[[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_a|あ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_ka|か]] **さ** [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_ta|た]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_na|な]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_ha|は]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_ma|ま]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_ya|や]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_ra|ら]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_wa|わ]]
====== さ ======
|柴胡<さいこ>|burnet, great burnet, sickle-leaved hare's-ear, Chinese thoroughwax|
|幸先<さいさき>|luck, fortune|
|財産<ざいさん>|wealth, property|
|済州島<さいしゅうとう>|Jejudo, Jeju island|
|採種用<さいしゅよう>の大根<だいこん>|seed radish|
|サイズ|shoe sizes|
|再生<さいせい>エネルギー|regenerated energy, renewal energy, reproducing energy|
|再生可能<さいせいかのう>エネルギー|regenerated energy, renewal energy, reproducing energy|
|最大<さいだい>|the biggest|
|才能<さいのう>|talent, capacity|
|栽培<さいばい>する|take care, maintain, raise, adorn, decorate|
|砕米<さいまい>|broken rice|
|竿<さお>|rod, pole|
|竿縁<さおぶち>|ceiling joists|
|坂<さか>|declivity, downhill, slope|
|探<さが>す|find, search|
|咲<さ>かせる|make open, make bloom, kindle, emit, smoke|
|酒場<さかば>|drinking house, pub|
|下<さ>がる|bring down, lower, go down, descend|
|盛<さか>んになる|rise, be nappy, increase in power|
|尖<さき>|edge, end, point, tip|
|一昨々日<さきおととい>|three days ago|
|一昨々年<さきおととし>|three years ago|
|作業服<さぎょうふく>|working clothes|
|裂<さ>く|break, tear|
|柵<さく>|piling, stockade|
|作男<さくおとこ>|farmhand, healthy worker|
|昨晩<さくばん>|last evening, last night|
|昨夜<さくや>|last evening, last night|
|酒<さけ>|liquor, wine|
|叫<さけ>ぶ|cry, shout|
|裂<さ>ける|be torn, tear|
|下<さ>げる|bring down, descend, go down, lower|
|鎖骨<さこつ>|breastbone, collarbone|
|栄螺<さざえ>|conch, turban shell|
|支<ささ>える|prop, support|
|匙<さじ>|spoon, spoon and chopsticks|
|差<さ>し合<あ>わせ|carrying with a pole jointly shouldered by two persons|
|差<さ>し込<こ>む|thrust into|
|差<さし>し示<め>す|indicate, point out|
|差<さ>し出<だ>す|push out, stick out|
|刺<さ>し足袋<たび>|quilted socks|
|差<さ>し担<にな>い|carrying with a pole jointly shouldered by two persons|
|刺<さ>し縫<ぬ>いのズボン|quilted trousers|
|刺<さ>し縫<ぬ>いの服<ふく>|quited clothes|
|刺<さ>し蠅<ばえ>|stable fly, barn fly, biting house fly|
|刺身<さしみ>|sliced raw fish|
|刺<さ>し身<み>の冷製<れいせい>スープ|sashimi in a chilled broth, cold raw fish soup|
|指<さ>す|indicate, point out|
|挿<さ>す|put, stick, stab|
|刺<さ>す|dab, pierce, sting, thrust|
|させる|let s.o. (go) (Causative)|
|誘<さそ>う|tempt, call for|
|札<さつ>|paper money|
|雑海藻<ざつかいそう>の除去<じょきょ>|seaweed removal|
|さっき|a short time ago, just then|
|薩摩芋<さつまいも>|sweet potato|
|さて|well, let me see|
|里子<さとご>|adopted son, foster son|
|寂<さび>しい|lonely, mortified (at being mistreated)|
|淋<さび>しい|lonely, mortified (at being mistreated)|
|座布団<ざぶとん>|sitting cushion|
|仙人掌<さぼてん>|Indian fig opuntia, cactus|
|様々<さまざま>な|all, multitude, various|
|覚<さ>ます|wake up|
|寒々<さむざむ>としている|cool, chilly|
|鮫<さめ>の一種<いっしゅ>|banded houndshark|
|冷<さ>める|get cold|
|覚<さ>める|wake up|
|皿洗<さらあら>いをする|do the washing-up|
|再来年<さらいねん>|the year after next|
|ざらざら|coarse, lumpy, rough, rugged|
|ざらざらAN|coarse, harsh, lie waste, loose, neglected, rough, violent|
|ざらにある|numerous, common|
|去<さ>る|leave, go away|
|申年<さるどし>|the year of the Monkey|
|触<さわ>る|hit, touch|
|参加<さんか>する|join, participate|
|参加<さんか>する|join, participate|
|山間部<さんかんぶ>|mountainous area|
|珊瑚<さんご>|black coral, coral|
|山菜汁<さんさいじる>|vegetable soup|
|山椒<さんしょう>|Japanese pepper tree, winged prickly ash|
|参席<さんせき>する|attend, participate|
|参戦<さんせん>する|enter the war|
|残念<ざんねん>AN|tantalizing, regrettable|
|参与<さんよ>する|take part in, participate|
|詩<し>|poem, poetry|
|痔<じ>|piles, hemorrhoids|
|明々後日<しあさって>|two days after tomorrow|
|思案<しあん>する|ponder, consider|
|椎茸<しいたけ>|Shiitake mushroom, mushroom|
|強<し>いて|take the trouble to, particularly|
|塩加減<しおかげん>|seasoning, taste|
|塩辛<しおから>|salted seafood, seafood salt-pickled with its entrails and fermented|
|塩鯖<しおさば>|salted mackerel|
|塩漬<しおづけ>(大根)|radish preserved with salt|
|耳殻<じかく>|ear rims|
|時間<じかん>|hour, time|
|鴫<しぎ>|snipe, longbill|
|樒<しきみ>|Japanese star anise|
|しきりに|repeatedly, constantly|
|敷<し>く|lend out widely, invest, lay, spread|
|茂<しげ>み|bush, thicket|
|試験<しけん>|exam, examination|
|仕事<しごと>|business, job, work, task|
|歯根<しこん>|root of tooth|
|蜆<しじみ>|shijimi mussel, Venus clam|
|自身<じしん>|oneself, self, you (2nd per. sg)|
|静<しず>か|calm, quiet|
|死生<しせい>|life and death|
|紫蘇<しそ>|beefsteak plant, shiso, Japanese basil, Chinese basil, perilla|
|子孫<しそん>|descendant, offspring|
|下<した>|bottom, down, under|
|下顎<したあご>|lower jaw|
|辞退<じたい>|declining in favour of another|
|時代<じだい>|age, period, era, epoch|
|従<したが>う|follow, obey|
|下着<したぎ>|swimming costume, underwear|
|私宅<したく>|private house|
|下拵<したごしら>え|first and rough, preliminary, the first round|
|親<した>しい|familiar, intimate|
|舌<した>の根<ね>|root of the tongue|
|七月<しちがつ>と八月<はちがつ>|July and August|
|四柱<しちゅう>を見<み>る|consult a fortuneteller|
|膝蓋骨<しつがいこつ>|kneecap, patella|
|しっかりしている|firm, stable, hard|
|じっくり|thoroughly, carefully|
|湿地<しっち>|wetland, marshy place|
|知<し>っている|know (by experience or study), recognise, know|
|じっと|secretly, still|
|実<じつ>の|... by blood, true ...|
|実<じつ>の父<ちち>|father by blood|
|実<じつ>の母<はは>|mother by blood|
|実<じつ>の息子<むすこ>|son by blood|
|実<じつ>の娘<むすめ>|daughter by blood|
|自動車<じどうしゃ>|car, automobile, motor-car, vehicle|
|じとじとしている|damp, wet|
|品切<しなぎ>れになる|run out, be out of stock|
|品物<しなもの>|thing, article|
|次男<じなん>|second son|
|東雲坂田鮫<しののめさかたざめ>|bowmouth guitarfish|
|柴刈<しばか>りする|gather firewood|
|縛<しば>る|tie one's trousers around the ankles|
|縛<しば>る|bind, pack, tie|
|柴<しば>を刈<か>る|gather firewood|
|師範<しはん>|master, teacher|
|しびれる|go numb|
|渋<しぶ>い|astringent, bitter|
|自分<じぶん>|oneself, self, you (2nd per. sg)|
|四方<しほう>|on all sides|
|絞<しぼ>る|squeeze, wring|
|しまった|oops!, gosh!, my!, how puny!, what a tiny!|
|島流<しまなが>し|exile, banish|
|自慢<じまん>する|boast of, be proud of|
|染<し>み|blotch, black spots|
|滲<しみ>る|permeate, soak into|
|事務<じむ>|office work|
|締<し>め付<つ>ける|fasten, tighten|
|湿<しめ>った|damp, wet|
|湿<しめ>っている|damp, wet|
|霜<しも>がおりる|frost, frost falls, frost forms|
|シャーマニズムの儀式<ぎしき>|shamanistic ritual, exorcism|
|シャーマン|exorcist, medium, shaman|
|杓子<しゃくし>|dipper, ladle|
|借用<しゃくよう>|borrowing, loan|
|借金<しゃっきん>|debt, liabilities|
|しゃもじ|rice scoop, serving spoon|
|私有<しゆう>|privately owned|
|十一月<じゅういちがつ>と十二月<じゅうにがつ>|November and December|
|臭気<しゅうき>|bad smell, odour, stink|
|住居<じゅうきょ>|house, home|
|従順<じゅうじゅん>に|obediently, submissively|
|羞恥<しゅうち>|shame, reproach|
|舅<しゅうと>(夫の父)|father-in-law, husband's father|
|舅<しゅうと>(妻の父)|father-in-law, wife's father|
|姑<しゅうとめ>(夫の母)|mother-in-law, husband's mother|
|姑<しゅうとめ>(妻の母)|mother-in-law, wife's mother|
|充分熟<じゅうぶんじゅく>していない|half-cooked, unripe, inexperienced|
|聚落<しゅうらく>|hamlet, settlement|
|秋霖<しゅうりん>|the rainy spell in (early) autumn|
|樹幹流<じゅかんりゅう>をせき止<と>めて集水<しゅうすい>するための縄<なわ>|tope for collecting stemflow|
|熟睡<じゅくすい>|sound sleep|
|熟<じゅく>する|get ripe, ripen, be cooked, be done|
|主人<しゅじん>|host, master|
|手中<しゅちゅう>|in one's hands, under the thumb|
|種類<しゅるい>|kind, sort|
|巡検<じゅんけん>|tour of inspection|
|順序<じゅんじょ>|order, turn|
|順番<じゅんばん>|turn, order|
|背負子<しょいこ>|A-frame carrier|
|背負子<しょいこ>の脚<あし>|legs of an A-frame carrier|
|女陰<じょいん>|female genitals, vulva|
|小陰唇<しょういんしん>|inner lips, labia minora|
|女王蜂<じょうおうばち>|queen bee|
|城郭<じょうかく>|fortified wall|
|小規模<しょうきぼ>の雑貨屋<ざっかや>|small store|
|娘子軍<じょうしぐん>|female soldier|
|上昇<じょうしょう>する|ascend, rise|
|猩々蜻蛉<しょうじょうとんぼ>|crimson darter, scarlet skimmer|
|上新粉<じょうしんこ>を蒸<む>した菓子<かし>|steamed rice cake filled with a layer of red bean, steamed rice cake made of non-glutinous rice flour dough|
|上手<じょうず>にする|do well|
|生<しょう>ずる|arise, arise, happen, happen, occur, take place|
|使用<しよう>する|use, utilize, employ|
|常設市場<じょうせついちば>|permanent open market|
|焼酎<しょうちゅう>|white distilled liquor|
|小腸<しょうちょう>|small intestine|
|商店<しょうてん>|store, shop|
|衝突<しょうとつ>する|clash into, collide with|
|商人<しょうにん>|merchant, trader|
|商売<しょうばい>|trade, commerce, business|
|醤油<しょうゆ>|soy sauce, soya|
|精霊蝗虫<しょうりょうばった>|Chinese grasshopper|
|食事<しょくじ>|hour, meal, time|
|食肉小売業<しょくにくこうりぎょう>|butcher's shop, meat retail|
|職場<しょくば>|place of work, workplace|
|初春<しょしゅん>|early spring|
|書堂<しょだう>|traditional private school|
|書堂<しょどう>の学費<がくひ>|school fees for traditional private school|
|白樫<しらかし>|bamboo-leaf oak, oak|
|白粥<しらかゆ>|rice gruel|
|白粥<しらがゆ>|rice gruel|
|知<し>らせる|inform, announce|
|白玉<しらたま>|small dumpling in red-bean gruel|
|知<し>らない|not know|
|調<しら>べる|inquire into, inspect, investigate, observe, study|
|尻<しり>|buttock, tail, the lower end of the backbone|
|自力<じりき>|one's own strength|
|尻込<しりご>み|back away, backward step|
|退<しりぞ>く|retire, retreat|
|尻<しり>っぺた|buttocks, rump|
|尻<しり>の穴<あな>|anus, anal passage|
|尻餠<しりもち>|fall on one's buttocks, land on one's rear end|
|地林檎<じりんご>|crab apple|
|地林檎<じりんご>の木<き>|crab apple|
|知<し>る|know (by experience or study), recognise, know|
|汁<しる>|gravy, juice|
|汁椀<しるわん>|soup bowl|
|白<しろ>い砂<すな>|white sand|
|白口<しろぐち>|white croaker, silver jewfish|
|しわくちゃ|wrinkled, creased|
|芯<しん>|the heart of a Chinese cabbage|
|寝具<しんぐ>|bedclothes and mattress, bedding|
|神事<しんじ>|divine service, exorcism, shamanistic ritual|
|親戚<しんせき>|kindred, relation|
|神饌<しんせん>|rice offering|
|新装<しんそう>する|refurnish, refurbish|
|身体障害者<しんたいしょうがいしゃ>|the disabled|
|シンダリ|Jeju rice yogurt|
|真鍮製<しんちゅうせい>の女性用食器<じょせいようしょxtuき>|woman's brass rice bowl|
|真鍮製<しんちゅうせい>ボウル|large brass bowl|
|真鍮製丸鉢<しんちゅうせいまるばち>|large brass bowl|
|新年<しんねん>|New Year|
|心配<しんぱい>する|be anxious|
|心配<しんぱい>する|be worried|
|親類<しんるい>|kindred, relation|
|水牛<すいぎゅう>|water buffalo|
|水中眼鏡<すいちゅうめがね>|swimming goggles|
|水田<すいでん>|paddy field|
|水道<すいどう>|water supply, water service|
|水団<すいとん>|clear soup with dough flakes, dough drop soup|
|水団<すいとん>|clear soup with dough flakes|
|酸葉<すいば>|common sorrel, garden sorrel|
|吸<す>う|breathe in|
|吸<す>う|make open, make bloom, kindle, emit, smoke|
|崇拝<すうはい>する|worship, adore|
|末<すえ>|edge, end, point, tip|
|末<すえ>っ子<こ>|last one, youngest child|
|据<す>える|cauterize with moxa|
|酢貝<すがい>|Lunella coreensis|
|姿<すがた>|appearance, figure|
|犂<すき>|plough with a baseless bent, plough used for light plowing|
|梳<す>き櫛<ぐし>|a fine-toothed bamboo comb|
|犁先<すきさき>|ploughshare, share|
|犁<すき>のへら|ploughshare, share|
|隙間<すきま>|spare time, room|
|隙間<すきま>があいてゐる|ajar, slightly open|
|過<す>ぎる|be over, elapse, exceed, go beyond, pass, past over|
|〜過<す>ぎる|too, fairly, pretty|
|梳<す>く|comb (v)|
|空<す>く|come off|
|掬<すく>う|cut off, fish out, scoop, scoop, scoop up, serve (rice), slice|
|救<すく>う|save, revive|
|すぐさま|immediately, soon|
|少<すく>なくとも|at least|
|すぐに|a short time later, after a while, at a breath, at a stretch, at a stroke, at once, by one effort, immediately, on the spot, right away, soon|
|優<すぐ>れた海女<あま>|excellent woman diver|
|優<すぐ>れている|distinguished, excellent, superior|
|介党鱈<すけとうだら>|Alaska pollack|
|煤<すす>ける|get sooty|
|雀<すずめ>|skylark, sparrow|
|雀鯛<すずめだい>のムルフェ|damselfish sashimi in a chilled broth|
|雀<すずめ>の鉄砲<てっぽう>|shortawn foxtail, orange foxtail|
|硯<すずり>|ink stone|
|裾紐<すそひも>|pant-leg ties|
|裾<すそ>を紐<ひも>で縛<しば>る|tie one's trousers around the ankles|
|ずたずた|to pieces, into shreds|
|宛<ずつ>|per (person)|
|ずっと1|all the time, all through|
|ずっと2|much (more)|
|すっぽん|soft-shelled turtle, terrapin, tortoise|
|素敵<すてき>だ|chic, elegant, splendid, stylish|
|棄<す>てる|abandon, cast away|
|漁<すなど>り|diver's fishery|
|脛<すね>|leg, shank, shin|
|すねる|sulky, in the sulks|
|スパイス|seasoning, spice|
|素晴<すば>らしい|chic, elegant, splendid, stylish|
|スプーン|spoon, spoon and chopsticks|
|すべて|all, altogether, whole|
|全<すべ>ての|all, every, multitude, various|
|滑莧<すべりひゆ>|verdolaga, pigweed, little hogweed|
|滑<すべ>る|glide, slip, slide|
|ズボン下<した>|loose underpants worn by women|
|ズボン吊<つ>り|braces, suspenders|
|須万<すま>|kawakawa, mackerel tuna|
|炭売<すみう>り|charcoal trade|
|隅木<すみき>|angle rafter|
|隅垂木<すみたるき>|angle rafter|
|炭<すみ>の煤<すす>|charcoal soot|
|炭屋<すみや>|charcoal dealer|
|住<す>む|live, dwell, live|
|ずらかる|bolt, fly away, run|
|ずらりと|in line|
|鋭<するど>い|sharp, acute|
|すれる|be worn out|
|座<すわ>らせる|seat (someone), have (someone) sit down|
|スンデ|Korean sausage, sausage|
|スンニュン|burned rice at the bottom of the pot, water boiled with burned rice|
|せ(異性兄弟・男性)|male different-sex sibling|
|正確<せいかく>AN1|correct, accurate|
|正確<せいかく>AN2|right, correct|
|生活<せいかつ>する|live, dwell, live|
|清潔<せいけつ>だ|be clean|
|制限<せいげん>|restriction, limit|
|生死<せいし>|life and death|
|正式<せいしき>の冠<かんむり>の下<した>につける下冠<したかんむり>の一<ひと>つ|horsehair skullcap worn by officials under their hats|
|成長<せいちょう>する|grow [plant]|
|せいにする|put blame upon|
|精白米<せいはくまい>|polished rice|
|精米所<せいまいじょ>|rice mill|
|姓名<せいめい>|family name and given name|
|正門<せいもん>|the main entrance, the main gate|
|西洋油菜<せいようあぶらな>|cole, rape|
|背負<せお>う|bear on one's back, carry a child on one's back|
|世界自然遺産<せかいしぜんいさん>|natural heritage|
|脊髓<せきずい>|spinal cord, pith|
|節句<せっく>|seasonal festival, festive day|
|接待<せったい>する|entertain, treat|
|絶対<ぜったい>に|on any account|
|絶頂期<ぜっちょうき>|the prime of one's life|
|絶壁<ぜっぺき>|precipice, cliff|
|狭<せま>い|narrow, small|
|狭<せま>い|cramped, narrow, small|
|迫<せま>る|come closer|
|蝉<せみ>|cicada, dragonfly, locust|
|蝉<せみ>の幼虫<ようちゅう>|cicada larva|
|傴僂<せむし>|humpback, hunchback|
|芹<せり>|Chinese celery, Japanese parsley, Java waterdropwort, a water dropwort|
|膳<ぜん>|dining table, meal|
|全<ぜん>-|total, whole|
|先月<せんげつ>|last month|
|煎<せん>じ薬<ぐすり>|decoction, infusion|
|先日<せんじつ>|the other day|
|前日<ぜんじつ>|yesterday, previous day|
|船首<せんしゅ>|bow, prow, stem|
|煎<せん>じる|decoct, infuse, boil down, reduce by boiling|
|戦争<せんそう>|war, warfare|
|全体<ぜんたい>の|total, whole|
|洗濯<せんたく>|laundry, wash|
|洗濯石<せんたくいし>|washing stone|
|洗濯籠<せんたくかご>|laundry basket|
|洗濯<せんたく>したものをかけて干<ほ>す繩<なわ>|clothesline, wash-line|
|洗濯石鹸<せんたくせっけん>|laundry soap, washing soap|
|洗濯紐<せんたくひも>|clothesline, wash-line|
|洗濯棒<せんたくぼう>|laundry paddle, fulling sticks|
|栴檀<せんだん>|chinaberry, bead tree|
|仙女<せんにょ>|fairy, nymph|
|船舶<せんぱく>|boat, lighter, vessel, ship|
|船尾<せんび>|stern, buttock, poop|
|全部<ぜんぶ>|all, altogether, whole|
|扇風機<せんぷうき>|electric fan|
|ぜんまい|royal fern|
|洗面<せんめん>|washing up (one's face)|
|洗面器<せんめんき>|wash basin|
|僧<そう>|priest, monk|
|そう|like that|
|草書<そうしょ>|grass characters|
|装飾<そうしょく>|decoration, ornament|
|造成<ぞうせい>|preparation (of a housing site)|
|騒々<そうぞう>しい|noisy, annoying|
|相当<そうとう>|a thing worth|
|ソウル|capital, Seoul|
|ソーセージ|Korean sausage, sausage|
|属<ぞく>する|belong to|
|底<そこ>|bottom, down, floor, under|
|底<そこ>をつく|run out, be out of stock|
|そそのかす|incite, set on, egg on|
|育<そだ>つ|grow [plant]|
|育<そだ>てる1|bring up, feed, foster, keep, nourish, raise|
|育<そだ>てる2|take care, maintain, raise, adorn, decorate|
|そちらに|that way|
|そっくり1|intact, all|
|即刻<そっこく>|at a breath, at a stretch, at a stroke, at once, by one effort, immediately, on the spot, right away|
|そっちに|that way|
|そっと|lightly, secretly|
|袖<そで>|sleeve, arm|
|外<そと>|out, outside, exterior|
|外側<そとがわ>|out, outside, exterior|
|供<そな>え物<もの>の御飯<ごはん>|rice offering|
|供<そな>える|offer to a god|
|その|that (intermediate or near addressee)|
|そのこ|that boy, that girl|
|その人<ひと>|that man, that woman|
|そのまま|intact, as it is|
|そのようだ|like that|
|そのように|like that|
|側<そば>|alongside, beside|
|傍<そば>|alongside, beside|
|蕎麦粉<そばこ>|buckwheat flour|
|蕎麥<そば>ゼリー|buckwheat jelly|
|祖父<そふ>(夫の祖父)|grandfather of husband|
|祖父<そふ>(妻の)|grandfather-in-law, wife's grandfather|
|祖父<そふ>(母方)|father of one's mother, grandfather|
|祖父<そふ>(父方)|father of one's father, grandfather|
|祖母<そぼ>(夫の祖母)|grandmother of husband|
|祖母<そぼ>(妻の)|grandmother-in-law, wife's grandmother|
|祖母<そぼ>(母方)|grandmother, mother of one's mother|
|祖母<そぼ>(父方)|grandmother, mother of one's father|
|染<そ>まる|get dyed|
|剃<そ>られる|be cut, be shaved, be lowered|
|剃<そ>る|shave, shave, sharpen, crop, cut|
|それ|it, this, that|
|それ程<ほど>|that much|
|それほど|that much|
|それゆえ|accordingly, so, therefore|
|それる|go astray|
|揃<そろ>い|set, suit|
|そんなにまで|that much|
|ソンピョン|songpyeon, half-moon-shaped dumplings made of rice flour and filled with sweetened bean paste|