[[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_a|あ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_ka|か]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_sa|さ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_ta|た]] **な** [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_ha|は]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_ma|ま]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_ya|や]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_ra|ら]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_wa|わ]]
====== な ======
|名<な>|name, first name|
|無<な>い|not, nonexistent|
|苗床<なえどこ>|rice seedbed|
|直<なお>す|heal, cure, repair, mend|
|治<なお>す|heal, cure, repair, mend|
|治<なお>る|heal, heal, recover|
|中<なか>(固体、流体等)|inner part, inside|
|中<なか>(空間)|interior, inside|
|長雨<ながあめ>|long rain, long spell of rainy weather|
|長<なが>い 間<あいだ>|for a long time, long|
|長<なが>い 間<あいだ>ANの|It has been a long time|
|長<なが>い煙管<きせる>|long pipe, pipestem, the bamboo-stem of a pipe|
|仲買<なかがい>|brokerage, broker|
|仲買人<なかがいにん>|brokerage, broker|
|仲<なか>が悪<わる>い|not get along, on bad terms|
|流<なが>し|kitchen sink|
|流<なが>す|let flow, pour, spill, spill|
|泣<な>かせる|make someone cry|
|仲違<なかたが>ひする|become estranged, be on bad terms with|
|仲間<なかま>|part of the same|
|眺<なが>める|look, view|
|中指<なかゆび>|middle finger|
|流<なが>れ星<ぼし>|shooting star, meteor|
|流<なが>れる|flow, stream|
|泣<な>き言<ごと>|grumble, complaint|
|泣<な>き言<ごと>を言<い>う|complain of one's sad plight, complain|
|鳴<な>く|howl (animal)|
|啼<な>く|howl (animal)|
|無<な>くなる|be lost, disappear|
|殴<なぐ>られる|be hit, be struck|
|撲<なぐ>る|beat, hit, punch, strike, thrash|
|嘆<なげ>き|deploring, lamentation|
|投<な>げ込<こ>む|throw in, dump into|
|投<な>げ付<つ>ける|throw at|
|投<な>げ飛<と>ばす|throw out|
|投<な>げる|cast, throw|
|和<なご>やかだ|cozy, warm|
|成<な>す|form, achieve|
|茄子<なす>|aubergine, eggplant|
|なずな|Shepherd's purse|
|謎<なぞ>|mystery, riddle|
|なぞなぞ|mystery, riddle|
|名高<なだか>い|well-known, famous, celebrated|
|撫<な>でる|pat, stroke|
|七星天道<ななほしてんとう>|seven-spot ladybird|
|斜<なな>めANの|askew, oblique|
|七日<なのか>(間)|seven days|
|鍋<なべ>|pan, pot|
|生暖<なまあたた>かい|lukewarm, tepid, uncomfortably warm|
|名前<なまえ>|name, first name|
|生臭<なまぐさ>い匂<にお>い|fishy smell|
|怠<なま>けて|lazily, idly|
|怠<なま>け者<もの>|idler, lazybones|
|怠<なま>ける|be idle, neglect|
|海鼠<なまこ>|sea cucumber|
|生<なま>ぬるい|lukewarm, tepid|
|生水<なまみず>|unboiled water|
|訛<なま>り|accent, dialect|
|並揚羽<なみあげは>|swallowtail butterfly|
|ナムル|namul, herbs, greens|
|ナムルクク|vegetable soup|
|なめらかだ|beautiful, fine|
|悩<なや>み|anxiety, worry|
|悩<なや>む|be worried|
|楢<なら>|Japanese oak, oak|
|ならず者<もの>|executioner, rascal|
|成<な>る|become, be|
|生<な>る|grow (fruit), bear|
|為<な>る|become, be|
|慣<な>れている|be accustomed to|
|慣<な>れない|half-cooked, unripe, inexperienced|
|縄<なわ>|cord, straw rope|
|苗代<なわしろ>|rice nursery|
|縄跳<なわと>び|rope skipping|
|何<なん>-|how many|
|なんだ|oops!, gosh!, my!, how puny!, what a tiny!|
|何度<なんど>も|repeatedly, constantly|
|何日<なんにち>|what day (of the month), how many days|
|何日<なんにち>(間)|what day (of the month), how many days|
|荷<に>|load, baggage|
|〜に値<あたい>するもの|a thing worth|
|匂<にお>い|odour, scent, smell|
|匂<にお>わす|make open, make bloom, kindle, emit, smoke|
|苦<にが>い|astringent, bitter|
|二月<にがつ>と三月<さんがつ>|February and March|
|苦菜<にがな>|wild lettuce from the daisy family|
|握<にぎ>る|catch, clench, grasp, grip, hold, hold, massage, seize|
|肉<にく>|flesh, meat, skin|
|憎<にく>い|hateful, detestable|
|肉<にく>の部位<ぶい>|one of parts into which a butchered animal is cut|
|肉蠅<にくばえ>|flesh fly|
|肉屋<にくや>|butcher, butcher's shop, meat retail|
|逃<に>げ出<だ>す|escape, run away|
|逃<に>げる|escape, run away|
|濁<にご>り酒<ざけ>|unrefined rice wine|
|西風<にしかぜ>|west wind|
|二重姻戚<にじゅういんせき>|double in-law|
|荷駄<にだ>|load (on a pack animal)|
|日光<にっこう>|sunchine, sunlight|
|日蝕<にっしょく>|solar eclipse|
|煮詰<につ>まる|boil down|
|煮詰<につ>める|decoct, infuse, boil down, reduce by boiling|
|似<に>ている|like, resemble|
|二等<にとう>|second class, second|
|担<にな>い棒<ぼう>|carrying with a pole jointly shouldered by two persons|
|鈍<にぶ>い2|blunt, dull, insensitive, slow in sensing a situation|
|荷物<にもつ>|load, baggage|
|入隊<にゅうたい>する|join, enlist in|
|入浴<にゅうよく>|bath, bathing|
|入浴<にゅうよく>する|bathe, bathe, swim|
|女房持<にょうぼうも>ち|married man|
|似<に>る|resemble, like|
|庭<にわ>|yard, garden|
|にわか雨<あめ>|shower, squall|
|鶏<にわとり>|, fowls|
|鶏売<にわとりう>り|chicken seller, poultry trade|
|鶏籠<にわとりかご>|hen coop|
|庭柳<にわやなぎ>|knotgrass, knotweed|
|大蒜<にんにく>の漬物<つけもの>|pickled garlic|
|にんにく類<るい>|allium crop|
|人夫<にんぷ>|navvy, labourer|
|縫<ぬ>い合<あ>わせる|sew, stitch|
|縫<ぬ>い付<つ>ける|sew, stitch|
|縫<ぬ>い目<め>|seam, stitch|
|縫<ぬ>い物<もの>|needlework, sewing|
|糠<ぬか>|rice bran|
|抜<ぬ>く|issue, pull off|
|脱<ぬ>ぐ|take off|
|抜<ぬ>ける|fall out, come out|
|布切<ぬのき>れ|patch, rag|
|布地<ぬのじ>|cloth, drapery, material|
|塗<ぬ>る|smear, paint|
|ぬるい|lukewarm, tepid|
|濡<ぬ>れる|get wet, damp|
|寝入<ねい>る|fall asleep, go to sleep, get to sleep|
|願<ねが>う|wish, beg|
|寝<ね>かせる|lie down|
|根<ね>が太<ふと>る|form bulb, grow big|
|葱<ねぎ>|spring onion|
|寝言<ねごと>|talk in one's sleep, somniloquy|
|鼠<ねずみ>|mouse, rat|
|ねずみ年<どし>|the year of the Rat|
|鼠黐<ねずみもち>|Japanese privet, Japanese holly, box-leaved holly|
|値段<ねだん>|cost, price|
|寝付<ねつ>く|fall asleep, go to sleep, get to sleep|
|熱<ねっ>する|heat, warm|
|子年<ねどし>|the year of the Rat|
|粘<ねば>っこい|glutinous, sticky|
|粘<ねば>り気<け>がある|glutinous, sticky|
|粘<ねば>り気<け>がない|nonglutinous, not sticky|
|寝<ね>ぼすけ|late riser, sleepyhead|
|眠気<ねむけ>がさす|become sleepy|
|眠<ねむ>たくなる|become sleepy|
|根本<ねもと>|base, bottom part|
|寝<ね>る1|lie, lie down, sleep|
|寝<ね>る2|ferment, become stale|
|年忌<ねんき>|memorial service, memorial services|
|箆<の>|arrow shaft|
|野茨<のいばら>|Eijitsu rose, Japanese rose, baby rose, many-flowered rose, multiflora rose, seven-sisters rose|
|農機具<のうきぐ>|agricultural machinery|
|農作業<のうさぎょう>|farming, farmwork|
|凌霄花<のうぜんかずら>|trumpet creeper|
|農夫<のうふ>|farmer, plowman, peasant|
|逃<のが>す|miss, lose|
|芒<のぎ>|beard, awn|
|残<のこ>り|rest, remnant, surplus|
|残<のこ>り物<もの>|leftover (after memorial service)|
|残<のこ>る1|remain, be left over|
|残<のこ>る2|remain, stay|
|熨<の>し鏝<ごて>|hot iron|
|望<のぞ>む|wish for|
|のどが渇<かわ>く|be thirsty|
|喉仏<のどぼとけ>|Adam's apple|
|伸<の>ばす|extend, spread, stretch, unfold, unroll|
|延<の>ばす|extend, spread, stretch, unfold, unroll|
|野薔薇<のばら>|Eijitsu rose, Japanese rose, baby rose, many-flowered rose, multiflora rose, seven-sisters rose|
|伸<の>び|straightening one's back, stretching oneself|
|野蒜<のびる>|wild chive, wild rocambole|
|伸<の>びる|protrude, project|
|伸<の>びをする|give a stretch, stretch oneself|
|野葡萄<のぶどう>|bushkiller, Japanese cayratia herb, wild grape, ampelopsis|
|上<のぼ>り坂<ざか>|uphill, acclivity|
|蚤之口<のみのくち>|Hong Kong grouper, convict grouper, trout rock-cod|
|飲<の>み干<ほ>す|gulp down|
|飲<の>み屋<や>|drinking house, pub|
|野良仕事<のらしごと>の助<たす>け合<あ>い|exchange of services, communal sharing of labour|
|野良仕事<のらしごと>を助<たす>け合<あ>う|exchange services, work in turn for one another|
|海苔<のり>|nori, laver|
|のろ|roe deer, roebuck|
|のろじか|roe deer, roebuck|
|のろの後<うし>ろ脚<あし>|roebuck's hind legs|
|のろの仔<こ>|baby roebuck|
|のろの雌<めす>|female roe deer|