|set of teeth|
|잇새|crevice between teeth|
|잇자국|toothprint, tooth mark|
|있다2|remain, stay|
|잉걸불|live charcoal, embers|