[[en:exhibition:vocabulary:eo_a|a]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:eo_b|b]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:eo_c|c]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:eo_cx|ĉ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:eo_d|d]] **e** [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:eo_f|f]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:eo_g|g]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:eo_gx|ĝ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:eo_h|h]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:eo_hx|ĥ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:eo_i|i]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:eo_j|j]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:eo_jx|ĵ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:eo_k|k]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:eo_l|l]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:eo_m|m]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:eo_n|n]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:eo_o|o]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:eo_p|p]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:eo_r|r]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:eo_s|s]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:eo_sx|ŝ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:eo_t|t]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:eo_u|u]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:eo_ux|ŭ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:eo_v|v]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:eo_z|z]]
====== E ======
|eble|maybe, perhaps, probably|
|ebriiĝi|be drunken|
|ebuto1|teeth, tooth|
|ebuto2|tusk, fang|
|edziĝi|get married|
|edziniĝi|get married|
|edzino2|married woman|
|edzo2|married man|
|efektive|indeed, I see!|
|efemero|mayfly, dayfly, ephemera|
|egala|equal, uniform|
|egalulo|a good match|
|ege|extremely, greatly, very|
|eglanterio|sweet briar, sweetbriar rose, sweet brier, eglantine|
|eĥino|sea urchin, sea chestnut, echinoid|
|ekbruli|start burning, catch fire|
|ekbruligi|kindle, light up, turn on|
|ekdormi|fall asleep, get to sleep, go to sleep|
|ekflami|start burning, catch fire|
|ekinoklo|Japanese millet, barnyard grass|
|ekiri|go out, depart|
|ekiro|go out, depart|
|ekpluvego|shower, squall|
|ekrano|hanging-screen, partition, screen|
|ekscese|fairly, pretty|
|ekscitiĝi|be excited|
|ekskrecii|discharge, excrete|
|ekstari|stand up|
|ekster|exterior, out, outside|
|eksterlando|foreign (country)|
|eksterordinare|very, greatly, extremely|
|ekstremo|edge, end, tip|
|ekveturi|go out, depart|
|ekzameni|examine, inquire into, investigate|
|ekzameno|exam, examination|
|ekzemple|for instance, for example|
|ekzemplo|example, instance|
|ekzilo|banish, exile|
|ekzorcisto|exorcist, medium, shaman|
|ekzorco|exorcism, shamanistic ritual|
|elĉerpi|dip out|
|elĉerpiĝi|run out, be out of stock|
|eleganta|elegant, chic, stylish|
|elekti|select, choose|
|elfali|fall out, come out|
|elfaro1|preparation (of a housing site)|
|elfosi|pick one's nose|
|eligi|pull out, issue, pull off, put out, take out|
|elirejo|exit, wayout|
|eliri|come forward, come out, depart, go out, leave|
|eliro|depart, go out|
|elĵeti1|throw out|
|elĵeti2|discharge, excrete|
|elkonduki|bring with, be accompanied|
|elkonsumiĝi|run out, be out of stock|
|elkreskaĵo|lump, wart, wen|
|ellitiĝi|rise, get up|
|elmeti|expose, put out, submit, take out|
|elpendaĵo|bulletin board, notice board|
|elpensi|work out, find a way|
|elpreni1|scoop, scoop up|
|elpreni2|expose, put out, submit, take out|
|elpumpi|dip out|
|elpuŝi|push out, stick out|
|elspiri|breathe out, exhale|
|elstari|stand out, surpass|
|elteni1|hold one's ground, endure|
|elteni2|bear, endure, endure|
|eltiri|pull out, pull off|
|eltondi|cut out, clip|
|eluziĝi|run out, be out of stock|
|elveni|come out|
|elverŝi|spill, pour|
|elveturi|depart, go out|
|eminenta|distinguished, excellent, superior|
|en2|in (when followed by the accusative ― into) |
|en3|inside, inward, interior|
|enakvigi|throw in, dump into|
|enanto|a water dropwort, Java waterdropwort, Japanese parsley, Chinese celery|
|endormiĝi|fall asleep, get to sleep, go to sleep|
|enfermi|shut up, lock up|
|enhavi|comprise, contain, include, involve|
|eningigi|thrust into|
|enirejo|doorway, entrance|
|enkadrigi|put, insert|
|enketi|inquire into, investigate|
|enmanigi|hand over|
|enmemorigi|learn by heart, memorize|
|enmeti1|let s.o. come in|
|enmeti2|serve (rice)|
|enspiri|breathe in, breathe in, suck|
|ensuĉi1|breathe in, suck|
|enŝlosi|shut up, lock up|
|entasigi|serve (rice)|
|enteni|comprise, contain, include, involve|
|enterigi2|bury, entomb|
|enterigo|burial, entomb|
|enteromorfo|aonori, green laver|
|entombigi|bury, entomb|
|entombigo|burial, entomb|
|entute|roughly, generally|
|enveni|come in, enter|
|envolvi|pack (v), wrap|
|epoko2|period, age (epoch)|
|erao|age, period, era|
|erara|erroneous, mistaken, wrong|
|erari1|get astray|
|erari2|make a mistake|
|erarlumo|ignis fatuus, will-o'-the-wisp|
|eraro|mistake, fault, error, wrong|
|ergoto|fetlock, spur|
|ero|drop, grain|
|erpilo|harrow, rake|
|esenco|substance, essence|
|eskapi|escape, run away|
|esperi|expect, wish for|
|esplori|inquire into, investigate|
|esprimi|denote, express|
|esti|are, be, is, stay|
|estiĝi|become, be|
|estingi|extinguish, put out|
|estingiĝi1|burn out, extinguish, go off|
|estingiĝi2|go off, disappear, vanish|
|estro|chief, head|
|eta|tiny, teeny-weeny|
|etaĝigi|pile up|
|etendi1|push out, stick out|
|etendi2|extend, spread, stretch, unfold, unroll|
|etendiĝi|extend, lengthen, project, protrude, spread over|
|etiketo|courtesy, manner|
|etno|tribe, race|
|evento|event, function|
|evidenta|clear, distinct, evident|