[[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_a|あ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_ka|か]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_sa|さ]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_ta|た]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_na|な]] **は** [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_ma|ま]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_ya|や]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_ra|ら]] [[en:exhibition:vocabulary:en_ja_wa|わ]]
====== は ======
|歯<は>|teeth, tooth|
|刃<は>|blade, edge|
|パーティー|party, feast|
|灰貝<はいがい>|ark shell|
|配偶者<はいぐうしゃ>の同性兄弟<どうせいきょうだい>の配偶者<はいぐうしゃ>|husband of a brother's wife|
|入<はい>って來<く>る|enter, come in|
|パイプ|cigarette tip, mouthpiece|
|配流<はいる>|exile, banish|
|這<は>う|crawl, creep|
|生<は>える|bud, grow [grass], sprout|
|墓<はか>|grave, tomb|
|破壊<はかい>|destruction, demolition|
|ばかげている|funny, ridiculous|
|剥<は>がす|detach, open, pluck, take off|
|履<は>かせる|put on|
|歯形<はがた>|toothprint, tooth mark|
|歯鰹<はがつお>|striped bonito|
|馬鹿<ばか>にする|scorn, make a fool of, look down|
|秤<はかり>|scales, balance|
|秤目<はかりめ>|notches of a beam|
|量<はか>る|weigh, measure|
|計<はか>る|measure, weigh|
|測<はか>る|measure, weigh|
|萩<はぎ>|bush clover|
|吐<は>き気<け>がする|feel nauseated|
|履物<はきもの>の付<つ>け紐<ひも>|string used to tie straw sandals to one's feet|
|吐<は>く|breathe out, exhale|
|吐<は>く|spit, spew, spit out|
|履<は>く|put on, wear|
|白雲木<はくうんぼく>|Styrax obassia|
|白菜<はくさい>|Chinese cabbage|
|白菜<はくさい>の薹<とう>|flowering stalk of Chinese cabbages, flowering stalk of radishes|
|白砂<はくしゃ>|white sand|
|白昼<はくちゅう>|broad daylight, daytime|
|白馬<はくば>|white horse|
|白米<はくまい>|polished rice, white rice|
|激<はげ>しくなる|get worse, grow harder|
|禿<は>げる|become bald|
|箱<はこ>|box, case|
|はさみ|claw of a crab|
|挟<はさ>む|hold a thing in one's arms or fingers, insert, pinch, put|
|端<はし>|edge, end, point, tip|
|恥<はじ>|disgrace, reproach, shame|
|艀<はしけ>|barge, lighter|
|弾<はじ>ける|bound, crackle, pop, splash|
|箸<はし>と匙<さじ>|spoon and chopsticks, spoon|
|初<はじ>め|beginning, the first time|
|初<はじ>めから|at all, from the beginning|
|初<はじ>めて|beginning, the first time|
|馬車<ばしゃ>|horse-drawn carriage|
|場所<ばしょ>|location, place|
|走<はし>る|bolt, fly away, run|
|恥<はじ>をかく|disgrace oneself, take pains, suffer troubles|
|恥<は>ずかしい|be ashamed, disgraceful, shameful|
|外<はず>す|miss, lose|
|外<はず>す|release, take off, undo, untie|
|外<はず>れた状態<じょうたい>ANの|out of joint|
|外<はず>れる|get out of joint, go against, go astray|
|黄櫨<はぜ>|Japanese wax tree|
|黄櫨<はぜ>の木<き>|Japanese wax tree|
|端<はた>|alongside, beside|
|肌<はだ>|flesh, skin|
|畑<はたけ>|garden, field|
|働<はたら>き盛<ざか>り|the prime of one's life|
|働<はたら>き手<て>|labourer, navvy, worker|
|鉢<はち>|wooden bowl|
|蜂<はち>の巣<す>|honeycomb, beehive|
|鉢巻<はちま>き|(woman diver's)headband|
|薄荷<はっか>|mint, peppermint|
|二十日鼠<はつかねずみ>|mouse, rat|
|発狂<はっきょう>する|go crazy, go mad|
|醗酵<はっこう>する|ferment, become stale|
|はったい粉<こ>|ground grains|
|初春<はつはる>|early spring|
|馬丁<ばてい>|groom, stableman, horseman, horse breeder|
|歯<は>と歯<は>の隙間<すきま>|gaps in the teeth, diastema|
|鳩麦<はとむぎ>|Job's-tears, coixseed, tear grass|
|鳩胸<はとむね>|pigeon breast, chicken breast|
|洟<はな>|nasal mucus, snivel, nose|
|鼻<はな>|nasal mucus, snivel, nose|
|花<はな>|blossom, flower|
|はなから|at all, from the beginning|
|鼻糞<はなくそ>|dried mucus, snot|
|話<はなし>|tale, story, narrative, talk|
|鼻汁<はなじる>|nasal mucus, snivel|
|話<はな>す|speak, tell a story, talk|
|放<はな>す|set free|
|鼻綱<はなづな>|bridle, rein(s)|
|甚<はなは>だ|very, greatly, extremely|
|花<はな>びら|floral leaf, petal|
|鼻水<はなみず>|nasal mucus, snivel|
|花婿付添人<はなむこつきそいにん>|bride attendant, best man|
|花嫁付添人<はなよめつきそいにん>|bride attendant, best man|
|歯並<はなら>び|set of teeth|
|馬肉<ばにく>|horse meat|
|羽根蹴<はねけ>り|Korean shuttlecock|
|跳<は>ね飛<と>ばす|bound, crackle, pop, splash|
|跳<は>ねる|bound, crackle, jump, pop, splash|
|母<はは>|mama, mother|
|母方<ははかた>|mother's side|
|母方<ははかた>の伯父<おじ>・叔父<おじ>|uncle on the mother's side|
|母方<ははかた>の親戚<しんせき>|maternal relative, the mother's family|
|浜栲<はまごう>|beach vitex, roundleaf chastetree|
|浜辺<はまべ>|beach, shore|
|嵌<は>める|put, insert, pinch|
|鱧<はも>|conger pike, pike eel|
|早<はや>く|early, quickly, soon|
|林<はやし>|copse, grove, woods|
|早<はや>めに|early, soon|
|ばら肉<にく>|ribs (of pork)|
|梁<はり>|beam, girder, crossbeam|
|針桑<はりぐわ>|native mulberry tree|
|針桑<はりぐわ>の実<み>|native mulberry|
|針仕事<はりしごと>|needlework, sewing|
|張<は>り付<つ>ける|stick, glue, attach|
|貼<は>り付<つ>ける|stick, glue, attach|
|春<はる>|spring time, spring|
|春雨<はるさめ>1|spring rain|
|春雨<はるさめ>2|starch noodles|
|晴<は>れた|clear (weather)|
|晴<は>れている|clear (weather)|
|腫<は>れ物<もの>|boil, pimple, swelling, tumor|
|晴<は>れる|clear (weather), fold, fold up|
|番<ばん>|turn, order|
|半月<はんげつ>|half moon|
|はんこ|seal, stamp|
|番小屋<ばんごや>|shed on stilts for a melon patch[field] guard|
|晩春<ばんしゅん>|late spring|
|半月<はんつき>|half month, two weeks|
|晩冬<ばんとう>|late winter|
|榛<はん>の木<き>|East Asian alder|
|火<ひ>|burning, fire|
|火打<ひう>ち金<がね>|steel (for striking sparks from flint)|
|稗<ひえ>|Japanese millet, barnyard grass|
|冷<ひ>え冷<び>えとしている|cool, chilly|
|冷<ひ>える|get cold|
|皮革<ひかく>|leather, hide, fur|
|日暈<ひがさ>|the halo of the sun|
|日<ひ>が沈<しず>む|the sun sets|
|火<ひ>がつく|start burning, catch fire|
|火<ひ>が通<とお>る|get ripe, ripen, be cooked, be done|
|〜匹<ひき>|animal |
|引<ひ>き受<う>ける|keep, take charge of, undertake|
|挽臼<ひきうす>|millstone worked by a horse or ox|
|碾臼<ひきうす>|mill, millstones|
|引<ひ>き潮<しお>|ebb, low tide, outflowing water|
|引<ひ>き連<つ>れる|bring with, be accompanied|
|引<ひ>き抜<ぬ>く|issue, pull off|
|碾<ひ>き割<わ>り粟<あわ>|hulled millet|
|引<ひ>く|drag, draw, pull, substract|
|弾<ひ>く|play [musical instrument]|
|ひく|oil, grease, wear, surround, enclose, wrap|
|飛行機<ひこうき>|plane, aeroplane|
|ひさご|dipper, gourd|
|庇<ひさし>|pent roof, penthouse|
|日差<ひざ>し|sunbeams, sunlight|
|久<ひさ>しい|It has been a long time|
|膝<ひざ>の皿<さら>|kneecap, patella|
|氷雨<ひさめ>|cold rain|
|火皿<ひざら>|chamber (of a pipe)|
|肘金<ひじがね>|pintle, hinge leaf with a fixed pin|
|ひじき|brown algae|
|肘壺<ひじつぼ>|gudgeon, hinge leaf with a gudgeon|
|肘壺<ひじつぼ>と肘金<ひじがね>|hinge, butt, flag hinge|
|杓<ひしゃく>|dipper, gourd|
|非常<ひじょう>に|extremely, greatly, very|
|襞<ひだ>|crack, crevice, fold|
|浸<ひた>す|put (rice into soup)|
|浸<ひた>す|dip, soak|
|ひたすら|as one wishes, all through, utterly|
|ひっきりなしに|one after another, incessantly|
|びっくりする|be surprised, get startled|
|引越<ひっこし>|move, change of residence|
|羊<ひつじ>|goat, sheep|
|未年<ひつじどし>|the year of the Sheep|
|引<ひ>っ張<ぱ>る|drag, draw, pull, substract|
|必要<ひつよう>AN|necessary, need|
|日照<ひで>りが続<つづ>く|be in drought|
|人<ひと>|man, one, person|
|一息<ひといき>に|at a stroke, by one effort, at a breath, at a stretch, at once, right away, on the spot, immediately|
|単衣<ひとえ>のチョゴリ|unlined summer jacket|
|人<ひと>が嫌<いや>がること|untoward event|
|ひどく|much, quite, very|
|ひどく苦労<くろう>する|disgrace oneself, endeavour, suffer troubles, take pains|
|ひどくなる|get worse, grow harder|
|一太刀<ひとたち>で|with a single stroke|
|人魂<ひとだま>|ignis fatuus, will-o'-the-wisp|
|一<ひと>つ眼鏡<めがね>|swimming goggles|
|単衣<ひとへ>のズボン|unlined trousers|
|一間<ひとま>|single room|
|一間暮<ひとまぐ>らし|single-room household|
|一間<ひとま>の部屋<へや>|single room|
|瞳<ひとみ>|eyelid, pupil|
|一人<ひとり>|alone, one person|
|独<ひと>り舞台<ぶたい>ANの|reign supreme|
|雛<ひな>|chick, chicken|
|火<ひ>にあたる|to warm oneself near the fire|
|日<ひ>に当<あ>てて色<いろ>を変<か>える|bleach in the sun, fade away, discolour|
|日<ひ>にち|date, the number of days|
|日<ひ>に日<ひ>に|day by day, every day|
|捻<ひね>る|twirl, twist|
|乾葉<ひば>|dried leaves|
|干葉<ひば>|dried leaves|
|火鋏<ひばさみ>|fire tongs|
|雲雀<ひばり>|skylark, sparrow|
|罅<ひび>|crack, crevice, fold|
|罅<ひび>が入<はい>る|be cracked|
|罅割<ひびわ>れる|be cracked|
|皮膚<ひふ>|flesh, skin|
|蓖麻<ひま>|castor-oil plant, castorbean|
|暇<ひま>|leisure, room, spare time, time to spare|
|姫楮<ひめこうぞ>|paper mulberry|
|姫女菀<ひめじょおん>|Canada horseweed, annual fleabane|
|姫韮<ひめにら>|wild chive, wild rocambole|
|姫昔蓬<ひめむかしよもぎ>|Canada horseweed, annual fleabane|
|病気<びゃうき>にかかる|fall ill|
|百日咳<ひゃくにちぜき>|whooping cough|
|百倍<ひゃくばい>|one hundred times, centuple, hundredfold|
|冷<ひ>や飯<めし>|cold cooked rice|
|ひやりとする|frightened, horrified|
|莧<ひゆ>|amaranth, amaranthus, pigweed|
|病気<びょうき>|diseases, illness, sickness|
|病気<びょうき>になる|fall ill|
|病弱<びょうじゃく>な人<ひと>|sickly person, invalid|
|標準語<ひょうじゅんご>|standard language|
|瓢箪製<ひょうたんせい>の浮<う>き具<ぐ>|float made of gourd|
|屏風<びょうぶ>|folding screen|
|ひよこ|chick, chicken|
|平瓦<ひらがわら>|flat tile|
|開<ひら>く|open (eyes)|
|開<ひら>く|open, open|
|平鍋<ひらなべ>|frying pan|
|平政<ひらまさ>|great amberjack, greater amberjack, southern yellowtail amberjack, yellowtail kingfish|
|蒜<ひる>|allium crop|
|昼日中<ひるひなか>|broad daylight|
|昼間<ひるま>|daytime, midday|
|広<ひろ>い|broad, large, wide|
|広<ひろ>い|broad, large, wide|
|拾<ひろ>う|pick up|
|広<ひろ>げる1|hang out, spread out|
|広<ひろ>げる2|unfold, unroll, spread, stretch, extend|
|広<ひろ>さ|area, dimensions, extant|
|広場<ひろば>|yard, garden|
|枇杷<びわ>|loquat, Japanese medlar|
|火<ひ>をおこす|make open, make bloom, kindle, emit, smoke|
|貧乏葛<びんぼうかずら>|bushkiller, Japanese cayratia herb, wild grape, ampelopsis|
|貧乏<びんぼう>ったれ|poor man|
|貧乏人<びんぼうにん>|poor man|
|鞴<ふいご>|bellows, hand bellows|
|ふいごで風<かぜ>を起<お>こすこと|blowing with the bellows|
|夫婦<ふうふ>|husband and wife, lover|
|風力発電所<ふうりょくはつでんしょ>|wind power plants|
|笛<ふえ>|flute, whistle|
|蕗<ふき>|Japanese sweet coltsfoot, Japanese butterbur|
|吹<ふ>き出物<でもの>|boil, pimple, swelling|
|布巾<ふきん>|tea towel, dishcloth|
|拭<ふ>く|wipe, polish|
|河豚<ふぐ>|blowfish, globefish, porcupine fish|
|服地<ふくじ>|material for clothing, material|
|膨<ふく>らんでいる|fat, swollen|
|袋<ふくろ>|bag, sack|
|更<ふ>けている|late, far|
|塞<ふさ>がる|be stopped, be blocked|
|塞<ふさ>ぐ|stop up, choke up, block up|
|ふさわしい|appropriate, suitable|
|武士<ぶし>|warrior, soldier|
|〜節<ぶし>|ballad, the habit of saying ...|
|無事<ぶじ>AN|be safe, be without accident, be peaceful|
|不思議<ふしぎ>AN|marvelous, wonderful, mysterious|
|節<ふし>の葉泡吹<はあわぶき>|Meliosma oldhamii|
|無精<ぶしょう>|idleness, laziness|
|婦人部隊<ふじんぶたい>|female soldier|
|伏<ふ>す|lie, lie down|
|麩<ふすま>|wheat bran|
|不足<ふそく>だ|be not enough, be insufficient|
|豚小屋<ぶたごや>|pigpen, pigsty|
|再<ふたた>び|again, also|
|豚<ぶた>の腸詰<ちょうづめ>|Korean sausage, sausage|
|二星石蟹<ふたほしいしがに>|two-spot swimming crab|
|普段着<ふだんぎ>|casual clothes, everyday clothes|
|普通<ふつう>のスカート|common skirt (not wrap-around)|
|二日<ふつか>(間)|two days|
|二日目<ふつかめ>|the second day, the next day|
|ぶつかる|clash into, collide with|
|ぶつぶつ|rough, lumpy, rugged|
|不貞腐<ふてくさ>れる|sulky, in the sulks|
|太<ふと>い|thick, burly|
|太<ふと>る|get fat, get stout|
|船虫<ふなむし>|sea louse, sea slater|
|船<ふね>|boat, lighter, vessel, ship|
|部分<ぶぶん>|(important) occasion, part, portion|
|冬山椒<ふゆざんしょう>|winged prickly ash, Japanese pepper tree|
|部落<ぶらく>|hamlet, settlement|
|鰤<ぶり>|yellowtail, Japanese amberjack|
|振<ふ>り返<かえ>る|look back, turn|
|振<ふ>り向<む>く|look back, turn|
|不良<ふりょう>|deliquency, badness, inferiority|
|振<ふ>る|row, stir, beat, shake, wave|
|古<ふる>い|old, worn-out|
|ぶるぶる|trembling, shivering|
|触<ふ>れる|hit, touch|
|風呂敷<ふろしき>|wrapping cloth|
|分<ぶん>|a thing worth|
|文<ぶん>|sentence, writings|
|文化遺産<ぶんかいさん>|cultural heritage|
|粉砕<ふんさい>する|break, chop (wood), crack, crush, destroy, shatter to pieces, smash, split (wood)|
|文章<ぶんしょう>|sentence, writings|
|分別<ふんべつ>|prudence, sense|
|分別<ふんべつ>がつく|arrive at the age of discretion|
|塀<へい>|wall, fence|
|米飯<べいはん>|cooked white rice|
|舳先<へさき>|bow, prow, stem|
|下手<へた>|inexpert, unskillful|
|ペチコート|petticoat, underskirt|
|糸瓜<へちま>|sponge gourd|
|別<べつ>に|(not) in particular, (not) very|
|別<べつ>の|else, other, different|
|減<へ>らす|lessen, lighten|
|減<へ>る|decrease, lose weight|
|ぺろりと|darting in and out|
|屁<へ>をこく|fart, let a fart|
|変<へん>AN|strange, odd, queer|
|返済<へんさい>する|pay back, repay, reward|
|返事<へんじ>|answer, reply|
|ぺんぺん草<ぐさ>|Shepherd's purse|
|穂<ほ>|ear, head|
|帆<ほ>|canvas, sail|
|棒<ぼう>|pole, bar, stick|
|膀胱<ぼうこう>|urinary bladder|
|法事<ほうじ>|memorial service, memorial services|
|帽子<ぼうし>|hat, cap|
|房事<ぼうじ>|sexual intercourse|
|疱瘡<ほうそう>|smallpox, the spirit of smallpox|
|疱瘡神<ほうそうがみ>|smallpox, the spirit of smallpox|
|包丁<ほうちょう>|kitchen knife|
|孑孑<ぼうふら>|mosquito larva|
|坊<ぼう>や|my baby|
|放<ほう>り上<あ>げる|toss up, throw up|
|抛<ほう>る|cast, throw|
|ほおずき|Chinese lantern, ground cherry|
|ボート|boat, lighter, vessel, ship|
|他<ほか>の|else, other, different|
|ぽきぽき|snapping sound|
|牧師<ぼくし>|pastor, clergyman|
|牧草地<ぼくそうち>|meadow, pasture|
|火口金<ほくちがね>|steel (for striking sparks from flint)|
|黒子<ほくろ>|wart, mole|
|ぼこぼこ|in hollows|
|ぼこぼこにする|thrash, strike, punch|
|保護林<ほごりん>|reserved forest, forest reserve|
|ほじくる|pick one's nose|
|星鮫<ほしざめ>|starspotted smooth-hound|
|干<ほ>しズッキーニ|dried slices of young pumpkin|
|歩哨<ほしょう>|sentinel, sentry|
|ほじる|pick one's nose|
|干<ほ>す|dry, hang out, spread out|
|細<ほそ>い|fine, slender|
|細長<ほそなが>い|very thin, very slender|
|細長<ほそなが>い棒状<ぼうじょう>の餠<もち>|rice cake in form of round stick|
|帆立貝<ほたてがい>|Yesso scallop, Giant Ezo scallop|
|牡丹雪<ぼたんゆき>|large snowflakes|
|解<ほど>く|release, untie, take off, undo|
|仏<ほとけ>の座<ざ>|henbit dead-nettle|
|殆<ほとん>ど|almost, nearly|
|鰡<ぼら>|gray mullet, flathead grey mullet|
|掘<ほ>る|dig, dig|
|彫<ほ>る|engrave, carve, chisel|
|ぼろ|rags, tatterd clothes|
|ぼろ服<ふく>|rags, tatterd clothes|
|ホンダワラ|gulfweed, sargassum|
|ホンダワラ汁<じる>|gulfweed soup|
|ぽんぽん蒸気<じょうき>|motorboat, launch|