[[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_a|あ]] **か** [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_sa|さ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_ta|た]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_na|な]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_ha|は]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_ma|ま]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_ya|や]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_ra|ら]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_wa|わ]]
====== か ======
|蛾<が>|butterfly, moth|
|カーボン紙<し>|carbon paper|
|絵画<かいが>|drawing, painting, picture|
|海魚<かいぎょ>|marine fish, saltwater fish, sea fish|
|外国<がいこく>|foreign (country)|
|外国語<がいこくご>|foreign language|
|海産物<かいさんぶつ>|marine products, seafood|
|外出<がいしゅつ>する|depart, go out|
|海蝕洞<かいしょくどう>|sea cave|
|海水浴場<かいすいよくじょう>|beach resort, seaside resort|
|外戚<がいせき>|maternal relative, the mother's family|
|害虫<がいちゅう>|noxious insect|
|外套<がいとう>|Korean traditional topcoat|
|飼<か>い葉桶<ばおけ>|manger, trough|
|解放<かいほう>|liberation, release|
|回游魚<かいゆうぎょ>|migratory fish, wandering fish|
|洄游魚<かいゆうぎょ>|migratory fish, wandering fish|
|海嶺<かいれい>|oceanic ridge|
|買<か>う|buy, purchase|
|飼<か>う|bring up, feed, foster, keep, nourish, raise|
|返<かえ>す|give back, pay back, repay, return, reward|
|却<かえ>って|on the contrary|
|楓<かえで>|maple tree|
|変<か>える|replace, change|
|代<か>える|take one's place|
|香<かお>り|good smell, fragrance|
|価格<かかく>|price, cost|
|鏡<かがみ>|looking-glass, mirror|
|かかる|hang (over)|
|掛<か>かる|be caught, receive (a phone call), get (sick), hang, take (time)|
|罹<かか>る|be caught, receive (a phone call), get (sick), hang, take (time)|
|ががんぼ|crane fly|
|鉤<かぎ>|crook, gaff, hook|
|掻<か>き集<あつ>める|scrape up|
|柿渋染<かきしぶぞ>めの単衣<ひとえ>の半<はん>ズボン|unlined short trousers|
|柿渋染<かきしぶぞ>めの服<ふく>|clothing dyed with persimmon tannin|
|かき混<ま>ぜる|row, stir, beat, shake, wave|
|角<かく>|angle, corner|
|角切<かくぎ>り大根<だいこん>キムチ|diced radish kimchi|
|隠<かく>す|conceal, hide|
|カクテキ|diced radish kimchi|
|カクテルラス|cocktail wrasse|
|確答<かくとう>|definite answer|
|学費<がくひ>|school fees|
|隠<かく>れる|hide oneself|
|隠<かく>れんぼ|hide and seek|
|崖<がけ>|cliff, precipice|
|花茎<かけい>|flowering stalk|
|掛襟<かけえり>|neckband, collar|
|駆<か>けっこ|footrace, race|
|掛布団<かけぶとん>|quilt, bedclothes|
|掛布団<かけぶとんとしきぶ>と敷布団<ん>|bedclothes and mattress, bedding|
|かける1|pour, splash|
|かける2|lay over, span|
|蜉蝣<かげろう>|mayfly, dayfly, ephemera|
|陽炎<かげろう>|heat haze|
|架<か>け渡<わた>す|lay over, span|
|駕籠<かご>|palanquin, sedan chair|
|籠<かご>|basket, cage|
|河口<かこう>|mouth of a river|
|囲<かこ>む|enclose, grease, oil, surround, wear, wrap|
|笠<かさ>|horsehair hat worn by feudal officials, (lamp) shade, cap (of a mushroom)|
|鵲<かささぎ>|Korean mugpie|
|瘡蓋<かさぶた>|scab, crust|
|がざみ|gazami crab, Japanese blue crab|
|樫<かし>|bamboo-leaf oak, oak|
|火事<かじ>|burning, fire|
|火事<かじ>が起<お>こる|a fire breaks out|
|賢<かしこ>い|bright, clever, wise|
|梶<かじ>の木<き>|paper mulberry|
|鍛冶場<かじば>|smithy, blacksmith's workshop|
|かじめ|Ecklonia cava|
|かじめの山<やま>|stack of Ecklonia cava|
|鍛冶屋<かじや>|smith, blacksmith|
|箇所<かしょ>|part, place|
|個所<かしょ>|part, place|
|頭<かしら>|head, chief|
|柏<かしわ>|Japanese oak, oak|
|貸<か>す|invest, lay, lend, lend out widely, spread|
|滓<かす>|dreg, remnant|
|糟鮫<かすざめ>|Japanese angelshark|
|稼<かせ>ぐ|gain, earn|
|風邪<かぜ>をひく|get cold|
|数<かぞ>える|count, reckon|
|家族<かぞく>|family, members of a family|
|堅<かた>い|firm, hard, stable|
|固<かた>い|firm, hard, stable|
|片意地<かたいじ>でがめつい人<ひと>|hard shrewd person, tough fellow|
|がたがた|plodding, rattling, trudging|
|がたがたANの|all out of joints, on bad terms|
|がたがたする|all out of joints, on bad terms|
|形<かたち>|form, shape|
|片付<かたづ>ける|put in order, tidy up|
|かたばみ|creeping lady's-sorrel, wood sorrel|
|片方<かたほう>|one party, one side|
|塊<かたま>り|block, lump, mass|
|固<かた>まる|become hard|
|傾<かたむ>いている|askew, oblique|
|傾<かたむ>く|incline, lean|
|傾<かたむ>ける|lean, tilt|
|片目<かため>の人<ひと>|one-eyed person|
|傍<かたわら>|alongside, beside|
|かちかち(に凍る)|(frozen) hard|
|勝<か>ち取<と>る|get, win (a prize)|
|カッ|horsehair hat worn by grown men|
|鰹<かつお>|Chinese mackerel, bonito, skipjack tuna|
|学校<がっこう>の運動場<うんどうじょう>|playground, schoolyard|
|家庭菜園<かていさいえん>|backyard vegetable plot, kitchen garden|
|角<かど>|angle, corner|
|必<かなら>ず|certainly, without fail|
|かなり|too, fairly, pretty|
|化膿<かのう>する|fester, form pus, suppurate|
|可能<かのう>だ|can, be possible|
|黴<か>びる|go moldy|
|かぶせる|put on, cover|
|被<かぶ>る|cover, put on|
|かぶれる|get a rash, be poisoned|
|か細<ぼそ>い|very thin, very slender|
|鎌洗<かまあら>い行事<ぎょうじ>|farmer's feast after the final weeding of rice paddies, "hoe-washing" holiday|
|莢迷<がまずみ>|linden arrowwood|
|鎌柄<かまつか>|Christmas berry, oriental photinia|
|竃<かまど>|furnace, oven|
|竈<かまど>の上<うえ>に横<よこ>にかける石<いし>|headstone of a furnace|
|釜<かま>にこびり付<つ>いたご飯<はん>に水<みず>をかけふやかしてこそげ取<と>ったもの|burned rice at the bottom of the pot, the crust of overcooked rice, water boiled with burned rice|
|かむ|blow one's nose|
|亀<かめ>|soft-shelled turtle, terrapin, tortoise|
|瓶<かめ>|crock, earthenware pot, jar, pot|
|亀<かめ>の手<て>|Japanese goose barnacle, kamenote|
|鴎<かもめ>|mew gull, sea mew, seagull|
|通<かよ>う|commute, go to and from, wander|
|殻<から>|cover, surface|
|辛<から>い|hot, pungent|
|唐傘茸<からかさたけ>|parasol mushroom|
|芥子菜<からしな>|leaf mustard|
|空咳<からせき>|dry cough|
|枳殼<からたち>|trifoliate orange|
|枳殻<からたち>|trifoliate orange|
|枳殻<からたち>の実<み>|a fruit of the trifoliate orange|
|体<からだ>を洗<あら>う|bathe, bathe, swim, wash|
|空<から>っぽANの|vacant, empty|
|唐野薊<からのあざみ>|Japanese thistle|
|刈<か>られる|be cut, be shaved, be lowered|
|雁<かり>|wild goose|
|駆<か>る|drive, pursue|
|刈<か>る1|hew, chop, mow, cut|
|刈<か>る2|shave, shave, sharpen, crop, cut|
|かるかん風<ふう>の菓子<かし>|steamed rice cake filled with a layer of red bean, steamed rice cake made of non-glutinous rice flour dough|
|鰈<かれい>|sole, flounder|
|嗄<か>れる|be hoarse|
|枯<か>れる|wither, die|
|皮<かわ>|flesh, skin|
|皮<かわ>|leather, hide, fur|
|可愛<かわい>い|charming, lovely|
|革靴<かわぐつ>|leather boots, leather shoes|
|革製<かわせい>の足袋<たび>|leather socks|
|革製<かわせい>の履<は>き物<もの>|leather shoes|
|変<か>わっている|bizarre, unusual|
|皮剥<かわはぎ>|filefish, leatherfish|
|川端<かわばた>|riverbank, riverside|
|川辺<かわべ>|riverbank, riverside|
|かわらけ|vulva without pubes|
|瓦葺<かわらぶ>きの家<いえ>|tile-roofed house|
|代<かわ>り|(a person's) place, instead of, substitute|
|代<かわ>りに|(a person's) place, instead of, substitute|
|代<か>わる|take one's place|
|替<か>わる|take one's place|
|雁<がん>|wild goose|
|官位<かんい>|government post, government position|
|考<かんが>え|thought, idea|
|閑居<かんきょ>する|live in retirement, lead a quiet life|
|監禁<かんきん>する|shut up, lock up|
|雁首<がんくび>|bowl (of a pipe), shank (of a pipe)|
|観光客<かんこうきゃく>|tourist, visitor|
|官職<かんしょく>|government post, government position|
|鹹水魚<かんすいぎょ>|marine fish, saltwater fish, sea fish|
|完全<かんぜん>AN|sound, intact|
|簡単<かんたん>AN|easy, simple|
|干潮<かんちょう>|ebb, low tide, outflowing water|
|カンパチ|great amberjack, greater amberjack, southern yellowtail amberjack, yellowtail kingfish|
|頑張<がんば>る|persist, stand|
|寒風<かんぷう>|cold wind|
|冠帽<かんぼう>|horsehair hat worn by feudal officials, (lamp) shade, cap (of a mushroom)|
|冠帽<かんぼう>の一種<いっしゅ>|horsehair cap worn by feudal officials, official post, title|
|冠<かんむり>|horsehair hat worn by grown men|
|観覧<かんらん>|sightseeing, watch|
|還暦<かんれき>|60th birthday|
|気<き>|soul, spirit|
|木臼<きうす>|wood mortar|
|消<き>える|burn out, extinguish, go off|
|消<き>える|burn out, burn up, extinguish, go off|
|機会<きかい>|chance, opportunity|
|義眼<ぎがん>|artificial eye|
|聞<き>かん坊<ぼう>|child deserving repeated floggings|
|聞<き>く|listen, hear|
|聞<き>こえる|hear, audible|
|既婚女性<きこんじょせい>|married woman|
|既婚男性<きこんだんせい>|married man|
|刻<きざ>む1|hash, chop|
|刻<きざ>む2|engrave, carve, chisel|
|生地<きじ>|cloth, material, material for clothing|
|雉<きじ>の雛<ひな>|baby pheasant|
|雉羽太<きじはた>|Hong Kong grouper, convict grouper, trout rock-cod|
|傷<きず>つけられる|be cut, be shaved, be lowered|
|犠牲<ぎせい>|sacrifice, victim|
|季節<きせつ>|season, hour, time|
|煙管<きせる>|pipe, tabacco pipe|
|着<き>せる|dress, put on|
|煙管<きせる>に溜<た>まった脂<やに>|tar in the pipe|
|煙管<きせる>の管<くだ>|long pipe, pipestem, the bamboo-stem of a pipe|
|煙管<きせる>の吸口<すいくち>|cigarette tip, mouthpiece|
|煙管<きせる>の煙草<たばこ>を詰<つ>める部分<ぶぶん>|bowl (of a pipe), shank (of a pipe)|
|北風<きたかぜ>|north wind|
|気違<きちが>い|a lunatic, insanity, madman, madness|
|几帳面<きちょうめん>|careful, cautious, methodical|
|砧<きぬた>|block for beating cloth, fulling block|
|砧槌<きぬたづち>|round fulling sticks|
|杵<きね>|large mortar, mortar, pestle|
|昨日<きのう>|previous day, yesterday|
|木<き>の枝<えだ>の叉<また>|fork of a tree, crotch of a tree|
|茸<きのこ>|Shiitake mushroom, mushroom|
|木<き>の箸<はし>|wooden chopsticks|
|木<き>のボウル|wooden bowl|
|黄檗<きはだ>|Amur cork tree|
|生真面目<きまじめ>AN|simple and honest|
|キムチを漬<つ>ける|prepare kimchi for the winter|
|キムチを漬<つ>けること|preparing kimchi for the winter|
|気持<きも>ち|mind, feeling|
|着物<きもの>|clothes, clothing|
|客<きゃく>|guest, visitor, customer, client|
|逆<ぎゃく>|inverse, reverse|
|客間兼書斎<きゃくまけんしょさい>|study-guest room|
|灸<きゅう>|moxa cautery moxibustion|
|休暇<きゅうか>|holiday, leave|
|牛革<ぎゅうがわ>の履<は>き物<もの>|leather shoes|
|窮状<きゅうじょう>|miserable condition, plight|
|窮状<きゅうじょう>を訴<うった>える|complain of one's sad plight, complain|
|急<きゅう>だ|sudden, urgent|
|急<きゅう>に|all of a sudden, promptly, quickly, suddenly|
|牛肉出汁<ぎゅうにくだし>|beef stock|
|旧年<きゅうねん>|last year|
|牛馬<ぎゅうば>|horses and cattle, oxen and horses|
|急病<きゅうびょう>|sudden illness|
|胡瓜<きゅうり>の塩漬<しおづけ>|pickled cucumbers, cucumber pickles|
|境界線<きょうかいせん>|boundary line, border line|
|狂気<きょうき>|insanity, madness|
|協議<きょうぎ>|discussion, deliberation|
|凝固<ぎょうこ>した獣<けもの>の血<ち>|cooled and hardened blood of animal|
|胸骨<きょうこつ>|breastbone, collarbone|
|凶作<きょうさく>の年<とし>|lean year, year of famine|
|教師<きょうし>|teaching staff, teacher, instructor|
|行事<ぎょうじ>|event, function|
|狂人<きょうじん>|a lunatic, madman|
|凶年<きょうねん>|lean year, year of famine|
|強要<きょうよう>|coercion, pressure|
|玉皇大帝<ぎょくこうたいてい>|the King of Heaven (of Taoism)|
|許諾<きょだく>する|give permission to, give consent to|
|ぎょっとする|frightened, horrified|
|去年<きょねん>|last year, year before last|
|霧<きり>|fog, rainy season, the long spell of rain in early summer|
|錐<きり>|borer, gimlet, awl|
|切蛆<きりうじ>|larva of crane fly|
|霧雨<きりさめ>|drizzle, fine rain|
|切<き>り出<だ>す|cut off, slice, scoop up|
|切<き>り取<と>る|clip, cut off, cut out, scoop up, slice|
|切<き>り抜<ぬ>ける|pass over, tide over, pass|
|切干大根<きりぼしだいこん>|dried radish strips, dried slices of radish|
|切<き>り盛<も>りする|manage, pack, tidy up|
|切<き>り分<わ>ける|butcher into different cuts|
|切<き>る|pluck, open|
|着<き>る|wear, put on|
|切<き>る(斧で)|hew, chop, mow, cut|
|切<き>れ|piece (of steamed rice cake)|
|綺麗<きれい>に|finely, with tender care|
|切<き>れない|blunt, dull|
|切<き>れる|sharp, acute|
|気<き>を揉<も>む|be anxious, worry|
|銀河<ぎんが>|the Milky Way, the Galaxy|
|禁止<きんし>|prohibition, ban|
|近所<きんじょ>|block, local community, neighbourhood|
|禁<きん>ずる|prohibit, forbid|
|巾着袋<きんちゃくぶくろ>|pouch, purse|
|均等<きんとう>AN|equal, uniform|
|勤勉<きんべん>AN|be diligent, be industrious|
|銀飯<ぎんめし>|cooked white rice|
|銀湯鯉<ぎんゆごい>|barred flagtail, five-bar flagtail|
|杭<くい>|stake, pile, picket|
|食<く>いしん坊<ぼう>|drone, glutton, good-for-nothing|
|ぐうたら|lazily, idly|
|九月<くがつ>と十月<じゅうがつ>|September and October|
|茎<くき>|stalk, stem, trunk|
|釘抜<くぎぬ>き金槌<かなづち>|claw hammer|
|括<くく>る|bind, bind, manage, pack, tidy up, tie, tie|
|臭<くさ>い|smelling, stinking|
|臭木<くさぎ>|Harlequin glory bower|
|草取<くさと>りをする|weed, pull weeds|
|草葺<くさぶ>きの家<いえ>|thatched house|
|腐<くさ>る|go rotten|
|草<くさ>をむしる|pull weeds, weed|
|串煮込<くしにこ>み|meat or fish skewers|
|串焼<くしや>き|meat or fish skewers|
|くしゃくしゃ|wrinkled, creased|
|苦心<くしん>|trouble, hardship|
|葛<くず>|Japanese arrowroot, kudzu|
|屑<くず>|dreg, remnant, rubbish, scrap|
|ぐずぐずする|hesitate, be at a loss, hesitate, be undecided|
|ぐずつく|(weather) be unsettled|
|薬指<くすりゆび>|ring finger|
|砕<くだ>く|break, chop (wood), crack, crush, destroy, shatter to pieces, smash, split (wood)|
|下<くだ>り坂<ざか>|slope, downhill, declivity|
|下<くだ>る|bring down, lower, go down, descend|
|〜口<くち>|a draft, a spoonful, puff, sip|
|愚痴<ぐち>|grumble, complaint|
|口<くち>(瓶の)|mouth (of a bottle)|
|口癖<くちぐせ>|ballad, the habit of saying ...|
|嘴<くちばし>|beak, bill|
|くっつける|stick, glue, attach|
|轡<くつわ>|bit, bridle|
|国<くに>|country, state, nation|
|櫟<くぬぎ>|Japanese oak, oak|
|くねくね|windingly, meanderingly|
|配<くば>る|distribute, divide|
|颶風<ぐふう>|whirlwind, cyclone, twister|
|くべる|make a fire, burn|
|熊手<くまで>|fork-shaped instrument, back scratcher|
|組<くみ>|couple, pair, set|
|汲<く>む|draw up, draw up, fish out, scoop, scoop|
|曇<くも>った|cloudy, overcast|
|曇<くも>っている|cloudy, overcast|
|悔<くや>しい|be frustrated, be mortified|
|ぐらぐらANの|all out of joints, on bad terms|
|ぐらぐらする|all out of joints, on bad terms|
|暮<く>らし|household, life, living|
|暮<く>らす|live, dwell, live|
|鞍骨<くらぼね>|packsaddle strut|
|くらら|shrubby sophora|
|栗<くり>の木<き>|chestnut tree|
|狂<くる>う|go crazy, go mad|
|苦<くる>しい|painful, hard|
|苦<くる>しむ|distressing, painful, suffer|
|苦<くる>しむ振<ふ>り|exaggeration of pain, feigned dismay|
|車<くるま>|car, automobile, motor-car, vehicle|
|暮<く>れる|grow dark|
|苦労<くろう>|trouble, hardship|
|黒珊瑚<くろさんご>|black coral|
|黒鯛<くろだい>|Japanese black porgy, blackhead seabream|
|黒竹<くろちく>|black bamboo|
|黒穂<くろぼ>|smut ball, smutted ear|
|黒松<くろまつ>|Japanese black pine|
|桑<くわ>|mulberry tree|
|詳<くわ>しく|in detail|
|加<くわ>わる|join, participate|
|軍人<ぐんじん>|warrior, soldier|
|毛<け>|fur, hair, wool|
|経血<けいけつ>|menstrual blood|
|鶏頭<けいとう>|cockscomb, feather cockscomb, plumed cockscomb|
|頸部<けいぶ>リンパ節結核<せつけっかく>|scrofula, scrofulosis, tuberculous lymphadenitis|
|軽蔑<けいべつ>する|scorn, make a fool of, look down|
|毛蟹<けがに>|horsehair crab|
|毛皮<けがわ>|leather, hide, fur|
|怪我<けが>をする|be wouded|
|けしかける|incite, set on, egg on|
|景色<けしき>|scenery, landscape|
|化粧石鹸<けしょうせっけん>|facial soap|
|消<け>す1|extinguish, put out|
|消<け>す2|extinguish, put out|
|削<けず>る|shave, shave, sharpen, crop, cut|
|獣<けだもの>|beast, animal|
|けちん坊<ぼう>|miser, stingy fellow|
|血気盛<けっきざか>り|the prime of one's life|
|結局<けっきょく>|after all|
|月経<げっけい>|menstruation, the menses|
|結婚式<けっこんしき>|marriage ceremony|
|結婚<けっこん>する|marry, get married to|
|結婚<けっこん>する|get married|
|結婚<けっこん>する|get married|
|月蝕<げっしょく>|lunar eclipse|
|月蝕<げっしょく>が起<お>こる|lunar eclipse occurs|
|欠点<けってん>をあげつらう|find fault, speak ill|
|蹴爪<けづめ>|fetlock, spur|
|毛羽<けば>|nap, fluff, pile|
|気配<けはい>|sign, indication|
|仮病<けびょう>|feigned illness|
|毛房磯蟹<けふさいそがに>|Hemigrapsus penicillatus|
|欅<けやき>|Japanese elm, Japanese zelkova|
|原因<げんいん>|reason, cause|
|喧嘩<けんか>する|contest, dispute, fight, quarrel|
|元気<げんき>AN|energetic, healthy|
|言語<げんご>|language, speech, word|
|健康<けんこう>な勞働者<ろうどうしゃ>|farmhand, healthy worker|
|現在<げんざい>|now, present|
|見物<けんぶつ>|sightseeing, watch|
|〜個<こ>|piece |
|小石<こいし>|pebble, stone|
|恋人<こいびと>|lover, husband and wife|
|コイン|change (N), coin|
|こう|like this|
|請<こ>う|beg, ask|
|硬貨<こうか>|change (N), coin|
|高価<こうか>AN|dear, expensive|
|口蓋<こうがい>|palate, the roof of the mouth|
|公会堂<こうかいどう>|public hall|
|口角<こうかく>|corner of the mouth|
|高貴<こうき>だ|noble, honourable|
|好機<こうき>を逃<のが>さず|at a stroke, by one effort, at a breath, at a stretch, at once, right away, on the spot, immediately|
|高校<こうこう>|high school|
|孝行息子<こうこうむすこ>|filial son|
|孝行娘<こうこうむすめ>|filial daughter|
|麹<こうじ>|malted rice|
|校舎<こうしゃ>|schoolhouse, school building|
|孝心<こうしん>|filial piety|
|香煎<こうせん>|ground grains|
|楮<こうぞ>|paper mulberry|
|好敵手<こうてきしゅ>|a good match|
|強盗<ごうとう>|robber, burglar|
|高等学校<こうとうがっこう>|high school|
|香<こう>ばしい|aromatic, sweet-smelling|
|後部左右<こうぶさゆう>に羽<はね>のついた烏帽子<えぼし>|cap with a pair of wings|
|興奮<こうふん>する|be excited, get fat|
|仔馬<こうま>|filly, foal|
|蝙蝠<こうもり>|bat, flying fox|
|蝙蝠傘<こうもりがさ>|occidental umbrella|
|肛門<こうもん>|anus, anal passage|
|高麗鶯<こうらいうぐいす>|black-naped oriole|
|号令<ごうれい>|command, order|
|功労者<こうろうしゃ>|person of merit|
|肥<こ>える|be excited, get fat|
|越<こ>える|elapse, past over, go beyond, be over, exceed|
|超<こ>える|elapse, past over, go beyond, be over, exceed|
|越<こ>える|pass over, tide over, pass|
|コーリャン|great millet, sorghum|
|互角<ごかく>|much the same as|
|互角<ごかく>ANの|much the same as|
|五月<ごがつ>と六月<ろくがつ>|May and June|
|黄金虫<こがねむし>|gold beetle, goldbug|
|顧客<こきゃく>|customer, client|
|漕<こ>ぐ|row, stir, beat, shake, wave|
|極寒<ごくかん>|intense cold|
|ごくごく|gulping sound|
|国際語<こくさいご>|international language|
|穀潰<ごくつぶ>し|drone, glutton, good-for-nothing|
|国民学校<こくみんがっこう>|primary school|
|穀物<こくもつ>|corn, grain|
|ごくり|at a gulp|
|五葷<ごくん>(臭氣の強い野菜)|allium crop|
|午後<ごご>|p.m., afternoon|
|九日<ここのか>(間)|nine days|
|凝<こご>る|coagulate, jell, congeal|
|心<こころ>|mind, heart|
|小雨<こさめ>|drizzle, sprinkle|
|腰<こし>|hip, waist, loin|
|輿<こし>|palanquin, sedan chair|
|濾<こ>す|strain, filter|
|越<こ>す|elapse, past over, go beyond, be over, exceed|
|擦<こす>る|rub, scrub, mash, chafe, file|
|午前<ごぜん>|a.m., morning|
|こそぐ|bone, crack|
|コソリ酒|kosori-sul, distilled spirits of Jeju|
|答<こた>え|answer, reply|
|答<こた>える|reply, answer|
|こちこち|(frozen) hard|
|ご馳走<ちそう>|entertainment, treat|
|ご馳走<ちそう>する|entertain, treat|
|コチュジャン|red pepper paste|
|こちら|this way|
|こちらに|this way|
|国家<こっか>|country, state, nation|
|滑稽<こっけい>AN|funny, ridiculous|
|骨髄<こつずい>|bone marrow|
|こっそり|lightly, secretly, still|
|ごった煮粥<にがゆ>|mixed-grain porridge|
|こっち|this way|
|こっちに|this way|
|木<こ>っ端<ぱ>|splinter, chip (of wood)|
|こと|way, fact|
|今年<ことし>|this year|
|言葉<ことば>|language, speech, word|
|子供用<こどもよう>の股<また>の開<あ>いたズボン|baby trousers with a slit in the bottom, open-crotch trousers|
|粉<こな>|flour, powder|
|粉<こな>にする|break, chop (wood), crack, crush, destroy, shatter to pieces, smash, split (wood)|
|小糠雨<こぬかあめ>|drizzle, fine rain|
|この|this (proximal or near speaker)|
|このこ|this boy, this girl, this man, this woman|
|今頃<このごろ>|nowadays, recently|
|木<こ>の葉<は>|leaves of trees|
|この日<ひ>だあの日<ひ>だと(約束の日を遅らせる)|delay from day to day|
|この人<ひと>|this man, this woman, this boy, this girl|
|このような|such, like this|
|このように|like this|
|小葉<こば>の栴檀草<せんだんぐさ>|Spanish needles|
|御飯<ごはん>|meal, cooked rice|
|御飯茶碗<ごはんぢゃわん>|rice bowl|
|御飯茶碗<ごはんぢゃわん>(木製)|rice bowl|
|ご飯<はん>を炊<た>く|cook rice|
|小人<こびと>|dwarf, midget|
|小昼<こひる>|midnight meal, snack for farmhands at work|
|瘤<こぶ>|hump, lump, wen|
|小袋<こぶくろ>|pouch, purse|
|子鮒草<こぶなぐさ>|small carpetgrass|
|小舟<こぶね>|boat, dugout, lighter, ship, small boat, vessel|
|個別<こべつ>|individual, separate|
|こぼす|let flow, pour, spill, spill|
|こぼれる|spill, spilt|
|独楽<こま>|spinning top, top|
|胡麻油<ごまあぶら>|sesame oil|
|細<こま>かい|detailed, fine|
|胡麻<ごま>の葉<は>|perilla leaf|
|ごみ|scrap, rubbish|
|小蜜柑草<こみかんそう>|chamber bitter, gripeweed|
|ゴム|rubber, india-rubber|
|腓返<こむらがえ>りが起<お>こる|get cramp in the calf|
|米櫃<こめびつ>|rice chest, grain chest|
|小指<こゆび>|little finger|
|小指<こゆび>(足)|little toe|
|これ|this, this one|
|転<ころ>ぶ|fall down, tumble|
|怖<こわ>い|be afraid, be scared|
|壊<こわ>す|crush, shatter to pieces, break, destroy|
|壊<こわ>れる|be broken|
|混合<こんごう>する|mingle, get mixed|
|こんな|such, like this|
|婚約<こんやく>する|get engaged|
|婚礼<こんれい>|marriage ceremony|