[[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ja_a|あ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ja_ka|か]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ja_sa|さ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ja_ta|た]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ja_na|な]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ja_ha|は]] **ま** [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ja_ya|や]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ja_ra|ら]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:ja_wa|わ]]
====== ま ======
|毎朝<まいあさ>|every morning|
|埋葬<まいさう>|burial, entomb|
|毎月<まいつき>|every month|
|毎日<まいにち>|daily, everyday|
|毎年<まいねん>|annually, every year|
|毎晩<まいばん>|nightly, every evening|
|儲<まう>ける|gain, earn|
|申<まう>し譯<わけ>ない|sorry, regrettable|
|盲人<まうじん>|blind, sightless person|
|盲腸<まうちゃう>|caecum, appendix|
|眞<ま>えそ|brushtooth lizardfish|
|任<まか>せる|leave, let alone|
|まかり間違<まちが>へば|if the worst comes to the worst|
|曲<ま>がる1|turn to, turn|
|薪<まき>|fuel, firewood|
|卷<ま>き|coil, small pile|
|卷貝<まきがひ>|conch, spiral shell|
|卷<ま>きスカート|wrap-around skirt, wrap skirt|
|撒<ま>き散<ち>らす|scatter about|
|牧場<まきば>|meadow, pasture|
|卷<ま>く|bind, roll, tie, wear, wind, wrap|
|撒<ま>く|sprinkle (water)|
|馬鍬<まぐは>|harrow, rake|
|眞桑瓜<まくはうり>|oriental melon|
|枕<まくら>する|rest one's head on|
|負<ま>ける1|lose, be defeated|
|負<ま>ける2|be defeated, lose|
|まける|get a rash, be poisoned|
|孫<まご>|granddaughter, grandson, grandchild|
|まごつく|be perplexed, be bewildered|
|孫<まご>の手<て>|fork-shaped instrument, back scratcher|
|眞菰<まこも>|wild rice|
|勝<まさ>る|stand out, surpass|
|混<ま>ざる|mingle, get mixed|
|間仕切<まじき>り|partition, screen|
|まじなひ醫者<いしゃ>|medicine man, witch doctor|
|混<ま>じる|mingle, get mixed|
|マゼランアイナメ|Patagonian toothfish|
|混<ま>ぜる|mix, blend|
|混<ま>ぜる|mix, blend|
|股<また>|coxa, crotch, crutch, groin|
|又<また>|again, also|
|まだ|still, yet|
|跨<またが>る|ride, mount|
|叉木<またぎ>|forked stick|
|股鍬<またぐは>|rake, forked rake, scraper|
|眞蛸<まだこ>|common octopus|
|股下<またした>|trouser leg|
|またたび|silver vine|
|股開<またひら>き|baby trousers with a slit in the bottom, open-crotch trousers|
|まだらだ| |
|又甥<またをひ>|great-nephew, grand-nephew|
|待合室<まちあひしつ>|waiting room|
|間違<まちが>った|erroneous, mistaken, wrong|
|間違<まちが>ひ|mistake, fault, error, wrong|
|間違<まちが>ふ|make a mistake|
|まづ|first of all|
|眞<ま>っ黒<くろ>い|black, deep-black|
|まっすぐ|straight, direct|
|全<まった>く|as one wishes, all through, utterly|
|全<まった>く1|quite, completely|
|末端<まったん>|edge, end, tip|
|眞<ま>っ晝間<ぴるま>|broad daylight|
|祭<まつ>り|feast, festival|
|まで|till, until|
|まともAN|right, correct|
|俎板<まないた>|cutting board, chopping board|
|間<ま>に合<あ>ふ|be in time|
|眞<ま>に受<う>ける|take seriously, believe|
|眞似<まね>|imitation, mimicry|
|囘<まは>す|turn, spin|
|眞羽太<まはた>|convict grouper|
|まばらAN|loose, thin|
|囘<まは>り|surrounding, environment|
|周<まは>り|environment, surrounding|
|囘<まは>る|turn round|
|間引<まび>きする|thin out|
|間引<まび>く|thin out|
|まぶす|smear, dip, soak|
|前齒<まへば>|front tooth|
|繼子<ままこ>|stepdaughter, stepson|
|豆<まめ>もやし|bean sprout|
|迷<まよ>ふ|be at a loss, be undecided, get astray, hesitate|
|丸瓦<まるがはら>|convex tile|
|丸木舟<まるきぶね>|dugout, dugout canoe, small boat|
|まるで|at all, from the beginning|
|稀<まれ>AN|curious, novel, rare|
|稀<まれ>な|rare, novel, curious|
|萬<まん>|ten thousand|
|滿月<まんげつ>|full moon|
|マンション|flat, condominium|
|滿足<まんぞく>AN1|content |
|滿足<まんぞく>AN2|content |
|滿足<まんぞく>する|be satisfied, satisfied|
|滿潮<まんてう>|flood tide, full tide, high tide|
|滿腹<まんぷく>|a full stomach, satiety|
|滿腹<まんぷく>ANの|be full, full|
|滿腹<まんぷく>する|be full|
|實<み>|fruit, nut|
|見上<みあ>げる|look up|
|見<み>える|be visible|
|見送<みおく>る|see off|
|身缺<みが>き鰊<にしん>|dried fillets of herring|
|三日月<みかづき>|new moon, crescent moon|
|蜜柑<みかん>|mandarin orange|
|幹<みき>|stem, trunk|
|巫女<みこ>|exorcist, medium, shaman|
|見事<みごと>だ|elegant, splendid, stylish|
|未婚女性<みこんじょせい>|unmarried woman, spinster|
|短<みじか>い|brief, short|
|見<み>すぼらしい|shabby, miserable-looking|
|店<みせ>|shop, store|
|味噌<みそ>|fermented soybean paste|
|鳩尾<みぞおち>|pit of stomach|
|溝鉋<みぞかんな>|groover, fillister plane|
|味噌汁<みそしる>|beanpaste potage, beanpaste soup|
|味噌玉麹<みそだまかうぢ>|fermented soybeans|
|みたいだ|as if|
|みだりに|without reason, without permission|
|道<みち>|way, road|
|滿<み>ち潮<しほ>|rising tide|
|導<みちび>く|guide, lead|
|道柳<みちやなぎ>|knotgrass, knotweed|
|滿<み>ちる|be filled|
|微塵子<みぢんこ>|water flea|
|水浴<みづあ>びする|bathe, bathe, swim|
|三日<みっか>|the third day of a month|
|三日<みっか>(間)|three days|
|水瓶<みづがめ>|water jar|
|密告<みっこく>|secret information, anonymous report|
|水差<みづさ>し|pitcher, water-jug|
|水溜<みづたま>り|pool, puddle|
|水<みづ>っぽい|weak, thin|
|水<みづ>なます|sashimi in a chilled broth, cold raw fish soup|
|三<み>つ葉<ば>|East Asian wildparsley|
|蜜蜂<みつばち>|bee, honeybee|
|見<み>つめる|gaze, stare|
|巳年<みどし>|the year of the Snake|
|港<みなと>|port, harbour|
|南風<みなみかぜ>|south wind|
|南朝鮮<みなみてうせん>|South Korea|
|身<み>につける|wear (a ring, necklace..)|
|蓑<みの>|straw raincoat|
|實<みの>る|bear fruit|
|身震<みぶる>ひ|shiver, quiver|
|身震<みぶる>ひする|be depressed, feel disgusted|
|身分<みぶん>|status, social position|
|深山鍬形<みやまくはがた>|Lucanus maculifemoratus|
|深山鳴子百合<みやまなるこゆり>|Japanese Solomon's seal|
|見<み>る1|inspect, study|
|見<み>る2|look, see, see|
|みる|green sea fingers, dead man's fingers, felty fingers|
|見渡<みわた>す|look, view|
|民族<みんぞく>2|tribe, race|
|六日<むいか>(間)|six days|
|ムカゴイラクサ屬|Laportea decumana|
|昔<むかし>|ancient times|
|昔話<むかしばなし>|folk tale, folklore|
|昔蓬<むかしよもぎ>|Kamtchatka fleabane, bitter fleabane|
|むかつく|feel sick|
|向<む>かふ|beyond, other side, opposite|
|迎<むか>へる|meet, receive|
|麥<むぎ>|barley, wheat, oats, rye|
|麥焦<むぎこ>がし|ground grains|
|無傷<むきず>ANの|sound, intact|
|剥<む>く|bone, crack, peel, take away|
|向<む>く|turn to, turn|
|木槿<むくげ>|rose of Sharon, althea|
|椋<むく>の木<き>|Aphananthe aspera|
|浮腫<むく>む|grow sallow|
|無關係<むくわんけい>|unrelated, no connection|
|無形文化遺産<むけいぶんくわいさん>|intangible cultural heritage|
|紫御殿<むさらきごてん>|wandering jew, purple secretia, purple-heart|
|蟲<むし>|insect, worm|
|蟲鰈<むしがれひ>|shotted halibut|
|無床犂<むしゃうすき>|plough with a baseless bent, plough used for light plowing|
|毟<むし>る|pluck, plunk, tear off|
|筵<むしろ>|straw mat|
|むしろ|on the contrary, rather|
|無人島<むじんたう>|uninhabited island|
|無駄骨<むだぼね>|to make vain efforts, to waste one's time and labour|
|胸<むね>|breast, chest|
|棟<むね>|ridge (of a roof)|
|無念<むねん>AN|mortified (at being mistreated)|
|むやみに|too much, excessively|
|紫<むらさき>|violet, purple|
|紫<むらさき>の|violet, purple|
|無理強<むりじ>ひ|coercion, pressure|
|無理<むり>やり|by force, willy-nilly|
|ムルフェ|sashimi in a chilled broth, cold raw fish soup|
|群<む>れ|group, herd, flock|
|室鰺<むろあぢ>|brownstriped mackerel scad|
|芽<め>|sprout, germ|
|〜名<めい>|person |
|命<めい>ずる|bid, order|
|名聲<めいせい>|fame, reputation|
|命令<めいれい>|command, order|
|妙<めう>な|strange, odd, queer|
|眼鏡<めがね>|glasses, spectacles|
|牝瓦<めがはら>|concave tile|
|芽<め>ぐむ|come into bud, bud|
|巡<めぐ>る|get around, go about|
|目覺<めざ>める|wake up|
|飯<めし>|cooked rice, meal|
|飯茶碗<めしぢゃわん>|rice bowl|
|目尻<めじり>|the outer corner of the eye|
|飯椀<めしわん>|rice bowl|
|雌猫<めすねこ>|female cat|
|雌豚<めすぶた>|female pig|
|目付<めつ>き|look (in person's eyes)|
|珍<めづら>しい|curious, novel, rare|
|目脂<めやに>|sleep, gum|
|メロ|Patagonian toothfish|
|面積<めんせき>|dimensions, extant, area|
|燃<も>える|burn, blaze|
|木材<もくざい>|timber, wood|
|目的<もくてき>|aim, goal, purpose|
|もくもく|(grow) well, in thick clouds|
|もぐり酒場<さかば>|unlicensed bar, speakeasy|
|潛<もぐ>る|dive into|
|文字<もじ>|letter, mark, script|
|餠<もち>|rice cake|
|持<も>ち上<あ>げる2|lift, hold up|
|持<も>ち堪<こた>へる|hold one's ground, endure|
|糯米<もちごめ>|glutinous rice, sticky rice|
|持<も>ち去<さ>る|take away|
|黐<もち>の木<き>|Ilex integra, mochi tree|
|勿論<もちろん>|of course, naturally|
|用<もち>ゐる|use, utilize, employ|
|持<も>つ|have, have, hold up, lift, take|
|畚<もっこ>|straw basket for carrying dirt|
|持<も>って行<い>く|take away|
|持<も>って行<ゆ>く|take, bring|
|もっと|further, more|
|最<もっと>も|best, most|
|もてなす|entertain, treat|
|元<もと>|basis, ground, foundation|
|求<もと>める|ask for, beg, demand|
|物<もの>|article, thing|
|物語<ものがたり>|tale, story, narrative|
|ものぐさ|laziness, idleness|
|物乞<ものご>ひ|begging, mendicancy|
|物干<ものほし>し支柱<ちゅう>|laundry pole, washline pole|
|籾米<もみごめ>|unhulled rice, a grain of (unhusked) rice|
|紅葉<もみぢ>|red leaves|
|籾米<もみよね>|unhulled rice, a grain of (unhusked) rice|
|木綿豆腐<もめんどうふ>|firm tofu, hard tofu|
|桃色<ももいろ>|rosy, pink|
|桃色<ももいろ>の|rosy, pink|
|燃<も>やす|burn, burn, light (a fire)|
|もらふ|get, win (a prize)|
|銛<もり>|harpoon, fish spear|
|盛<も>る|pile up|
|漏<も>る|leak out|
|漏<も>れる|leak out|
|蜀黍<もろこし>|sorghum, great millet|
|門扉<もんぴ>|door leaf|