[[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_a|あ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_ka|か]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_sa|さ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_ta|た]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_na|な]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_ha|は]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_ma|ま]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_ya|や]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_ra|ら]] **わ**
====== わ ======
|輪<わ>|ring, wheel|
|若<わか>い鮑<あわび>|young abalone|
|若<わか>い雄<おす>の雉<きじ>|young cock pheasant|
|若<わか>い雉<きじ>|young pheasant|
|和布<わかめ>|wakame (seaweed), soft brown seaweed|
|わかめ刈鎌<がりかま>|water sickle used to cut and gather seaweed|
|和布<わかめ>スープ|wakame (seaweed) soup|
|分<わ>からない|not know|
|脇明<わきあ>け|side slit|
|腋臭<わきが>|body odour|
|脇腹<わきばら>|hip, waist, loin|
|訳<わけ>|reason, cause|
|分<わ>け目<め>|hair parting|
|分<わ>け目<め>をつける|part (hair)|
|分<わ>ける|distribute, divide, take ... on|
|わざと|on purpose, intentionally, specially, expressly|
|わざわざ|expressly, intentionally, on purpose, particularly, specially, take the trouble to|
|和醤油<わじょうゆ>|Japanese soy sauce|
|忘<わす>れ草<ぐさ>|orange day-lily, tawny daylily|
|綿<わた>|cotton, wadding|
|綿入<わたい>れのズボン|padded trousers, wadded trousers|
|綿繰<わたく>り車<ぐるま>|ginning machine|
|綿車<わたぐるま>|ginning machine|
|私<わたし>|I (1st per. sg)|
|渡<わた>す|hand over, pass, pass over, tide over|
|わだつみ|sea, the god of the sea, Neptune, Poseidon|
|渡<わた>り蟹<がに>|gazami crab, Japanese blue crab|
|渡<わた>る|cross, ferry|
|草鞋<わらじ>|straw shoes|
|草鞋虫<わらじむし>|sow bug, wood louse|
|蕨<わらび>|bracken, fern|
|割<わ>る|chop (wood), crack, crush, shatter to pieces, smash, split (wood)|
|割<わ>る|chop (wood), crack, crush, shatter to pieces, smash, split (wood)|
|悪<わる>い1|wild, violent|
|悪<わる>い2|not correct|
|悪<わる>い3|nasty (weather), not sweet, irksome, bad, unpleasant, disgusting|
|吾亦紅<われもこう>|Chinese thoroughwax, burnet, great burnet, sickle-leaved hare's-ear|
|割<わ>れる|be broken|
|円座<わろうだ>|round straw cushion|
|側溝|ditch, drain|
|分<分>ける|part (hair)|
|叩く(平手)|strike, beat, hit, slap (v), knock, tap, clap|
|回[第一回、一回]|(first) time|
|女性の軍人|female soldier|
|嬉しい |glad, rejoice|
|年寄り[老人一般]|old age|
|擦る/擂る/磨る|rub, scrub, mash, chafe, file|
|死ぬ|wither, die|
|毛[人間の体毛]|fur, hair, wool|
|点を)付ける|mark, set|
|生煮えANの|half-cooked, unripe, inexperienced|
|知っている |know (by experience or study), recognise, know|
|米を醗酵させたヨーグルト風飮料|Jeju rice yogurt|
|粗雑AN|coarse, harsh, lie waste, loose, neglected, rough, violent|
|群れ[動物の]|group, herd, flock|
|蒸しパン|steamed bun|
|蜂蜜で味付けをし油で揚げた生菓子|fried honey cake|
|起きる[事件が]|happen, occur, take place, arise, arise, happen|
|速い|fast, quick|
|遊戯用の四本一組の棒|sticks for yut (game)|
|醤油などや簡單なおかず?|articles of diet, subsidiary|
|銅鈸の小形のもの|small cymbals|
|集める[人、物などを]|accumulate, collect, gather, save up|